Posting from your phone to a web photo gallery

Posting from your phone to a web photo gallery I started this site back in 2002 because, when I found out how to do something on my phone, I’d put it online. These days it’s news, news, news and I’m probably not publishing enough of the “how to” stuff any more. Today I figured it was about time, especially after a few of you emailed in asking, “How do you get the photos from your phone onto that blog page?

Here’s the full how-to, it doesn’t require any money and there isn’t much to set up. Put simply it involves a account and a quick email via an MMS message.

I love doing these articles, it gives me a warm glow inside when people read them and try out new things with their Windows Mobile phone. Sure, some might call it indigestion, but I’m calling it a warm glow. 😉 I’m also aiming to do a quick article about “Internet Sharing”, which is a fantastic feature with Windows Mobile 6 and has allowed me to get an internet connection on my laptop during our recent house move.

Link – Posting photos directly to an online gallery from your phone