Category: Gadgets & Tech
A few years back most people will have perhaps ignored USB ports. They weren’t for charging at one point. They were for peripherals – scanners, webcams and more. Sure, we still have mice, keyboards and other kit plugging into USB ports now but – more than ever – …
Drones. They’re a hot topic at the moment. You can go down to Aldi and get yourself a fairly cheap drone right now. Trouble is, they’re big, sometimes difficult to master and you’ll need to make sure you don’t fly it in the wrong places. Outside a neighbour’s …
Here at Coolsmartphone a number of writers use a Chromebook as their primary device. I’m one of them (I’m writing this very article on the fantastic Asus Chromebook Flip). Despite being cracking devices Chromebooks have never really hit the limelight… until now. It appears that the Google low-cost …
Being able to cycle around in these balmy sunny evenings is really refreshing, but when it does eventually get dark you’re going to need a bike light. These are plentiful, and you can even put an action camera on the handlebars to record your journey and log any …
Remember our review of the Titan cable? Well, there’s now an Indiegogo campaign for a new Zus Kevlar cable. It’s supposed to be all tough and rugged, so some guy figured that the best way to show it off would be to yank his car around with it. …
The Acer Predator 8 is a device we have seen a few times now, but up until now I have not really had a good chance to have a play with it. That all changes today as I am in Belfast with #acerliveblog2016 and they have let me …
Walking around with that low battery notice on your phone is always going to put you on edge. So, to charge on the move, your going to need something like this. This is the Lumsing Harmonica 10,400mAh dual-port power bank and yes, it really is designed to look …
I always have to apologise to the companies that send us headphones to look at. I’m always losing the things. They’re mostly tiny and either end up stuck in pockets (and then going through the washing machine) or stuffed in a drawer somewhere. So, Wraps Wearable earphones are …
We’ve seen the teeny-tiny GoPro cameras shooting some pretty excellent footage over the years. The cameras have also helped TV makers to film in cars, on bikes, motorbikes, boats and – when strapped to people – they can grab point-of-view footage in full HD. Now they’ve stuck one …
Bluetooth speakers? Where do you start? The market is currently awash with speakers which fill every part of the price point spectrum. I was recently contacted by Say it Loud to ask if I wished to review one of their latest Bluetooth speakers, the Riva S. At first …
About a week ago I unboxed a new 2-in-1 PC that had a retail value of £150, and I posed the question of ‘can a machine this cheap be any good’? I also mentioned that I was going to be able to compare this to a more standard-priced …
When you’re young and full of beans you really enjoy writing about tech. Mobile phones, gadgets, gizmos – it lights your fire. Then, after several years of looking a Bluetooth speakers, you start to wane a little. You get sent dozens and dozens of the things. Some are …
This has got to be one of the longest-running rumours of the tech world. The first suggestions that HTC were working on some sort of smart wearable surfaced back in 2014, when a picture of this appeared online: Even by 2014 standards it wasn’t the most glamorous of …
Minecraft. Everyone in the world seems to be on it. It’s getting more interesting now, especially for the ones looking at a more immersive ways of playing the game. How does it sound to be in the middle of the world you’ve just built, or exploring a …
Hey you Coolsmartphoners! If you guys and gals have been out in the wilderness over the Bank Holiday weekend partying, here’s a great deal that might not have caught your bleary eyes. The ever-fantastic Chromecast Audio is out there for a mere 15 quid again, if you missed …
UK carrier O2 has announced they are going to exclusively carry the new LG Stylus 2, which is the first smartphone with DAB radio support*, meaning you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite radio stations without using your data allowance. The device is available right now on O2 …
This was arguably the most fun I have had doing a review in a long time. The Freefly VR (not Firefly as I say twice in the video!) was so fun and compatible with numerous smartphones, great purchase for any gadget geek and can be bought from here. …
Many, many years ago I stuck a Windows Mobile handset onto a toy train. Then, just a few years later, I did the same trick with an Android phone. Here’s that HTC Desire doing a lap of the lounge… When we received an email to say that some …
Yesterday we did our first live broadcast on Periscope of the BagsbyBlack BUDDI bag. We first saw this bag at Gadget Show 2016 with LEXI bag, the article can be read here. If you like our podcasts, please follow us on Periscope and YouTube for more of these …
As you’ll no doubt be aware by now, I’m terrible at organising my photos and videos. I’ve got the Meem cable to backup my stuff when I’m charging, but what if you want to have a flash drive on my iPhone instead? SanDisk have the answer people. This …
Bluetooth speakers are available everywhere, but Bluetooth speakers that actually sound good? There’s not so many of those. Harman Kardon has tweaked their Go + Play speaker, with quad-drivers and “room-filling sound”. You connect to it like all other Bluetooth speakers, but then the Harman Kardon audio quality …
Check me out ladies. I got me a spy watch. I’m just like James Bond, but with an added belly and some questionable reasons for actually owning one. This, it has to be said, does exactly what it says on the tin. There’s two batteries inside – one …
The thing with new types of power standards and connectors is that you soon realise you need more than one charger, because all your old ones don’t fit your new phone or tablet. This is exactly the case with the switchover to USB type C socket for me, …
The Netatmo Weather Station was reviewed back in early 2013. As technology improves I thought it would be a good time to look at the latest version of the Netatmo Weather Station to see how the product has developed. Especially as being British the start of every conversation …
Fancy yourself a rather cool Pebble smartwatch? The entire range appears to have had a price cut today over on Amazon, where the Pebble Steel is down to £104.99 with a £4.09 delivery charge and the Pebble Time is down to £169.99. There’s other choices too, including the …
Way back in 2002 Alton Towers opened a ride called “Air”. It was their first ever “flying” roller coaster. You strapped yourself in and then the ride would tilt you forward, sending you face-down under footpaths, over trees and upside down. Some 14 years later, it’s still there. …
Amazon has released yet another Kindle. This one’s the Bentley of them all, priced at £269.99 (What?! I see you ask with wide open eyes). Not only that, but the 3G version is £329.99 if you want to stay connected with all your expensive reading. This one is …
We’ve head quite a few security cameras cropping up here at Coolsmartphone. This one is from Annke and you can control and move it from anywhere via your smartphone. First up, the plus points. Although you’ll spot an ethernet port on this, it connects very easily via WiFi …
Last week we got to see the iFit Duo and Exec which are out Summer 2016 and Summer 2017 respectively, however we did see a glimpse of the iFit Classic. This is the first iFit smartwatch in the UK with the fashion and fitness blend as well as …
Customers of the EE TV service already have a few questions. Will BT TV eventually replace their box? Perhaps. More importantly though, where’s the promised March update? It’s still not here, and customers aren’t happy. The update is pretty promising, and the promised new features are very appealing …
D3O have created a new GEAR4 Black range of ultra tough phone cases. This is the first case with injection mouldable D3O and is specialist grade with no holes. This type of D3O has not apparently been seen before and is the strongest on the market. GEAR4 are …
Venturer have launched the ‘BravoWin 10KT’ and the ‘EliteWin 11KT’ mini notebooks, equipped with Windows 10 and Office 365 or Office Mobile. The Venturer convertible tablets are equipped with a detachable smart keyboard that has a pressure sensing trackpad which clips on magnetically so it can be used as …
Unless you have been living in a cave, with your eyes shut and your fingers in your ears, you will have heard of the recent hoo-ha over a certain company and a law enforcement agency request to unlock an iPhone. This has spiralled into a privacy debate, which …
Over the last month or so, we have been talking about the British Inventor’s Project and the famous inventions that came out of Birmingham. All the nominees were exhibiting at the recent Gadget Show Live event. I got to meet the fantastic Sumi Wang and experience a ride …
This is just £12.99 on Amazon and, I have to say, I quite like this. It’s definitely my preference when compared to the gaming keyboard we looked at fairly recently. This is the aLLreLi KA150G Wireless Keyboard and it comes with 18 multimedia function keys too. Out of …
On Thursday at Gadget Show Live, I got the pleasure of meeting the UK team behind ‘BagsByBlack’. The team has brought to our shores a new range of bags for both males and females to protect your tech. The range has been designed in South Africa for the …
Pump Audio were at Gadget Show Live with their range of earbuds and headphones designed for fans of drum and bass music. I even got to test the brand new Pump Zeus which is out next month. The Zeus headphones are wired and Bluetooth and are expected to …
Today at the Gadget Show live we got to see the new iFit Exec watch which is due out Spring 2017 and iFit Duo which is out now. The Exec is aimed at the high end user who wants a smart watch with high build workmanship. The …
The smart home revolution continues with the fantastic Hive, today at Gadget Show live they show me their new range of home products. Active Plug, Motion Sensor and Door Sensor are connect to your home Hive system and can notify you of who is doing what or if …
The first thing you will notice is that this has nothing to do with mobile phones. However, it doesn’t mean we can’t support innovate products. At Gadget show live today, eFOLDi launched their Kickstarer project to raise £90,000 for their range of folding scooters. They are not designed …