Category: General

GM 730 Announced with silky S-Class UI

Announced in Singapore this is the LG-GM730. Billed as the "friendly phone", it uses Windows Mobile 6.1 and is controlled with the LG 3D S-Class User Interface. This UI alone is worth a look, so check this video of it in action. Smooth eh? check out t...

o2 increasing costs of iPhone alternatives?

You'll no doubt have seen the all-new iPhone and it's launch on o2. However, it seems that the arrival of new iPhone handset has kicked off a price-rise with other premium handsets on the o2 network. Previously free on mid-range tariffs, devices like ...

Tell us what you think – it’s YOUR

This post in our forum got me thinking about our coverage here at As you'll know, we cover Windows Mobile and everything to do with it. Just recently we launched our sister site iPhoneBANG, which you'll see a newsfeed from on the r...

Get a free HTC keyring

We love it when people tell us about free stuff. If you're a twitter user you can bag yourself a free HTC keyring just by following devicewire and tweet with the #devicewure hash tag. It's a first come, first served basis but we're hearing that they'v...

HKC Crank up the PR machine

We've spoken about HKC in the past. They're now selling a very familiar looking SMT9200 handsets and various other handsets via Chinese Import sites and other places. Anyways. They sent us this PR picture and we seriously didn't know what to do with ...

New Directory Enquiries service finds mobile numbers

A new service from 118800 is about to bring us a phone directory with a twist - it'll list mobile numbers too. It's set to go live next Thursday, June 18th and will let you connect directly to people by calling 118800 or online at To use...

Many choose WinMo purely because of unofficial ROMs

A few weeks back we asked for your opinions on Windows Mobile. We felt that seven important questions about the platform, the phones and the future needed answering. We've had the results checked - over 700 Windows Mobile fans answered our survey ...

Xperia X2 Spotted with WinMo on board?

The Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 may have just received an update but look, the Xperia X2 is now on the scene. Sporting a Windows Mobile flag, it seems to suggest that this is indeed a second WinMo-powered device with the XPanel interface. The pessimist in...

o2 Joggler Review

As promised our review of the o2 Joggler is now online. If you've not seen the earlier vids, this device is an intelligent digital photo frame which is billed as a replacement to the post-it notes on your fridge door. We love testing new kit like this...

The o2 Joggler Tour – Part 2

Part 2 of our video tour around the o2 Joggler is now online. You may have seen the current advertisement for this and we'll have a full review online tomorrow. Today we take a look at the main selling point of this device - the alerting and calendar …

o2 Joggler Video Demo

As promised we now have a video overview of the new o2 Joggler online. Available on YouTube and embedded below it's a 10 minute look at some of the major functions. The device is billed as a replacement to your fridge magnets - reminding you of import...

Powerstick USB Car Charger – Cheap deal

Right, have a look in your pockets. Do you have £3 ? Great. Mine's a pint of Carlsberg please. Now, if you've still got some money in the other pocket then this USB Powerstick may be worth a look. Available at the reduced price of just £2.95 for …

The o2 Joggler has arrived – review coming soon

Meet the o2 Joggler. Regular readers will know that sometimes we take a look at interesting new gadgets and gizmos, so we'll be reviewing this o2 fridge-door-replacement device very soon. Unveiled just a few days back it's actually an OpenPeak OpenFra...

LG HQ Coming to AT&T too

Another LG handset has just popped up on the leaked AT&T sheets, this time the LG HQ. It's a messenger phone with the non-touch version of Windows Mobile on-board. The deets quote WinMo 6.1 and a 2 megapixel camera along with microSD expansion, QVGA (...

LG Monaco leaked specs – WinMo 7 and Snapdragon?

Following another leak from the AT&T roadmap there's news of the LG Monaco. According to the details it'll run Windows Mobile 7 and will appear in the Autumn. Specs include a Qualcomm QSD 8650 Snapdragon CPU - that's the 1Ghz speedster we've seen in t...

Warhawk and Fortress headed to AT&T

Whilst most other US networks are getting the new Touch Pro2 it's good to see AT&T picking up both of HTC's new WinMo handsets shortly too. They've got slightly different names, which we presume are internal codenames - the HTC Fortress (aka HTC Touch...

Not filled in our survey? What are you waiting for?

It's a big Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK, so if you get time don't forget to fill in our Coolsmartphone survey. There's only 7 questions to answer and we've already had hundreds of your responses already. If you've not done so yet, get your opin...

Unboxed – the o2 XDA Guide

o2 have kindly dropped off a o2 XDA Guide for us to borrow so, ahead of the usual collosal review, here's some real photos of the device fresh out of the box. Look, it's still got that "don't sit on the phone with it in your back pocket" …

GPS System could begin to fail next year

Most new Windows Mobile handsets now come with GPS capability. The system lets you navigate your way around our fair planet, geo-tag your photos or track your girlfriend when she goes to visit "the bloke about the curtains". What's perhaps not known a...

Stylish Touch HD cases now available

We love it when you guys nudge us about news stories. Today SilentBob has made a forum post about these rather sexy Touch HD cases. They have a slim fit hard cover with a reflective metallic finish. The case is also moulded to ensure that you have ful...

o2 XDA Guide in stock already – Diamond2 approaching?

We've already uncovered the o2 XDA Guide and the fact that it's coming soon. But, what we've now found out, is that it's actually coming very, very soon ideed and you may already be able to grab one. Several people have emailed us and o2 shop staff ha...

Samsung Jack to launch on AT&T

This is the Samsung Jack. Shortly to become available on AT&T in the US it's the successor to the original BlackJack and packs WiFi, 3G, GPS and a future upgrade to Windows Mobile 6.5. The new Samsung i637 Jack has a QWERTY keyboard a 3.2 megapixel ca...

Orange launch new 500MB data plan

Orange have today launched Microsoft Mail data bundles which, according to the operator, are the "UK's most affordable". For £4.25 per month you can now get 500MB of data, subject to the usual fair usage bits. All Orange HTC devices, including the To...

Acer DX900 Reviewed

The Acer DX900, part of the Acer Tempo range. Windows Mobile 6.1, GPS, HSDPA, Bluetooth and WiFi are just some of the selling points here, however the biggest feature is probably the dual-SIM support for both 2G and 3G SIM cards. Put two SIM cards in ...

Quick note..

Just to note, I'm seeing the "Free money" ad appearing in the top right corner of the site. This shouldn't be appearing and I'd appreciate if you could let me know if you're seeing this too. I'll tweak it when I get back home, however this internet co...

LG GT810H on the way to South America

I'll be off on holiday later this week but we'll still be cramming in all the latest Windows Mobile news as it arrives. Another LG handset called the touchscreen GT810H has just popped up with a 3 megapixel camera, 3.6Mbps HSDPA connectivity, Bluetoot...

Texting whilst driving – another reason not to

Here in the UK there's a relatively new law which stops people using their mobile phone whilst driving. Bluetooth accessory sales have soared as people now switch to Bluetooth headsets, hands-free kit and voice-dialing systems. Many may see this as a ...

The iPhone versus the Touch HD

A few weeks back we started our "Week with the iPhone". It all started off well, but we only got to day 3 and, in the midst of editing the other vids (which will be up shortly), a HTC Touch HD arrived for us to compare it with. …

Touch HD vs iPhone – Comparison photos

Hmm.. quiet ain't it? I've been having a look at the iPhone recently and comparing it to the HTC Touch HD. Both are very similar in terms of size and shape but differ wildly when it comes to user interface and specs like camera resolution or the inbui...

The iPhone as seen by a Windows Mobile fan – Day 3 (Update)

I've had several emails asking for me to compare the iPhone with the HTC Touch HD in my continuing video blogs looking at the iPhone and trying to cut through the hype. How does it compare with the Touch HD? Well, thanks to the guys at ...

Europe slashes mobile usage costs

Good news at last for anyone making a call whilst visiting foreign lands. Many of you will be aware that, simply by crossing a border, you have to pay extremely high call charges for texting or chatting to people and re-mortgage your house if you dare...

Cash for your old mobile – Comparison checker online

We've seen mobile recycling schemes several times here at There's now quite a few to choose from with each one offering cash for those unused mobiles, but just how do you find which one offers the most ? Well, in my never-ending qu...

The iPhone as seen by a Windows Mobile fan – Day 2

Thanks to the nice people at o2 we've managed to borrow the iPhone for a number of weeks and throw a few tests at it. Day 2 of our video blog shows how various frequent tasks like ringtone changing and looking through your calendar. I'm quickly realis...

Touch 3G with UMA on the way to Orange ?

We're hearing that the HTC Touch 3G will be out this week on Orange. This sleek phone is already available unlocked from but Orange will be adding UMA fun into the mix. What? UMA? Surely everyone knows what that is, right? Err... Well,...

The iPhone as seen by a Windows Mobile fan – Day 1

Well, it's here - the iPhone 3G. In this video I take the iPhone out of the box for the first time. This is the first time I've had chance to play with the iPhone properly and, as you'll see by this first video, I stumble around trying …

The iPhone. What’s it all about?

Back in 2002 I bought my first ever Windows Mobile phone. Since then, has been covering all aspects of Windows Mobile. We've seen the platform grow and develop with many different form factors to choose from. Now users are spoilt fo...

Orange UK Data network down

This evening I tried to check my email on an Orange mobile but.. it didn't work. I figured it was just me and rebooted but no, a data connection couldn't be found. Following a quick check of our forum I found this post which seems to suggest a …

T-Mobile refresh Flext plans

Last week T-Mobile revised their Flext talk-plans. The details are here. They include 08 numbers, voicemail, international calls and texts plus there's unlimited internet that is, as with everything in this country, subject to "fair use". Plans for ex...

Windows 3.1 running on a Nokia – In video

Following news of Windows 3.1 appearing on a Nokia N95 we decided to try it ourselves. Unfortunately we didn't have a Nokia to hand (shame) but someone came to our rescue with a Nokia E51. After a bit of faffing around we managed to get it to the …

Cheap Pay As You Go SIM Card with lots of credit!

Just a quickie - Expansys are selling Pay As You Go SIM cards for the "3" network here in the UK. They cost just £9.99 and come with a whopping £30 of credit loaded on. Once you've used the credit you'll be on the Flat 12 tariff and …