Category: Networks / Carriers
Here in the UK you can dial an 0800 number and it’ll be free. However, it’s only free if you’re using a landline. If you’re using a mobile phone you suddenly become all special and the networks delight in adding a fee for you to call it. The …
After hearing last week that Three had announced the HTC One X and S would hit their stores on Thursday, earlier today we heard that one half of Everything Everywhere were planning to launch the phones on the same day. It only seems right then that the other half …
A fairly brief but self-explanatory email has just popped in from T-Mobile. They’ll be retailing the excellent HTC One X and the slim One S from this Thursday, so if you’re reaching the end of your contract or you’re looking to switch, check their site to get your …
I have arrived in London for the first day of O2 LTE 4G testing using a LTE modem kindly supplied by the network. If you did not know, O2 have a test 4G network covering 40km distance in London and selected websites have been given a dongle to …
A new tariff from O2 will dish out unlimited minutes and unlimited text with prices starting at £26 a month if you keep your current phone. There’s a decent data allowance too – 1GB. The plan prices go up if you’re bundling with a new phone and start …
The mobile network 3 are announcing a plan to upgrade its network which will enable it to start legal action against Ofcom, undoubtedly this will have the knock on effect of delaying the 4G auction that is planned for 2013. Three was actually the first network to release …
Old news this really, but people have seen it elsewhere and have nudged us about it. We heard that Voda were to take the HTC One X and One S back in February and they’ve now appeared on the Vodafone website. The One X looks to be coming …
Back in January Sky announced that their on-demand TV service “Sky Anytime+” would be opened up and available via any ISP. The exact date was a little foggy, but we’re now seeing it live. The service has been available through Sky broadband for a while now, but as …
Got the Galaxy SII on Orange? Is it branded? Don’t fancy putting a ROM on it yourself? Well, if you tick all those boxes then you’ll have to wait a little bit longer for your Ice Cream Sandwich update. A Twitter update from Orange gives no firm date …
We like Giffgaff. They’ve done things a little differently and built up quite a following. Today, though, has not been a good day. A major service outage hit the network – one that took almost 8 hours to fix. Calls, texts and data failed completely around mid-morning today …
T-Mobile have joined many other networks in announcing availability for the slightly different iPad 3 new iPad. It should be arriving in stores today, with T-Mobile promoting the fact that their joint Everything Everywhere network and “advanced 3.5G rollout” can offer much improved coverage and speeds. You can …
It’s been a good few months since we looked at the Orange Signal Boost technology. Now it’s available in more and more handsets on Orange and solves that “in building coverage problem” you may have experienced. During my completely unscientific research, I’ve found that networks using the 900MHz …
O2 have confirmed via Twitter that they will be offering up the HTC One X from April 5th – just 4 weeks from today. There’s no news on pricing or plans just yet though. We do, however, have some HTC One X deals on O2 if you’re interested. …
Everything Everywhere have been given the green light by Ofcom to, in principle, use some of their 1800MHz spectrum to roll out LTE. T-Mobile and Orange already use 1800MHz for their existing 2G networks, but have enough “room” to roll out 4G LTE ahead of other networks, who …
Here in London there’s been a big push to try and get WiFi available in the Tube. London Mayor, Boris Johnson, and Transport For London have been linked with an earlier deal with Huawei. Unfortunately this didn’t see the light of day.. or should that be the dark …
Vodafone have today launched the Samsung Galaxy Note on their UK network. Available online using the Vodafone Store you can get your own Note on various deals depending if you are a business or personal customer there is a plan for you starting from as little as £26 a …
If you’re looking at this on an Orange data connection then hello! This afternoon a large portion of the UK lost any sort of data connection. It wasn’t just traffic, there was no 3G or GPRS logo at all. Switching to the T-Mobile network didn’t do anything either. …
Had notification this morning that my Lumia 800 phone has a o/s update which now takes it to 7.10.8107.79 this fixes the frustrationg dissapearing keyboard among other things as well. Full list of fixes below On-screen keyboard. Fixes an issue to prevent the keyboard from disappearing during typing. …
New plans will shortly be added to the Three offerings to stop out-of-bundle data charges. The network has already delivered “The One Plan” for those wanting the unlimited data experience, but now the “Ultimate Internet” offer something pretty similar – and plans start from just £18. The Essential …
So, you know how it is. You’ve got one of those home phone and broadband packages but, when you call a mobile phone, it’s not included in the deal. Somehow, every month, you go way beyond the “headline figure” that got you hooked into the deal in the …
Three have posted on their blog this morning that “4G” is coming to the UK on their network (Three have now reworded this to state that this is HSPA+42 and NOT LTE to clear up any confusion). At home I get speeds of around 10Mbps off-peak times using …
Vodafone and Visa have announced a deal to bring NFC to the masses this year using your smartphone. Orange have been actively promoting NFC since joining Everything Everywhere group especially and now Vodafone are getting in on the game Full (and long) press release below…. Near Field Communication, or NFC …
Orange have today sent out a press release with information on a new pricing scheme for roaming in the EU including access to a new smartphone application which will let you track your use when roaming, especially good when it comes to roaming data use!. Check below for …
O2 have updated their coming soon page for the UK network and now show the Xperia S in March (we hope to be getting one tomorrow), the HTC One X, S and V all show as coming this April too. No word on any set availability or pricing …
Remember the Orange London we mentioned a short while back? Well, it turns out that this is real after all. It’s had a slight name-change, but the Intel innards are right there. The Orange Santa Clara will use an Intel Atom Z2460 CPU and will feature a fast …
Vodafone have also just announced they will stock the HTC One S and X here in the UK. No information as of yet with regards to a price or release date but at least we know it is coming to the UK network HTC Onex Set to become …
Three have just tweeted they are to stock the new HTC One S and One V devices on their UK network and in traditional THree style have posted a Sneak Peak video on their Blog and YouTube channel It might sound a bit odd, but I love manufacturer …
Orange have just announced that they will carry the Sony Xperia U exclusively in white. To be honest there’s not a great deal we can tell you about this currently but we’ll get a hands-on with the device shortly as it’s literally been announced in the last few …
The word here is “whoops”. Looks like the yet-to-be announced HTC One X is now plastered all over the Orange website for all to see… More as we get. Remember where you read this first… Link – Orange Shop Credit – Andrew Exelby
Want a mobile? The selection is insane. Want a plan? The choice is endless. MVNO’s – aka “virtual networks that use other networks” are on the rise and they’re proving popular with those wanting a greater selection and less tie-ins. The boys at Giffgaff who continuously surprise us …
Well, we knew that Orange were taking the Xperia S, but now things have moved a step closer with the new Sony Mobile proudly sitting on the “Coming Soon” section. We’re hearing very good things about this phone, and we can’t wait to take a look in Barcelona. …
When you go on holiday or working abroad you’ve got a couple of options for keeping in touch. You can either take your own mobile and keep every conversation really short, or you can buy a SIM card for a local network from eBay, unlock your phone, stick …
Earlier today we reported on Three announcing that the forthcoming Samsung Ace 2 and Mini 2 were on their way to the network and now T Mobile have announced on Twitter that they will be providing both handsets as well. No pricing details nor availability as of yet …
…and as quick as a flash, those lovely people at Three have confirmed that they will be taking the Galaxy Ace 2 and Galaxy mini 2. They’ve even got a video.. honestly, talk about rubbing it in our faces

Check out our earlier story for specs and …
As a mobile network here in the UK, Three are the most vocal when it comes to social media but not only do they communicate with customers online they take the feedback and use it in a positive way. For example when The One Plan launched on a …
OK, we’ll ask the question. After trawling the web for literally minutes and hitting lots of nothing we’re a bit puzzled by the Orange London. The shot above was sent in by Simon Hardy, who was presented with the info after completing a survey.. As an Orange customer, …
If you’ve followed our continued coverage of the T-Mobile supposed “cap” you’ll hopefully know the story by now. Basically, several customers were told that there was a 1Mb/s cap, then we were told that there wasn’t, but people continued to see their Full Monty speeds top out at …
Phones4U have introduced a new tariff, called “Jump” which stands for ‘Just Upgrade My Phone’. The basic principle involved is the monthly payment is split into two, with your service provider (Orange, Vodafone etc) providing the minutes and texts, whereas Phones4U provide the handset. They both still run for 24 …
Morning! So, remember the “Full Monty” story ? We added an item showing feedback from the T-Mobile Support guys which showed a cap of 1Mb/s. Shortly after we received a correction from T-Mobile to say that this wasn’t quite right, but we continued to get people telling us …
OK, story so far. We picked up some tweets from the T-Mobile UK Help Team stating that “Full Monty Tariffs have a max speed of 1MB/s”. A day later, and T-Mobile told us that this was a mistake, but still we were getting sent phone calls where customers …