Category: iOS
Got an Android handset for Christmas ? You could be one of the 3.7 million people who activated their device on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. A staggering amount considering that there’s 700,000 per day during “normal weeks”. Andy Rubin has jumped onto Twitter to announced the stats …
We like free stuff at Coolsmartphone so don’t forget, Apple’s 12 days of Christmas starts today with free videos and music available every day until 6 January. Get the app from the app store if you haven’t already for a great Coldplay freebie!
OK, imagine the scene. It’s Christmas Day and you are forced to watch some boring TV show at a relatives house. A new app from the guys at is now available to let you watch a rather large selection of live TV channels. Available for iOS and …
So we have all seen the QR codes for links to websites or apps. They basically are a two dimensional barcode that can contain a hyperlink or other info. I have scanned them in the past to get a link to a website from a poster, to get …
We came across ClipFlip today. It is an app you install on either your iPhone or on your Android phone. Once registered with ClipFlip and Paypal you basically just film something useful on your phone and upload it to the ClipFlip servers using the app. They then watch …
At first look this may seem pretty bad. HTC, according to the courts, are using an Apple patent and, if it’s not removed, handsets would have to be removed from sale all across America. Looking deeper into it and you be right in thinking that this is actually …
Right, Sky TV. We like them. We’d rather pay less each month, but heck, that’s the way things are. Now, a new version of their Sky+ app is available and adds Series Link. It’s a feature that many have wanted to see for some time, plus there’s a …
Microsoft have just released an updated app for ‘SkyDrive’ available for your iOS device or your Windows Phone 7. Not really sure why they have released a seperate app for WP7 as you could already access all your Skydrive docs from your Office tile, all be it the …
The BBC have just updated their iOS iPlayer app to support streaming over 3G. An update to the Android version will soon arrive which will also add this capability, meaning that you can finally watch and listen to BBC content on the move. The BBC have been quick …
Come on, you’ve probably seen all the news about Apple and various other phone manufacturers being involved in lawsuits. Until now Apple has been fairly successful in winning every legal battle and have forced many manufacturers to change the design of their products, licence features or just remove …
Twitter look to be giving their site a new look at the moment so it’s good to see that both the iPhone and Android apps have had a facelift too. The new look is clean, fresh and simplistic. Everything is now easier to use and it’s better at …
Playscreen have just released a new game for the iPhone. It is called Playscreen Poker and it is a free poker game that has various social elements. To be honest here I don’t play poker and I don’t do social so I can’t really comment on how good …
I’ve been known to frequent a few pubs in my time, so when word came through of the Good Pub Guide’s new app I was keen to give it a whirl. Created by the makers of the well-established and bestselling Good Pub Guide book, the app contains all …
It looks like we could be one step nearer to the whole Apple vs Samsung debacle moving to a close – though not in the foreseeable future… Reuters are reporting that “Apple failed to convince a U.S. judge to block Samsung Electronics from selling Galaxy smartphones and tablets in the U.S. market, depriving …
You’re probably all getting bombarded with deals and offers from shops and retailers at the moment. Well, the guys at Currys and PC World have promised to buy me a brand new TV* if I pimp their Christmas Deals app. It’s basically an advent calendar, and each day …
For those that remember the good old days of the Commodore 64 and Spectrum, the Codemasters classic Dizzy – Prince Of The Yolkfolk is heading to iPhone and Android this December. I personally spent countless hours attempting to get Dizzy to jump from screen to screen and land …
Carrier IQ is software that is built into devices like Android, BlackBerries, Nokias and iPhones. It seems as though the “keylogger”/”rootkit” is installed by the Network supplying the device. The version built into Android logs everything that you do on your device. Even those pictures of yourself, in …
Apple has released iOS5.1 beta to its developers. This is the first main update to iOS5 since it was released in Oct. Apple released a minor update iOS 5.0.1 earlier this month to address the battery issues that many iPhone users had to deal with. This update for …
Handbags at the ready. This new Galaxy SII advert seems to be taking a direct swipe at the iPhone. It shows a queue of people patiently waiting for the new iPhone 4S and… well, it’s probably best to view it below 🙂 Samsung have actually just lost another …
Google have just given their iPad search app a fairly substantial overhaul. The updated app features a much slicker UI with an integrated browser that slides across to display websites when you click on search results. It’s a feature quite reminiscent of Twitter for iPad. The app also …
Over on XDA Developers it seems that the SIRI Protocol has been cracked and this now potentially means that it could be ported or used on different OS including Android!. We are able to use Siri’s recognition engine from any device. Yes, that means anyone could now write an Android …
I’m meeting a lot of people at the moment who are planning to upgrade to the rather excellent Galaxy SII. I always agree with them because, in all honesty, it’s an absolutely fantastic device. Just to confirm that, the Galaxy SII has won another award. This time it’s …
After initially appearing on the App Store and quickly being pulled because of bugs, the long awaited Gmail app for iOS has now reappeared. This time in a somewhat more stable form. Those of you familiar with the (pretty fantastic) Gmail mobile web apps will feel right at …
Gartner have released some figures showing worldwide smartphone sales by OS for Quarter 3 of 2011. They show that Android has gained a bigger share of the market compared to Quarter 3 2010. Once again the stato’s out there have gone mad analysing these figures. Apple’s iOS has …
Cases, eh? It seems a shame to wrap your new shiny smartphone up, adding bulk, hiding it away. On the other hand, we’ve all seen the horror of a smashed screen, normally acquired during an “energetic” evening and a few shandies. So, if you’re going to have a …
Yes folks you read it right, the update for those with battery issues has arrived. Head into the software update menu on your handset to get it now or plug your device into iTunes and update the old fashion way. Image from Mashable
So where do I go? I should explain… The last time I upgraded, I plumped for the HTC Desire. If I recall correctly, there wasn’t a huge amount of choice (feel free to flame me in the comments…) and it was the sister phone of the Nexus One, …
Most of us love snapping away with our beloved phones, and many Android phones have apps for taking panoramic pictures, and there are some in iTunes that will help you stich photos together. However, did any of us think that simply installing iOS 5 we would have this …
After sorting out using Siri whilst walking.. See here.. I decided to turn my attention to the car.. Sure, there are various solutions that enable you to do simlar things in the car, but they’re all quite expensive. I wanted to use Siri, be able to do hands free …
Ever since I started using my iPhone 4S I’ve been using Siri more and more. It’s incredibly useful. Almost immediately I could see great benefits. Walking to work – pick songs / playlists, make calls, read and compose text messages etc.. all without removing your phone from your …
Can you read? Yes? Well in that case this app will be right up your street. Zinio is a magazine reader. It lets you read digital versions of popular magazines. My first thought when I saw this was that it was going to be expensive. Then I saw …
Apple admitted today that a number of bugs have been identified in iOS5 which have caused battery issues for some users.. the full quote is as follows “A small number of customers have reported lower than expected battery life on iOS 5 devices,” Apple said in a statement …
One thing the App Store on iOS is not short of, is weather apps. As no doubt you’re aware, us brits are obsessed with the weather, so I’m certain at least some of you will find this app review useful. I say review, but it’s pretty hard to …
As previously reported, many users of the iPhone 4S have been reporting poor battery life. Now Oliver Haslam at iDownloadBlog has come up with a fix. It seems the problem lies with the “Setting Time Zone” option causing the location services to run constantly, sucking the battery dry …
Available for absolutely nothing, Waze is an Android / iPhone / BlackBerry / Nokia application which works by sharing data between users. By sharing and collecting information on progress by other users it’ll help build a picture of road conditions. Their Live Map shows some of the reports …
According to the Guardian there have been cases of Apple contacting iPhone 4S owners to try and ascertain the problem amidst reports of poor battery life being reported. Have you been affected by this? Let us know!
Today it has been widely reported that Samsung in Quarter 3 of 2011 have “shipped” more smartphones than any other manufacturer. As usual statistics are being used to cover up what is really going on. The analysts are being quoted as saying devices “shipped”. Which means the number …
Yep, you no longer need a Nokia to get your Nokia Maps goodness. Simply browse to and it’ll locate you using the HTML5 wizardry. Other features include.. You can see where you are on the map, thanks to HTML5 support for positioning You can find addresses, businesses …
Motorola have just announced their Q3 results and their supposed iPad killing Xoom tablet accounted for a tiny slice of sales during the quarter. They shipped a total of 11.6 million mobiles devices of which the Xoom represented a mere 100,000 units. In contrast, Apple sold 11.12 million …
Yesterday something happened, and it wasn’t the launch of a phone. It was the awarding of a trademark to Apple for the slide-to-unlock gesture. The US Patent Office database desribes …. Unlocking a device by performing gestures on an unlock image. A device with a touch-sensitive display may …