Author: Leigh Geary
This weekend I’ve seen a number of cheap Windows Phone devices. The Lumia 520 can be picked up on a Pay As You Go upgrade with Carphone Warehouse for just £59.95, meanwhile the HTC 8X has had a further price drop to £189.99 SIM Free (inc delivery). The …
Selling for around £137.34 from places like Ali Express, this is the Bluebo Beast B6000 MTK6589T. Yes, it does look a lot like a Samsung Galaxy Note. In fact, in the hands-on I was quite surprised at the build quality and speed of the device. It’s slightly thicker …
Steve Ballmer, top dog at Microsoft, is set to retire. Over the years Steve has been more than just the CEO, he’s been a rather vocal and infamous figurehead who doesn’t shy away from the limelight. His retirement date is set to be sometime within the next 12 …
A short while ago we detailed our new challenge. It seemed simple enough, but we immediately hit problems. The challenge was to put a smartphone in a box and send it to a destination whilst tracking it. It didn’t seem like a big ask, but sadly the battery …
Well, sadly, we knew this was coming. The crowd-funding system had worked well for some, but when you’re looking to source a cool $32 million, it’s a really, really big ask. Under the rules of the IndieGoGo crowd-funded site, the campaign would have only received funds if at …
So, just 9 hours remaining and Ubuntu are some $19.5 milllion short of their goal. What goal you say? Well, it’s a crowd-funded project to build the Ubuntu Edge, a smartphone that dual-boots into Ubuntu Mobile and Android whilst also converting into a full desktop PC. It’s going …
Flip phones. Ahh – I remember them. The Motorola MPx200 was a particular favourite and, deep down, I kinda miss the way you could slam the flap shut after a call. Samsung have today announced the Galaxy Golden, another flipper from the company. Yes, an actual physical numeric …
Yes, I’m busy writing another review, but I figured you’d like to see some up-close shots of the new Ascend P6 from Huawei. The specs include a 4.7″ 1280×720 display, a quad-core 1.5GHz processor, Android 4.2 and is an just 7mm thick. On the lower left of the …
Windows Phone. Things are actually looking up. Grabbing share from BlackBerry, they now seem to be shifting a lot of budget handsets too. The Nokia Lumia 520 seems to be taking a big slice of the Windows Phone 8 pie right now, at least if the numbers from …
There’s a fresh, clean look to the YouTube app in the newly updated version, released today. Get the latest version now and, when clicking on the top left of the video, you can pop the video out like this… It basically means that you can then search for …
“I’m a huge fan of your site”. Always a good start that. Well done PetziConnect. They launched an IndieGoGo campaign and had a goal of $30k. They’ve blown past that now and are at nearly $59k. What is it? Well, it’s a magical doo-hickey that’ll let you interact …
You know Example, but did you know that his real name is Elliot Gleave? Ooo.. bet you didn’t know that. Anyhoo, his next single is released on September 8th and it’s called “All The Wrong Places”. Y’know, the one that goes “I don’t know where we are, but …
When the Beats audio first starting appearing in HTC kit we saw, and still do, a lot of promotional material from HTC about the new sound technology. HTC at one point owned a 51% share of Beats, but that dropped down when Beats bought back 25%. A reported …
It can be a curse having such chunky fingers, but you know what they say about men with large fingers don’t you? Yep, ill-fitting gloves. Here then is Minuum keyboard. Yes, it’s a replacement for the stock Android keyboard. Yes, you’ve seen various types of keyboard already (including …
The BBC have just released a new app to keep your little ones occupied over the summer holidays. Let’s face it, kids do get hold of your phone or tablet and, after just a few minutes using it, they’ve installed a whole heap of rubbish apps which are …
You know when you go onto that website featuring a bee, or download a track over bittorrent and stick it on your phone, just so you can have that MP3 as your ringtone? Yeah. You’re not supposed to do that. It’s probably illegal or something. The Police are …
Sorry. I’m all over the place today. My emotional biorhythm is kinda low. I’m all teary and sad. Luckily my intellectual and intuition biorhythms are quite good, so I can write this story about Daily Biorhythm Light. It’s an app which shows you the best time to do …
We’ve seen a lot of noise from O2 and Vodafone about their new 4G plans and value-added content recently. Meanwhile, EE have taken to Twitter to ensure that everyone knows just how much of a head start they have. All these networks have one thing in common though, …
On Friday we published our red HTC One photo special. Here in the UK it’s exclusive to Phones4U, but now, if you’re in the USA, you can get it on Sprint tomorrow. The Sliver and Black shades will still be available, plus if you purchase an HTC One …
Sometimes, just sometimes, PayPal decide to do something a little strange. Sometimes it seems that they’re gone to the Google School of Customer Service, where either no emails are responded to or rules are suddenly enforced that no-one was really aware of. Sadly this story involves those GlassUp …
So, I’ve told you how to see the International Space Station easily, now let’s move onto that meteor shower everyone is talking about. Yes, you’ll be needing your phone again. Yes, you’ll be stood in your garden at night using the camera on your phone. Yes, it’s possible …
You may remember these glasses. They’re rather clever. They obviously protect your eyes from the glare of the sun, but hidden in the front there is a HD camera which films everything you look at. They’re worth £99 and you can read the full review here. Guess what? …
You want Office Mobile on your Android? You want it. You want it don’t you? Oh yes you do. Well, it’s easy. Just head here and grab Office Mobile for Office 365. Provided you’ve got an Office 365 subscription you can access, edit and view Word, Excel and …
A few days ago we told you about Robert Downey Jr signing up for HTC. The company has now launched their “Here’s To Change” advertising campaign with the help of the actor, and you’ll be seeing plenty more of this over the next two years. The first advert, …
Well, better late than never, O2 have taken the wraps off their 4G pricing. There’s a heavy emphasis on content once again and, ijust like Vodafone, they’ll be dishing up music and sport content to 4G customers. The new 4G tariffs, which are detailed here, include SIM-only deals …
Right, I’ve been asked a few times last night about the ISS, aka the International Space Station. If it’s relatively cloud-free you can turn all the lights off and stand in your garden and see it whizzing past…. at night, obviously. Well, it’d certainly make it easier. Last …
Come Padawan. Let me talk to you about something. Phones, as you’ll probably know, are ruddy expensive. I know you really, really don’t want to, but whacking a cover on your device is the best way to protect it. But hey, it’s boring isn’t it? A little bit. …
BlackBerry are against the ropes. They could be sold off as Microsoft eat up the remaining market share. However, a video has popped onto the internet today showing one of their new handsets – the BlackBerry Z30. This is reported to be powered by a dual-core Qualcomm S4 …
A 5.68″ Full HD Super AMOLED screen, 3GB LPDDR3 RAM and 3200mAh battery. Just some of the features said to be arriving in the new Galaxy Note III. A “trusted source” has tipped off the guys at SamMobile and it’ll appear in two slightly different variants. Both will …
Got yourself a Sony Xperia Z? Well first up, if you’re waiting for the Android 4.2.2 update then it’s not arriving over the air. You need to do an update via the PC Companion suite and then it should update your handset. Details are just coming in, …
We’re all working twice as hard for half the money so, during the last month or two, I’ve been looking at SIM-only deals and cheap-but-powerful SIM free phones. This week it’s the turn of the LG Optimus L9, down to £204.99 this week from those boys at Expansys. …
Speakers. We’ve seen a few of them now. Slowly the idea of a radio sitting in your kitchen is becoming old fashioned and portable Bluetooth speakers hooked up to tablets and smartphones are replacing them. The is the Soundship Micro and immediately it’s a rather interesting design. Almost …
Chaplin, US Marshals, Iron Man and now… HTC adverts. Robert Downey Jr had just signed a two year agreement with the company and there’s a 15 second preview of what you’ll soon be seeing below. He’ll be helping to promote and celebrate the impact that HTC have …
Videos, we love them. Take the HTC One for example. You’ve seen our HTC One overview and demo and a full look at how it’ll control your TV. It’s a fantastic phone and we’ve got a full HTC One review here. When the HTC One mini arrived we …
An updated version of Windows Phone 8 is on the horizon and GDR3, as it’s known, will contain a number of minor improvements. The rumoured changes include 1080p resolution support, the ability to have 3 medium-sized tiles in a row, orientation lock and a “Driver Mode” which will …
Morning all. I’ve got two bits of good news for you today. First, it’s Friday. Secondly, we’ve got a beautiful red HTC One for review. Yay! Now, I’ll let you into a secret. Come, follow me around the back of the Coolsmartphone servers and we’ll have a quick …
So yesterday we saw the LG G2. Many, I’m sure, will be wanting the LG logo to vanish and a Google Nexus one to appear instead. You do have to wonder how successful this would be if it was branded as a Nexus.. It’s coming to Three and …
Remember how I reviewed the Huawei Ascend P1 and said it was really rather amazing? Well, it is. I mean sure, I reviewed it a year ago but it’s still good. Now we’ve got a bit of news, can you guess what the best selling phone is at …
You’ll see this news appearing all over the web today so I’ll try and sum up the figures as briefly as possible. It’s smartphone share day and, by the looks of the IDC figures, Android is still on the rise. Android added a 73.5% volume gain and grabbed …
Welcome aboard. Take your seats for the live feed. Popcorn and drinks are available from your friendly Coolsmartphone staff. The live coverage is below, but if you want more we’ve managed to grab a big truck-load of videos to show off the new LG G2, so if you …