Author: Garry Clark

Nexus 9 Unboxing

It’s here my very own brand new Nexus 9 32gb Wifi. I have been looking forward to this day for a wee while as I loved my Nexus 7 (2013) edition and it was in desperate need of a successor. I have been reviewing a lot of tablets …

Gmail gets to update to Material design

This morning Android owners will have awoken to the news of Nexus 9’s being unboxed around the world (ours is here). Even if you don’t have a Nexus device you will be pleased to hear that you too can enjoy the new Gmail app from Lollipop as it’s …

Encase Bluetooth keyboard folio review

What is the main sticking point when trying to use an Android device for productivity? Simple. The keyboard. Sure, an onscreen keyboard is great for short notes and maybe the odd email or two, but for me it’s not a replacement for a physical keyboard. Although we have …

Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact unboxing and initial impressions

It is here. The day I’ve been waiting for. My newly acquired Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact has arrived. Although I had to wait a little longer than I would’ve liked (due to issues with the shipping companies), it’s here now. So, let’s find out if it was worth …

Lenovo Tab S8 unboxing

  Well here we have my first Intel powered Android device, in the form of the brand New Lenovo Tab S8. I picked this little beauty up in PC World for £149.99. It pretty much went on sale a few days ago. The device is so new they …

Nexus 9 Amazon preorders pushed back

Those of you who listen to our weekly podcast will undoubtable know that I have a Nexus 9 on order with Amazon for delivery in the 4th November. Well just to keep things interesting I received an email today informing me that this preorder is now being pushed …

Hauppauge mySelfie review

Are you a selfie fan? Want more control? Well, this weird little gadget should suit you. Or should it? The mySelfie is a Bluetooth remote for your smartphone or tablet. Not only that but it’ll work as an anti-theft key ring to locate your phone or your keys. …

Nexus 9 announced

The new Nexus tablet is here and it looks brilliant. Is it enough to compete on the market as it stands?  Well lets dig in and try to find out. I have owned and used both the previous Nexus 7 tablets amongst others, so I have been keen …

Sony Xperia Z3 Review

Oooh it is thinner and ….. um … lighter. That is what most people who pick up the new Z3 will say. Beyond that there are few visible cues to the fact that they are holding a newer phone. For the phone aficionados (like us) we will pick …

My coverage of Bart’s Bash 2014

Well the event is done and now it’s time to review how the event went and how once again mobile tech helped me during the event. As those of you who read my previous article will know I was planning on covering the event for the site by …

My Xperia Z2 and its organising skills.

For the past few weeks I have been working on organising a charity sailing event. Why is this relevant to Coolsmartphone? Well there are a few reasons for that. Number one, I have been doing most of the organisational work for this event on my smartphone. Secondly, my smartphone will be …

Are Sony going big @IFA 2014?

Lots of rumours are coming out of the interweb today in preparation of Sony’s IFA event on Wednesday. As an avid Sony fan this gets me a wee bit excited to say the least, so I will get into all the nitty gritty for you now. Xperia Z3 …

Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact rumoured for IFA

The rumour mill is winding up for IFA in the first week of September and all the major names will be there including Sony. Today we saw there will be something from them that was not expected, (at least this is what I am hoping as an avid …

EE in hot water over Priority Answer service

You know that new service that EE have started offering everyone but their pay and go customers? Yeah, the one where you pay 50p to queue jump. Well, it has landed them in some hot water on social media channels. #EE is just the RyanAir of mobile networks. …

Aces of Luftwaffe review

I don’t normally review games for smart phones as I don’t normally play them but this one caught my attention in a big way so I figured what the hell.   The premise of the game is very simple it is a top down rolling shooter that as …

Nokia Lumia Cyan Update roll out starts

The time that all Nokia WP8 users have been waiting for has arrived. Microsoft just announced that the Lumia Cyan Update is starting to roll out …! It will be reaching your device very soon and will bring some significant enhancements to your device. The main features that …

Vodafone Smart 4 Power and Smart 4 Turbo announced

EE have already released their own 4G handset and now it seems as Vodafone want to join the party too. They’ve just launched the Smart 4 Turbo and, coming soon, they’ll have the Smart 4 Power. These are aimed at lower end of the market and will bring 4G to …

Gunnar Optics Glasses review

I know what you are thinking. I have clearly lost my marbles. Maybe you’re right, but not with regard to this review. The reason I found these interesting is that I work in front of a computer screen all day, and I regularly end up with pretty sore …

Garmin Vivofit Fitness Tracker – Review

Wearables are very much the “in thing” at present. It is pretty much a free-for-all as to what they do and what their purpose should be. This is pretty interesting state of affairs because, due to the fact that everyone is having a shot at wearables, it means …

Gunnar Optics glasses unboxing

Time for something different. I have to wear glasses for work as I spend the vast majority of my day in front of a computer screen. Now, while the screens have got better than they once used to be, it can be very tiring on your eyes. Not …

Remote kill order initialised!

Thought that might get your attention 😉 Imagine the scene, you are on a bus /train/aeroplane/horse drawn cart or other mode of transport. You are minding your own business and get off without a care in the world. A while later you go to get your phone and …

Garmin Vivofit unboxing

What do we have here then? A wearable that doesn’t need to be charged everyday? Is that possible ? I have been really excited to get this gadget. This, for me, is where wearables become useful. The big thing that holds them back is the fact that you …

A meeting destined to shape our future?

This evening I am having a meeting. This meeting will be taking place in a bar. Some drinks will be drunk and words will be exchanged. It sounds quite dull and mundane. However, the meeting is with a very interesting chap by the name of James Hepburn. Chances …

Huawei Ascend P7 review

Whoway? Who are they? The answer of this question is really a simple one. Huawei are the people who have been, and continue to, make the equipment that powers our mobile networks. It’s the kit that keeps us all talking to each other, but it’s mostly hidden in cabinets. They’ve …

Xperia Z2 BookCover by Roxfit

For those of you out there who are lucky enough to have picked up a brand new Xperia Z2, well I’ve done this one just for you. Roxfit have been specialising in covers for the Xperia range for the past few years and I have tested several of …

Motorola also announce a 4G version of the Moto G

Today we have been treated to not just one piece of news from Motorola but two. Alongside the announcement of the uber cheap Moto E they have also announced the Moto G in a 4G variety This great wee phone will come with the addition of a Micro …

Unboxing of the Huawei Ascend P7 and first impressions

I have now had the Huawei Ascend P7 in my hands for a little under 12 hours and in that time I have had a play with the device properly. This includes that new “Panoramic Selfie” feature. All in all I think it is a very nice handset. …

Huawei Ascend P7 hands on.

Here is a quick selection of hands-on photos from the event in Paris. Don’t forget that you can get full Huawei P7 details in my earlier post. I will get an unboxing video up later on today, but until then enjoy! As you can see it is lovely …

Huawei Ascend P7, all the info

So there we have it – the Huawei P7. It has now been announced to the world’s press. It’s a beautiful looking device which has a glorious feel to it thanks to it an all metal construction, very similar to its predecessor the P6. The dimensions come in …

What is in my bag? Huawei Paris event edition

Today I embark on a brief sojourn to Paris for a the Huawei press event. I thought I would enlighten you as to the kit I intend to use for the trip. As this is a reasonably short trip I don’t need to be hugely weighed down so …

Huawei P7 Rumoured Specs, Updated

Here is what we think we know about the upcoming Huawei P7. The phone is going to be a metal construction with a minimalistic bezel allowing them to cram in a 5″ 1080p res display panel into it. Huawei are going to be once again using in house …

Xperia Z2 Tablet – Review

Firstly I would like to offer up an apology for the time I this taken for me to get this review up. I just wanted to make sure that I had enough time to test the tablet to its fullest. So without further ado, the review.. Hardware/Design Those …

Huawei P7 Mini to be announced at same time as P7?

If rumours are to be believed then Huawei are looking to announce not one but two phones in Paris on the 7th of May. Pictures have just appeared online of the rumoured P7 Mini along with some specs… 4.5-inch 960×540 resolution display Quad-core Snapdragon 400 SoC 1.2GHz and …

OnePlus One preorder with Mobile Fun

Yesterday the Chinese startup OnePlus launched their “Flagship killer“. Today we have an announcement that the phone is available for preorder from Mobilefun in both varieties. The prices are pretty steep at the moment but I’m sure they will be straightened out prior to the actual release. Currently …

iWalk Backup Charger Review

I’m not usually one to run out of power on my mobile device. At work I have access to a multitude of chargers all day. I also tend to get about 1 1/2 to 2 days out of my phone and more from my tablets. However, as the …

Clear-Coat UK protection review.

Screen protection. You either love it or you hate it. Unfortunately, with the current screen technology that exists, it is a necessary evil. There’s a vast array of options out there right now that’ll protect your screen but these offerings vary vastly in quality and price. Clear-Coat is …

iGuy iPad Mini case review

Do you have a young child? Does you heart jump into your mouth when those grubby little hands reach out and grab you iPad? If the answer to either question is yes then you need to keep reading. The iGuy case from Speck comes in iPad mini and …