Author: Garry Clark

Bond Phone Ad appears online

It is fair to say that here at Coolsmartphone we are a little bit excited about the new Bond Phone or as it more widely know the Xperia T. Today has seen the first Advert that has been focused on the Xperia T launch  it has been made in …

NFC Demo using the Bond Phone

Now then Bond pay attention………. Here it is then the Bond phone showing of some of it technical wizardry enough to make Q giddy with excitement. One of the great feature of the recent Xperia Line up including the newly announced Xperia T is NFC is built in …

Sony Xperia T Unboxing – The Bond phone

The time has come for one of the first UK unboxings of the new Xperia T. As you may or may not know I am a Sony Mobile Ambassador in my other life (when not working or writing on here). This gives me several perks, one of which …

Xperia T review and unboxing incoming

Hi fair readers, Just a wee quick one to say that very soon we will be getting a Sony Xperia T to unbox and review compliments of Sony. I am very pleased to say that due to me being part of the Sony Ambassador program we will be …

O2 gives customer Free £10 to spend in O2 Stores

You may remember that there was a slight issue with the network in the middle of July where customers cold not use their phones at all. Well for once a company has realised that it has made an arse of the situation and are doing something to try …

Huawei Ascend P1 – Review 2

Those regular eagle eyed readers out there will have noted that this phone has already been reviewed by our editor in chief Leigh Geary, so instead of rehashing what he has already done, this will give you a different slant on this slim powerhouse. Hardware The phone is …

HTML5 a Call to Arms for developers

I would warn you before you read any more this is a rant and it may ramble a bit.       Now with that sorted let’s continue, I like many of the Coolsmartphone team am now a proud owner of a Nexus7 tablet. It is a great …

Lumia owners embraced by Nokia

Microsoft may have decided to leave us Lumia owners out in the cold regarding the Windows Phone 8 update but Nokia have come to our aid, with the warm and comforting shoulder that a good parent should do. As of June the 27th they will begin rolling out …

Cisor BT5 Review

Here we have a new entry into the market of audio accessories for mobiles and tablets. It comes in the form of a small cylinder about half the size of a drinks can, but with enough power to blow your socks off. So what is this almighty cylinder …

Gadget Show Live 2012

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending the trade only day of Gadget Show Live 2012 at the NEC in Birmngham. This was a great experience and I am grateful to Otone Audio who were good enough to provide my ticket for me to attend. I will hopefully …

Why is my Android Phone not getting an Update?

This is a question that I find is being asked all the time by Android users. I’m in a position working in the telecoms industry where I get asked this about 20 times a day. It’s something that I have become fairly blase about. The honest truth is …

HTC Rhyme. Has it got the Rhythm?

I am a fan of big screen phones. There I admit it, so why I may here you ask do I have HTC‘s latest offering in the Rhyme sitting in front of me for review. Well the reason couldn’t be simpler, if you are a regular reader of …

Demo of Sony Xperia Ice Cream Sandwich beta ROM

Here is a long awaited demo of what the new Sony UX will look like with Ice Cream Sandwhich installed. I for one am very excited by this as it’s really flying along on the Arc S. On the Xperia S well we can only imagine how good …

O2 and HTC hit the Town In Edinburgh

O2 and HTC have combined forces last night giving people the oppurtunity to come out and meet them and get there hands on with some of the current line up. The event which was held in the Three Sisters Pub in Edinburgh gave the chance for some phone …

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 follow up

I have been using the Tab 7.7 now for about 3 weeks and thought it may be time to do a follow on from my initial observations. As those of you who read the previous article are aware I have had my reservations about a few of the …

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 16GB Wifi Review

Here is a quick question for you how do you make of the most successful Android Tabs in the sub ten-inch category even better? Well the answer is an obvious one. You put it on a diet send it for a lobotomy and then take it back to …

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 unboxing

I have obviously been doing something right in the last few weeks as I have been given a very exciting opportunity. Thanks to Handtec I have got my hands on some of the latest Tech of the year. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7, this is a great diminutive …

Defence Zone HD for iPad

  So here is yet another Tower defence game, why do I need to get another one of those when there are literally hundreds of the available. This is a very good question and one that I hope to answer in the process of this review. I have …

A shooting Ray of light

There has been quite a lot of activity from the Sony Ericsson design team this year and the latest device to be brought forth from their creative minds is the Xperia Ray. This phone is not your usual fair from SE in that it does not fall into …

The return of the Motorola Razr

So Motorola are making their comeback and they are using the Razr name to do it. This phone is coming to multiple networks and brings a smorgasbord of figures to the table including the slimmest frame and also being made out of bulletproof material (Disclaimer Coolsmartphone do not …

Dre Dre Beats Solo HD review

So O2 are going to be stocking the Beats Solo HD headphones very soon (along with rest of their range) and, as I have been using these headphones for the past 4 months now I thought I would share some opinions of the headphones themselves. The headphones were …

iOS 5 the new standard? (cont)

So here as promised is the follow up article reviewing iOS 5 beta. In this article I will be focusing on the negative aspects of the new software. Before I get started however I do want to address some of the comments that I received from my last …

iOS 5 the new standard?

So I have decided as my first review as a guest reviewer for Coolsmartphone should be on iOS 5. I have been using the platform now for about a month and it is my day to day OS on my iPad 2. I would like to cover the …