Category: General

New handsets on the cards

Whilst checking for news items I came across some interesting news items from At CeBIT this year there were three companies - Pantech, LG and Tatung - suggesting that they had Windows Mobile phones in development. You can see the associ...

SMT5600 Comes To Canada

Great to see the tiny Audiovox SMT 5600 (AKA the SPV C500 etc) now hitting Canada. Rogers Wireless have now annouced the handset here on their site. The handset costs $299.99 if you don't mind being shackled into a 3 year term, however it is a wicked ...

Orange Code Camp comes to the USA

After the success of the last Orange Code Camp in France last year, Orange are doing it all over again - this time in Florida USA. More details on the event can be found here, where you can also register for the event and learn more about coding …

Holiday times – I’ll be back soon!

The bags are packed and there's a plane at Gatwick airport with a few seats free so we're off on a 10-day holiday. This time I won't be able to get near an internet cafe and check the site, so I'm going to be leaving you guys until …

T-Mobile SDA II ready to reserve on the T-Mobile site!

Blimey! One moment T-Mobile are announcing the SDA II at CeBIT and then it appears on the T-Mobile Germany website ready to reserve with a June release date. T-Mobile HQ have yet again shown that they're ready to push forward with their very latest ha...

T-Mobile SDA II and SDA II Music announced at CeBIT

MSMobiles have news on this press release from T-Mobile about the T-Mobile SDA II and T-Mobile SDA II Music. Things are moving quickly for the Windows Smartphone by the looks of it - the T-Mobile SDA (1?) has only just arrived here in the UK. These ne...

Orange G2 Review

Bluetooth headsets are a must for pretty much everyone now - especially drivers as it's illegal to hold and use and mobile whilst driving. Bluetooth headsets, like the Jabra headset I reviewed a couple of years back are now quite widespread. Russ Cas...

T-Mobile SDA – A First Look

I've just put a first-look review of the T-Mobile SDA online here, which was written by CoolSmartPhone member Ian Moore. As you may know, T-Mobile weren't willing to let me review an SDA handset (and I can't afford to buy another phone!), so I've aske...

Dopod 585 Musicphone

The Dopod 585 is coming soon to Taiwan. It comes loaded with the specs (megapixel cam, extra music buttons etc) already seen in our story on the SPV C550 handset here in the UK. The Dopod 585 will run Windows Mobile 2003 OS and follows on in the …

T-Mobile bundles CoPilot with SDA and MDA Compact

CoPilot® Live is basically door-to-door navigation via satellite from the guys at ALK Technologies. From today it'll be available as a bundle with the T-Mobile MDA Compact and SDA! The CoPilot® Live satellite navigation system transforms both the T...

US Visitors! Our new shop is online! is, as you may know, based in the UK. However, I'm keen to include everyone, and so today I'm proud to announce the launch of the CoolSmartPhone USA Shop! Built and maintained by MobilePlanet, this shop includes the popular iMate JA...

Handsets to arrive in 2005

The 3G SPV that we've featured here should be out later this year. Umm.. I think. See, to be honest I'm not sure because I've had a sneaky look at the device road-map for Orange in 2005 and it mentions that... "A Windows Mobile-based 3G phone will al...

Seagate releases 6GB mini-hard drive

Seagate recently announced that it is shipping the highest capacity one inch hard drive available, with a capacity of 6 gigabytes. The drive is projected to be able to store 150 hours of music, or about 3 000 songs at 128kbps. Expect a 6GB iPod mini ...

CoolSmartPhone makes the news

It seems CoolSmartPhone is in the news itself, albeit only on the web. As an IT type person myself, I regularly trawl a number of sites aimed at like-minded profesionals. One such site is, who are highly regarded as a source of new...

No SDA Music for the UK?

I've chatted to Joe from in the past and he's always been very complimentary about T-Mobile Germany and the support they've given him. T-Mobile were always keen to show the latest Windows Mobile Phones and get as many developers and custo...

EasyMobile and Orange go to war

Oh dear, flamboyant Stelios, head-honcho at the "easy" empire, has landed himself in a bit of doo-doo with Orange. Only last week Stelios announced his new easyMobile service with T-Mobile. Stelios, who's always keen on protecting his "easy" brand nev...

Newgen D2000W with QVGA and Wi-Fi!

MoDaCo have picked up this story showing the new Newgen D2000W. If you don't want to translate, try visiting the site itself here and have a butchers. It's a slide-design and looks very nice indeed. It comes with a very quick In...

Orange France go broadband crazy

Orange have announced a massive rollout of EDGE in France and aim to cover the entire country with EDGE, 3G and WiFi by the end of 2006. EDGE, for those who don't know, is like GPRS on drugs. EDGE will enhance the number of bits that can be …

More Memory Deals

Our friends at have recently cut prices across the entire range of mini-SD cards to the following, with the 1GB cards now under £100 mark!: 1GB mini-SD - £99.99512MB mini-SD - £39.99256MB mini-SD - £20.99128Mb mini-SD - £12.99 Moby...

Do you have a T-Mobile SDA?

The T-Mobile SDA started appearing in T-Mobile shops recently, however I haven't heard much from those who've managed to bag themselves one of these devices. So, if you have one, let me know what you think! I'm also interested in receiving reviews of ...

CoolSmartPhone Mobile improved!

Just a quick note about the mobile version of (click here to see). As you may or may not know, when you browse to ... ...on any device, the site will do some magic and will automatically detect whether ...

Core Network Maintenance

This Monday morning at around 8AM UK time (GMT / UTC), CoolSmartPhone will be off-line for around 15 minutes while a core network switch is upgraded. Don't worry if you can't see us! We will be back within quarter of an hour! :) I have also added a …

Nokia gets Windows Mobile

A tiny little outfit calling themselves "Nokia" (never heard of them, have you?) may well be getting the mobile Windows Media Player on their devices very soon, according to this Nokia press release. In it, music delivery solution "Loudeye" is used in...

Airfagev gets a new look..

Rey J Vegafria, owner and webmaster of the excellent site has emailed in to tell us about his new funky site design. is the place to go if you've got a Smartphone in the Philippines and Rey is always ready to help. He holds e...

Smartphones are taking over

In this Register story there's plenty of info about the way things are developing in the Smartphone arena. While some, like the Microsoft Smartphones (C500 / SMT 5600) are getting smaller and smaller by the day, other smartphones are in fact getting l...

MoDaCo Poll for flat-rate GPRS

MoDaCo have been running a poll - a very worthy poll too. They're trying to get a UK network to come up with a £10 per month with an Acceptable Use Limit of 100MB per month GPRS plan. Now unfortunately they only want it to be available to …

T-Mobile SDA – It’s here in the UK! Update – OS Info

If you live in Swindon, pop down to the T-Mobile shop at 57 The Parade (or call them on 01793 533888). Why ? Well, they've got some of these... Our "mole" (hiya Alun) has had a play with it and says.. "Bearing in mind it's a brand new …

T-Mobile SDA.. Come on, it can’t be long now!

During the past couple of weeks I've tried in vain to contact the UK Press Office of T-Mobile. I haven't heard a squeek out of them at all, but today I did get this picture from a completely different source. The handset in question is the T-Mobile SD...

CoolSmartPhone Juicy Newsletter

Hey! Do you want something cool in your inbox every week ? Do you want the latest Smartphone goss ? The latest downloads and lovely stuff for your SPV / SMT5600 / MPx200 etc etc ? Well now you can 'cus we're .. (me, I mean me.. it's …

DAT and Dangaard Telecom launch mobile email service for MPx

Today, DAT Group plc and Dangaard Telecom announced they would form a new company, Tabella LP, to develop and market a new mobile email solution. The service has been specifically designed to match the market demand for managed mobile messaging soluti...

More on TIM and the Motorola MPx220

Friedrich has emailed in regarding my earlier story on the TIM network picking up the MPx220. It would appear that I got a few bits wrong. Mainly, I had trouble translating stuff because the site is actually in Portuguese, not Spanish.. DOAH. Anyway,...

MPx220 on TIM in Brazil

I'm not sure whether this has been covered yet, so I'm going to do a quick story about it. It was announced last week that telecoms network TIM will be carrying the Motorola MPx220 phone. More information direct from TIM can be found here. TIM is a Br...

C500 Screen Dust Problem

Online Petition for SPV C500 users with screen dust ingress There is now an online petition for people who'd like decisive action on the persistent problem many SPV C500 owners are experiencing: dust getting in and covering areas of the LCD screen. I...

Motorola MPx220 – New OS and more info

Yes, another news item on the MPx220. :) Although here in Europe the MPx220 is yet to make its mark, it's interesting to see what's coming. The 220 has a megapixel camera, bluetooth and is Motorolas' second clamshell Windows Mobile phone after the ver...

MPx220 – More pictures from the camera

I've had quite a few emails since this news item about the MPx220 went online. You guys wanted some more info about my Motorola MPx220, like what version of the OS it's running and where it came from. You also wanted to know when it was coming out …

Mobile Photography Developments

Marc Wintle has been emailing me for a few days now about a new service from BonusPrint which prints your Smartphone photos or puts them into an online gallery. I've been a little slow to pick up on it and it's now been mentioned elsewhere (see this M...

Even more site improvements

Another addition today is the improvement and re-working of the syndicated feeds coming in from other Smartphone websites. You can find these here and they now all have very clever little sub-menus too. Updated also is your photo blog, where you can i...

More site improvements

After spectacularly falling off the non-drinking wagon last night, I did some of my infamous late night completely drunk PHP coding. The end result, as I look at it the next morning, seems quite good. It basically means that you can now quick link to ...

The MPx220 – is it all that bad?

Well, in a word. No. We've heard about the camera issues it had, plus the low volume on calls. However, I've got one right here with the very latest OS Version and I wanted to put a few things right before finishing off a full review. Firstly, the …

CoolSmartPhone is BACK!

A few hours ago I posted this story about the CoolSmartPhone server being shut down by our hosting company. Well, it would appear that it was all one big ... umm.. well, we're not sure what happened. I'm sat here just trying to figure out what the duc...