Category: General

Get MSN Messenger on your Windows Mobile

UPDATE - Since writing this article various CAB files have appeared which will automatically install Windows Live Messenger for you. Download these, copy them to your phone and then RUN the CAB file on your device to install. Try here, here, here or h...

Mago Premium Smartphone

This is the Mago Premium Smartphone. It was designed by the Maslovdesign Studio for Mago Mobile, who appear to have their site redirected to some news-provider for mobile devices. According to sources, this should be out mid-2006 but there's a €3000...

T-Mobile Unlimited Browsing for £7.50 p/m – Confirmed

There were rumours, however it's now confirmed - T-Mobile are to launch a new Internet service on April 1st for £7.50 a month as an add-on to the already successful Relax and Flext tariffs. The unlimited web’n’walk means that e-mail, browsing and...

Easy Deployment of Push Email with Orange

Orange have today announced a new low cost deployment tool to make roll-outs of push-email a whole lot easier and quicker. From April 3rd business customers will not only be able to use the push email solution provided with Windows Mobile® 5.0 for Di...

Application Unlock on the C600 with AKU2

A little tip for those of you who have an Orange SPV C600 and would like to application unlock it. Now, normally you can just go through the Orange Developers site however it's not recognising my IMEI for some reason. I even downloaded their suggested...

Those big tall adverts

Unfortunately with a site of this size it's sometimes a little difficult to continually.. Errmm.. How do they say.. "monetize" it, however I did promise myself that I'd at least test those "flashy banner"-type ads you (used to) see on the side panels ...

Be the pub quiz champion!

If you're ever in the need of a encyclopedia when you're on the move, when not try typing in into your device to get a mobile version of the huge site. New Zealand-based company "Instinct" have developed this por...

CeBIT 2006 – Hidden gems

The guys at have just published this very interesting story detailing the Windows Mobile handsets shown at industry event CeBIT. They've got lots of very interesting detail which I've not seen elsewhere. The Qtek 8500 was on show, which ...

WiFi on a coach

WiFi ? On a bus? Yes, it's now possible on National Express coaches on the SH010 service from Cambridge and London. Working via a 3G connection, which then feeds into a WiFi access point. The WiFi access is included in the ticket price, so you can gra...

Smartphones Show 6

Steve Litchfield has just put his sixth Smartphones Show online. It includes a review of the QTek 8300 music phone and a beginners' guide to using more than one application at once on both Windows Mobile and Symbian handsets. Get the latest episode, p...

Bye Bye Tatung M1. Hello M1A

Remember the Tatung M1 we covered earlier? It's had FCC approval and was being shown just a month ago at 3GSM. Well it's been binned and they've instead moved the keyboard around a bit and called it the Tatung M1A. It'll get rebranded though as variou...

Orange SPV C600 AKU2 Update

It's now available to download here! This will bring the push email facilities promised by Microsoft. It's a whacking 34.5Mb download called "c600_mail.exe" from the Orange Business site and brings your handset up to version Orange state... ...

Even broader-band

Despite heavily misleading marketing campaigns from certain ISP's saying that "8Meg broadband is now available", it's not and it hasn't been. It will however be possible to get 8Mbit/s broadband from the end of this month providing your pretty close t...

Style and design drive mobile sales

News today from industry analysts Gartner about the state of the mobile industry. Nokia is still the biggest hitter with a growth of 21% - selling 816 million devices. More and more sales in Western Europe and North America, where many sales are repla...

Bye Bye PSTN – Hello VoIP

Here in the UK our major telecommunications company is still BT. Soon they will be spending more than £10 billion to roll out 21CN - the 21st Century Network. Yes, you heard right - £10 BILLION. BT make a yearly profit of around £1 billion, so you ...

Podcast 19 – At last!

OOOfff I've been a busy lad. This past few weeks has involved broken laptops, stack loads of DIY, motorway services, hotels plus some damned expensive tyres. Today though I've finally managed to finish off recording Podcast 19 and I even found a few s...

Tatung M1 – More detail

Last week we saw the Tatung M1 at 3GSM. Although it didn't cause waves like the i-Mate Smartflip did we still found it quite interesting that Tutung were entering the market. It's already had FCC approval, so it can be safely sold without melting your...

Mobile Content Festival

The DCI Mobile Content Festival is an event examining the effect of mobile devices on everyday life. The Digital Convergence Institute is seeking "mobile content submissions that explore the mobile lifestyle". They're looking for app's and games for t... Gets Overhauled

The site has received a significant facelift recently and is well worth a visit. There's support, news, handsets, accessories and add-on information plus a whole load more. There's also information about the upgrade to Windows Mobile...

SDA and MDA in USA

Following our earlier story we can now confirm that the T-Mobile MDA and SDA are available at T-Mobile USA. If you're in the United States just pop along to T-Mobile and say Gears from CoolSmartPhone sent you. Sure, they'll probably say, "Who?", but h...

Torq P120 Video Review

This video review of the Torq P120 comes from Digital Lifestyle Magazine, plus there's a streaming version here at Slashphone. The Torq P120 is the US re-badge of the Eten M600 and comes with GPRS, Quad-band, Bluetooth, 1.3 Megapixel camera and WiFi c...

3GSM – Wistron AnexTEK SP310 GPS

Here's the AnexTEK SP310 Windows Mobile handset. Wait a minute.. doesn't that look a lot like a BenQ P50? Why I think it is. The guys at PocketPCItalia spotted this at 3GSM. It's gonna have Windows Mobile 5.0 with push email and has a pretty funky spe...

3GSM – Tatung M1 Smartphone on display

There's not much about the the Tatung M1 at the Tatung website, even though it's being shown at 3GSM this week. However, I guess that's not all too surprising as there's little mention of their Portable Media Center devices either.If you're making a p...

3GSM – Motorola Q to get 3G Functionality

This as you may know by now is the Motorola Q. We've heard quite a bit about this, plus it was being shown off at CES at various stands. Today at 3GSM Motorola have announced that there is to be a 3G version of the Motorola Q. This …

o2 Atom FlexiSkin Cover

If you're lucky enough to own an O2 XDA Atom then you can now keep it in tip-top condition with this FlexiSkin from BoxWave. It available in Coral Pink, Frosted Clear, Future Blue, and Smoke Grey - each one is custom made for the Atom so you needn't …

3GSM – It’s those Visto boys again

You may remember that push-email providers Visto launched a law suit against Microsoft and their push-email solution. Now today, just as Microsoft launch their push-email solution, Visto state that they're "Leaping Ahead" with Visto Mobile 5.5. They d...

3GSM – Orange 3G Glasses

Orange are at 3GSM with these video glasses. This pic, via TechDigest shows them in use around Barcelona. Although not that new it is interesting to see a mobile network promoting video to this extent, and we presume Orange intend feeding 3G video int...

3GSM – Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX T-Series Launched

Fujitsu Siemens have today announced the Pocket LOOX T Series device at 3GSM. Their Press Release can be read below and you can get the full specs here or a 3D video here. The Pocket LOOX T830 comes with a 240x240 screen, 416 Mhz Intel PXA270 CPU, 128...

3GSM – My phone is better than your phone conference

Tomorrow (Monday) marks the start of a big mobile phone show in Barcelona. 3GSM is a chance for operators, networks and manufacturers to show off their products and services usually for the first time and it's always the place to look for hot new stuf...

European Commission gets tough on mobile roaming charges

The European Regulators are set to stamp down on mobile roaming charges. The commisioner in charge - Viviane Reding (right) - stated that they have long been concerned with the cost and complexity of international roaming charges and have admitted tha...

English Version of now available has always been one of my most checked websites. It contains a mountain of mobile phones, comparisons and photos of all the latest devices. Now it's even better because their English version is online at If you're ever conf...

Orange UK EDGE Network

One thing that slipped through my net recently was the launch of EDGE in the UK on Orange. This is great news for those of you with EDGE compatible handsets (like the Orange SPV C600) however it still doesn't signal the release of the Orange SPV M3000...

Cingular 8125 Now Available

It looks like the Cingular 8125 we mentioned some months back has now launched in the USA. According to MobileMag it's currently... "...only offered to Cingular’s Business 2 Business partners, so for the average consumer, it is still just a bit out ...

Smartphones Show 4 Online

Steve Litchfield has just published his fourth Smartphones Show which is available here and features a full video review of the Windows Mobile powered i-Mate SP5. His next show should feature the QTek 8300 music smartphone, so it's well worth keeping ...

Huge new VoIP solution

I'm a big fan of VoIP however I feel that the existing peer-to-peer clients like Skype don't tell the whole story. Today a company called iC-Talk have announced the launch of their revolutionary business-class telephone solution. This is pure VoIP and...

Do you REALLY know where those mobile masts are?

When you read stories of mobile phone masts being pulled down by concerned local residents it is usually due to the fact that they're fairly big, fairly visible and right next to a school or local houses. Some may question the anger. I myself remember...