More site improvements

More site improvements After spectacularly falling off the non-drinking wagon last night, I did some of my infamous late night completely drunk PHP coding. The end result, as I look at it the next morning, seems quite good. It basically means that you can now quick link to things.

For example, if you look at your address bar whilst viewing this news story, it’ll probably say…

Difficult to remember? Well yes. Difficult to post somewhere? Well, yes again. So, I’ve added a bunch of Quick Links which you’ll start to see at the bottom of news items, articles and stuff. Just right-click and choose “Copy Shortcut”, then dump it into the forum / newsgroup / website / blog that you’re using. What you’ll get, and what you’ll start to notice, is that the link above will suddenly turn into ..

See?! That’s easier to remember isn’t it? It’s bloody amazing what I can do when I’m drunk 🙂 You can also call articles in the format..

…and downloads, in the format…

Again, this will make browsing and using this site easier for you guys, and you can easily post links to useful articles, reviews, previews and news items around the web etc.