Category: 5G

Vodafone 5G – Mobile gaming on test

The new, faster 5G network will, when combined with connected gaming, create a whole new world of mobile games. Vodafone have tested their 5G network in Birmingham with Gaming Expert, “Syndicate” and has been checking out some of the cloud-based games from Hatch. The new, faster 5G network …

Three announces 5G launch date, complete with loads of spectrum.

It’s the “Need for speed” according to Three, and they’ve announced that their 5G network will arrive in August. By then there’ll be just London, but things look to be spinning up very quickly, with 25 towns and cities going live by the end of this year. Using …

Compared – 4G vs 5G

There’s no doubt about it, 5G is going to make an amazing difference to your data speeds. The throughput is astonishing and we’ve seen examples of entire movies being downloaded in seconds. There is, though, two very important changes that 5G will cause. The first, rather obviously, is …

EE 5G goes live today

In all honesty, if I was to give my personal opinion, I’d admit to you that 4G seems to be enough for me. The increased price of 5G on EE and the speed at which you can pile through it is putting me off. However, today marks the …

Vodafone 5G phones go live. No Huawei in sight..

A partnership with streaming gaming provider “Hatch”, 5G roll-out plans and pricing. It’s all here from Vodafone today. They’ve also announced two 5G-ready handsets – the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G and Xiaomi Mi MIX 3. No Huawei 5G phones. The pricing, according to Voda, is the same as …

Huawei. And so the problems begin.

It really can’t be underestimated just how much the American restrictions are going to impact Huawei. Right now, their phones are fantastic. I recommend them. Both Huawei and Honor are absolutely smashing it out of the park, but here’s just a quick look at the problems they’ve got …

EE get the jump on Vodafone. 5G going live on May 30th

Vodafone recently announced their 5G go-live date of July 3rd, but today, in a briefing to press, EE gave announced their intention to switch everything on next Thursday. It means that EE will provide the UK’s first full 5G service, even if there’s really nobody using it just …

EE – Down for whatever

If you’re an EE customer then you could be having problems making and receiving calls right now. Problems appear to have started at 8 this morning and have progressively got worse as the day has gone on. EE have just added this update to Twitter… …which has …

Huawei goes 5G. Welcome in, the Mate 20 X

A mobile phone company called Huawei announced a phone late last night. You might not have heard about them because they’re hardly ever in the news 🙂 Thing is, this is a 5G phone, and it’s a first for the company. The Huawei Mate 20 X 5G is …

Vodafone 5G to go live on July 3rd

No additional cost and 5G roaming into four European countries, it’s all to come on Vodafone and they’re the network to announce a go-live date. The company will be switching on the new 5G service for all their customer on July 3rd, which is just over 7 weeks …

Three 5G Update – Second live site now online

Way back in the day, a new network called “Three” appeared on the scene. They were the first 3G network at the time and, if you had a rather bulky 3G video phone, you could do video calls and browse the internet on the move. At the time …

Vodafone 5G trials at New Street

Trying out 5G is a little tricky because, put simply, none of us have 5G phones just yet. Now though, if you’re in and around Birmingham, you can try out 5G at Grand Central. Vodafone have invited people travellers to test 5G speeds as part of live trial …

More time with the Mate X and 5G news

I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to get a little bit more hands-on time with the Huawei Mate X. I thought I would take some time to give you my initial thoughts. Before I dive into that first thoughts I must remind you that …

Vodafone to launch 5G in 19 cities this year

With actual, real, 5G smartphones announced now, there’ll be customers soon wanting to take advantage of this new super-speedy capability. Vodafone have announced that trial sites in Liverpool, Cardiff and Bristol have just been enabled, and 12 further cities – on top of the 7 already announced – …

MWC – Huawei Keynote

So we are in our seats waiting for the Huawei Keynote to start off and show us how to connect our future. We are expecting to see some exciting announcements with a large focus on 5G and bendy phones. However what other treats will Huawei have in store …

Three UK start S10 pre-orders

In case you missed it yesterday, Samsung announced a range of new products including the Galaxy S10e, Galaxy S10 and the larger S10+ As we normally get with big smartphone announcements, networks soon send out pricing information and confirmation they will be selling it. Three will be stocking …

Manchester becomes the UK’s first 5G-connected airport

If you’re heading to Manchester Airport soon, check out the new Vodafone 5G trial area. You can test the new lightning speeds by grabbing a film or TV box set using the 5G technology. Further locations are coming soon, but if you’re at the airport you can now …

Vodafone expanding coverage with manholes

If you’re looking to grow your mobile coverage you’d traditionally think of large mobile masts, right? We have a love / hate relationship with these things, and our mast finder article has been inundated with people trying to find out where their most local mast is. Sadly, there’s …

EE to enable sixteen 5G sites next year

Blimey. We’ve got to keep up with this one. It only seems a few minutes since EE announced that nine 5G sites, but in 2019 they’re hoping to have coverage in the busiest parts of 16 cities. London, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff and Belfast will be in “phase …

EE switches on nine 5G sites

Lots of 5G news today and, following the announcement that Three are to invest £5bn into 5G, EE are announcing that parts of East London will have 5G coverage. Of course, you don’t have a 5G-enabled phone. Neither do we, but EE can use these sites as a …

Three sink over £2bn into 5G

UK network Three, who are already well-known for pushing their data network, have today announced they are investing over £2bn into 5G technology. With all the networks full steam ahead in their 5G plans, Three have a great opportunity to stand out thanks to their large spectrum holding …

Vodafone first to carry 5G over a commercial network

After the trials in April, Vodafone have become to the first network to switch on “full 5G” in the UK with live traffic going over a site in Salford. OK, so you can’t use your smartphone on super-fast 5G just yet, but instead this mast is helping provide …

EE switch on their first live 5G site

Moving from 3G to 4G now seems like a distant memory. Indeed, on the very, very odd occasion that I do drop to 3G I suddenly think… My God! 3G is terrible. How did we cope with this?! But wait, forget about 3G. We’re using 4G and already …

Vodafone beams footballer across England using 5G

The CTO at Vodafone UK, Scott Petty, wanted to show us what 5G can really do last week. The new tech will definitely make everything faster, but how will it benefit our lives otherwise? Well, with the aid of England and Manchester City Women’s Football Captain Steph Houghton, …

EE switches off more 3G as 4G takes over

The 2100MHz 3G frequency has been in use by all the UK operators for a long time. Now EE are refarming the spectrum so that it’ll power 4G instead. This effectively means that EE will have five “carriers” of the 4G signal – more than any other UK …

O2 Refresh gets big….refresh

The big news just now comes from UK network O2. They’re making a big update to their Refresh contract offering. In case you did not know, O2 Refresh split your contract into two payments. First an airtime part which is for your talk / text / data, and …

EE announce super fast delivery and setup service

EE have today announced a new delivery service available on certain flagship devices. Super fast delivery will enable customers to get their new device the same day, with a timeslot and location best suited to you. Staying in all day for a delivery can be not only frustrating, …

Three UK report H1 2018 results

Three have announced their H1 2018 results and there is some key information to be taken out from them, even if you do not want to read all of the press release below. The customer base has increased to 10.1m customers thanks to some great offers and partnerships. …

Mobile Phone Signal Booster. It’s arrived.

We’ve now taken delivery of our mobile phone booster. It’s a big day but also a strange one. As I type, we’re sitting in a barn in a field. There’s nothing but cows and sheep all around me yet we’ve got 1Gbps fibre connectivity. The fibre optic cables …

Three to help with digital skills

UK network Three have just announced an idea to help train customers on the digital world. It’ll help them keep connected and up to date. “Discovery” by Three gives people a chance to learn about social media, online shopping, backups and much more. Plus with 21% of the …

Three UK steps up 5G preparation

Three have enhanced their deal with SSE Telecoms to connect their network to local BT exchanges. This will boost network performance and connectivity to customers. The move is a big step towards the 5G launch in the UK, but will also have huge benefits for existing 4G customers …