Podcast Archives - Coolsmartphone

Category: Podcast

Podcast 255 – The Cancer Edition

No flashy intro on this one. No smartphone news. It’s all a bit serious I’m afraid. Cancer. It’s not a nice thing to talk about and it’s not something I’d ever imagine doing a podcast about, but since the last Coolsmartphone Podcast (in July!) I basically very nearly …

Podcast 254 – Blimey! Remember these?

“Sporadic” seems to be the word for these podcasts. If you’ve listened to some of them then you might be aware that they’re usually recorded in the car as it’s the only free time I have. However, these are not normal times. These are very strange times and …

Podcast 253 – MoDaCo and Coolsmartphone lock it down

This one is a bit special and if you want to see the video version just head here. Paul O’Brien gave me a nudge and suggested we just have a relaxed chat and a discussion about the current coronavirus situation plus our favourite gadgets at the moment. The …

Podcast 252 – Coronavirus Lockdown Biscuit Special

Normally I record these podcasts whilst driving to and from work. However, the world has turned upside down of late and I’m instead sitting at home eating far too many biscuits. It’s all a bit weird isn’t it? The coronavirus has changed things so much, and despite the …

Podcast 251 – Sky TV and Mobile World Congress

Yes, we’re back – the podcast has returned! We should have a big bumper news package after Mobile World Congress in Barcelona but, as you know, that went in the bin due to coronavirus outbreak. In this episode we cover that and the impact it’ll have on the …

Podcast 250 – My bottom looks like a chewed orange

It’s been a huge two months since the last podcast. What happened? Well, normally I record these podcasts whilst driving and, just recently I’ve had a distinct lack of car. Instead I’ve done the commute on my bike. It helped with the preparation for that mad bike ride …

Podcast 249 – Don’t text and drive people!

Another new intro, a lot of talk about MOT’s, fishing, caravans and actual smartphone-related chatter too. It’s all here folks, and it’s part of Podcast 249. Recorded in the car, in this episode I also do a manly “pap” on the horn due to the driver in front drifting in …

Podcast 247 – One day late, but still sounding great

It’s a long, long drive in a 50mph zone today, and I recorded the whole thing twice because the first time I’d forgotten to press record. Doah F1 Car tech. Truly bonkers. Xiaomi pricing. Our rather expansive reviews. Launches! Lots of launches!. How to not use the toll …

Podcast 246 – Who the hell parks like that?

I recorded this yesterday. Just yesterday. It’s our funtastical podcast – the one that walks that dangerous line between serious tech talk and how I once parked my Lexus underneath a Land Rover (no, really). So week I’ve got you a slice of the following… A properly professional …

Podcast 245 – I bet you didn’t expect us…

Well, what a completely insane Easter weekend that was. We went to the countryside, I flew a drone, crashed it, then went to the beach and I also found time to mow the lawn, clean the bathroom and even clean out the car. My life is so rock …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 243 – Direct from my executive jet

Yes, I’m straight off the plane and into the car to record the podcast. Driving down the M6 in heavy rain definitely makes for an interesting sound in the background. The podcast audio sounds like a badly-tuned FM radio station. Gotta love it. Gotta love it. This week …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 242 – Late night special

Another week, another podcast, and yes – it’s still as regular as a Brexit Meaningful vote. This week it’s a 48 minute edition covering the story behind the Android bike computer, phone cases, the new Huawei P30 and my quest for a well-priced reconditioned iPhone. As usual, the …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 241 – I need a Hero!

This week I broke my lengthy two-week tradition of recording the podcast in the car. Somehow I found myself with something called “free time”, so I’ve picked up on an earlier story about how the site started. Now you can listen to the second part of that story, …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 240 – Look at my teeth!

This week, in Podcast 240, I experiment with cross-fading. Yes, cross-fading. To be honest I had to Google it to see what it was. It’s where the audio fades nicely between two tracks. It’s because I record the podcast in various chunks, during trips to work, to the …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 239 – 1.21 gigawatts!

In this episode we’re going to turn the clock back. We’re going to do a full Back to the Future show for you this week and, although we don’t have any plutonium and we don’t have a flux capacitor, we do have a car. So, a quick update …

Our Favourite Technology – Right Here – Right Now – It’s the Coolsmartphone Podcast 237

Welcome to the Coolsmartphone Podcast Episode 237. In this Episode we discuss our current favourite technology including Smartphones, Tablets, Gadgets and even Cars, it could almost be The Grand Tour Getting Connected CSP Team Members on this Podcast are: John M – https://twitter.com/GreyingGeekJohn Leigh – https://twitter.com/gears Gary – https://twitter.com/bengrendon Get Listening: …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 232 – iPhone eKs Esse Maxxx Arrr

The Coolsmartphone Podcast. This week Matteo, Majid and Khellan got together to discuss the new iPhones and the positive aspects of Brexit on the world of technology. Yes, we went all political, or maybe it was just the flu tablets speaking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTUMB7DU5H0

Coolsmartphone Podcast 231 Fruity Phone Expert

It has taken the Podcast Editing Porgs a while to edit this episode, probably because all the fruity talk took them a while to parse and decide if to keep or cut. We had the fruity phone expert and assiduous micro-blogger Greg Morris (@gr36) as a guest on …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 230 IPO is not IPA

Matteo and Khellan tried to keep this episode short and sweet, and pretty much managed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvg5sqqbP9g So, that’s another episode in the can!

Coolsmartphone Podcast 229 We Git Back On Track

We are known for going off track on the Coolsmartphone Podcast. That’s probably one of the main reasons you listen to us. This week Matteo, Khellan and Majid did their best to get back on track. https://youtu.be/lF8Q3XUhwmo Not only did the Tenacious Podcasters discuss the Xiaomi Mi 8 …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 228 Podcast Interrupted

Matteo and Khellan tried. They tried really hard, but when life gives you a flaky internet connection you just let the Podcast Editing Porgs do their job. https://youtu.be/vWVWsK7mNmE Anyway, the Porgs have done a wonderful job, and will be delivering another episode next week. Happy listening!

Coolsmartphone Podcast 226 Capitalist Pig Notches

“Notch notch!” “Who’s there?” “It is the Coolsmartphone Podcast!” “The Coolsmartphone Podcast who?” “Capitalist Pig Notches!”. In this episode we discuss the Huawei’s P20 range, notches and class analysis for anti-capitalist struggle. https://youtu.be/y6bAFnxqioE This was notch an unpleasant episode to record with Majid and Khellan. If you have …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 225 In Sync

This week Matteo and Khellan got together to discuss the Smasung Galaxy S9 and S9+, the HTC Desire 12 and a bunch of other nonsense. They went off the track a bit, but gracefully kept things short and sweet. https://youtu.be/a–4xZaeE3A As usual, any feedback is welcome. Just pop …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 224 Post-MWC

Matteo and Garry got together to have a chat about MWC and everything seen and announced. This is episode 224 of the Coolsmartphone Podcast. Available on iTunes, whatever your other podcast client of choice is, and even YouTube. https://youtu.be/fCYNSfHueoQ As usual, feel free to leave us feedback here …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 224 Live

We are back with another live episode of the Coolsmartphone Podcast. No backlog to clear for the Podcast Editing Porgs, so expect the edited version out sooner than usual. https://youtu.be/y6bAFnxqioE Feel free to hit us up on Twitter with any questions you may have. Happy watching!

Coolsmartphone Podcast 222 Porgi Intervention

Another week, another published edited podcast. The Porgs are doing a mighty fine job, even while I vacation in the United States of America (#murica). https://youtu.be/o3EtIAyeu-Y We apologise in advance for the audio quality, at this point we were still learning what a microphone is and left the …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 221 The Gift That Keeps On Giving

It is mid-February. We are approaching a significant shopping event (Saint Valentines Day). The Coolsmartphone Team love you all unconditionally. Our Podcast Editing Porgs worship you like gods, and sacrifice themselves for the production of the podcast. So what better gift can we give you other than one …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 220 A Bristol Chart For Phones

Podcast Editing Porgs are working through the backlog. We quite like the friendly little screamers. Here is another two month old episode of the Coolsmartphone Podcast, edited with love, just for you… https://youtu.be/FJD2x_ZQNeQ There you go. Another session of Matteo, Majid and Garry rambling on about Huawei, Honor, …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 219 eKs El

Things didn’t work out with the Podcast Editing Jawas. They got all excited about The Last Jedi and then went AWOL. After a long period of recruitment, we now have hired a small flock of Podcast Editing Porgs who seem to get stuff done… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RiDwMINtEM In this episode, …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 218 Pixelating the Product Portfolio

OK, the Jawas are now operating under the fear imposed by the Coolsmartphone Order and throwing edited podcasts at us faster than we can manage to publish them, so we’ll trickle them out one per day for the next few days. Here is episode 218 for your listening …

Coolsmartphone Podcast 217 iPhone eKs

The Coolsmartphone Podcast is back to publishing again. This episode, number 217 was recorded on September 26th 2017. It is now available to download from your Podcast Client of choice, listen to here on Coolsmartphone.com or watch as an unedited episode on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Npz72InkDYY Again, Coolsmartphone.com apologises for …