Category: General

Who needs a modern phone?

A big-ass Nokia brick on the front page of a Microsoft Smartphone website ? Well, I guess my dad would be pleased, I had to convince him fairly recently to upgrade from his chunky Nokia 5.1 - it was pretty much the same size as this Nokia 2110. …

Don’t drive and phone and many other news sites are reporting today on the news that the Queens speech is to include Government proposals to double the existing £30 and include 3 penalty points on your licence if you're driving with your phone held to your e...

Satellite navigators to be banned?

Wll satellite navigators used in automobiles be banned in Norway? Yes, if the norwegian police have their way.According to a newsreport on TV2 the police in Norway are looking to ways to ban the use of satellite navigators and GPS's in automobiles. Bo...

Smartphone problems in the USA

Just a few short months ago it seemed that the US market was finally taking off for Microsoft-powered phones. The MPx220 launched, then the Audiovox SMT 5600 appeared and quickly received rave reviews as AT&T stocked it in their shops. Now, just a sho...

MPx220 goes dotty in the US

The MPx220 had a difficult first few months. Camera problems and sound issues plagued it, and then AT&T / Cingular / Best Buy recalled it to fix the sound. Well, it turns out that the phones will get returned, updated, then an orange sticker will get ...

T-Mobile Offerings up-close

The T-Mobile MDA Compact, T-Mobile SDA and the T-Mobile SDA Music are all coming to T-Mobile UK soon and Lutzh has got them all - plus an SPV C500 here at The full story, along with incredibly high-quality photos, can be found here. Lut...

Worrying news from the US

First we hear about the recall of the Motorola MPx220 (here at due to sound issues and now.. now we have more news from the States about the Audiovox SMT 5600. According to several websites, the recent Cingular / AT&T Wireless merger...

T-Mobile SDA AND SDA Music coming to UK

Following this story about the T-Mobile SDA here in the UK, we've got even more good news! T-Mobile have contacted me today regarding this... "I refer to your recent email about SDA handsets. I can confirm that we are planning to launch the SDA Bu...

C500 S

Not a major story this, but interesting to see that the Orange Shop has labelled the silver C500 as the "Orange SPV C500 S" - you can get more detail on getting a silver one by clicking here. The silver C500's are available to customers taking the O...

3G Smartphones – the next big step

You may have heard about the Samsung i640 / i645 Smartphone already - this is the follow-up to the fairly chunky Samsung SCH-i600 handset. Well, here's the Samsung i640 / i645 running Windows Mobile 2003 SE. If you're confused on the name, the i640 h...

T-Mobile SDA – Coming to all UK customers soon!

Following our earlier story about the T-Mobile SDA, we can now give you some more info! Very reliable sources are now telling us that both the T-Mobile MDA III and the T-Mobile SDA are both planned for launch later this month / begining of December. I...

We’re Firefoxed!

Just a small bit of news. I've tweaked the site so that it'll work with Mozilla Firefox 1. Firefox is a new web browser which is currently gaining a lot of users. I know what everyone is gonna say...."Ugh! I'm not downloading this Firefox browser if p...

Christmas 3G for Orange

Orange have geared themselves up for a Christmas launch of their 3G handsets. 6 will be available at launch - all non-MS powered things. :) They come from Motorola, LG, Nokia, Samsung, Sanyo and SonyEricsson. This story has more info on ...

T-Mobile SDA is available NOW in Holland and … UK too?!

I've just had a message from the guys at T-Mobile Customer Services. I asked them whether the T-Mobile SDA would be coming out in the UK a few months back, but they were pretty tight-lipped. However, in a phone call from them today they stated... "Th...

Big Smartphone Event – Live Gallery!

OK, so you know about this event by now? Yes? Good. If you don't, click here and get your name down quick! .. tssk.. fancy leaving it until the last minute eh? You're like those drivers in roadworks who bomb down the outside line and try and cut …

SDA Coming to Holland

Yes, it certainly seems that way, according to this story. The T-Mobile SDA is gradually weaving its' way across Europe, and will be available in the Netherlands later this month. The handset is free on the "Relax 300" package and above,...

Hello world

As you may be aware, I'm based in the UK. I know a lot about the SPV handsets, but not a great deal about the T-Mobile SDA / SDA Music (Germany) or the Audiovox SMT 5600 (USA) or even the Motorola MPx220. CoolSmartPhone has a large range of …

MPx220 vs SMT 5600

If you're in the USA then you'll have the luxury of chosing between two new Microsoft Windows Mobile phones - the Motorola MPx220 and the AudioVox SMT 5600. Which is best ? Well, this article should help you. Personally, when I saw the...

CoolSmartPhone second birthday – come and meet me!

CoolSmartPhone launched as a single web-page way back on November 1st 2002. At first it was just a test page saying, "this is the SPV, it's a phone from Microsoft". About a fortnight later I managed to get my hands on the original Orange SPV and the s... is back up!

The huge website is now back online. This comes following our earlier story regarding the traffic situation at MobileJoe after it bacame the place to resolve any T-Mobile SDA issues. Click back viewers!

MiTAC Mio 8870

We've already seen the Sagem MyS-7, but now it's due to appear under the MiTAC brand as the MiTAC Mio 8870. No info on a release date or anything, but it's good news all the same.MiTAC have a major problem.. they just don't put Bluetooth in their hand... – Down but not out

Many of our German visitors will be aware that the excellent website is experiencing some problems at the moment. Joe, webmaster of the site, will hopefully not mind me explaining the reason why. Basically, it's all down to the T-Mobile ...

Orange – 52 Million and growing

Our friends at Orange (who brough us the SPV range) have reached and breached the 52 million-customer mark. This "" article also states that ... "In the UK, the average annual amount each punter spends with Orange was up £4 to £...

Voq from Sierra Wireless at CTIA 2004

There's some things I'm not a great fan of. There's no big list really, although I'd have to include the people at Motorola who postponed "indefinitely" the Motorlola MPx100 and the continuing delays to the Motorola MPx being just two (Come on Motorol...

Motorola MPx hits ebay

Yep, Liam G has emailed to inform me of this auction for a Motorlola MPx. The MPx is a cleverly designed Pocket PC Phone with a dual-action hinge. If you wanna get in on this auction, click here. Oh, by the way, this Ebay seller has no …

Europhone MS Smartphones coming soon? is reporting on this .... this ...and ... this offering from EuroPhone. Although we don't know much about these phones as yet, we're hoping to hear a lot more about them soon! For more info, click here to go to the All...

MPx220 Mysteries solved?

Some rather hilarious but possibly missed solutions to the Motorola MPx220's problems have been uncovered by the guys at Firstly, the volume issue could be all down to a small piece of sticky tape over the speaker. These small ...

More cheap MiniSD cards

James Kennedy has emailed in about these MiniSD cards from They're ruddy cheap - 57 quid for a 512Mb MiniSD card, 35 quid for 256Mb and 25 quid for 128Mb! Check them out here at

Bumpy start for the MPx220

More bad news from the USA about the MPx220. The volume on the handset appears to be causing many users to return the phone and now some stores are beggining to cease selling them. It's another blow for the MPx220 handset, which is the successor to th...

MiTAC Mio 8390 DigiWalker

I've been lucky enough to get my hands on a MiTAC Mio 8390 handset for a short while. The Mio is on sale in Taiwan and elsewhere and is now being distributed in the UK by The Mio runs Windows Mobile 2003 on a very nippy Intel …

More reviews of the C500 and AudioVox SMT 5600

Essentially both the Orange SPV C500 (Europe) and the AudioVox SMT 5600 (USA) are the same handset and they're getting some excellent coverage across the web at the moment. However, I'm annoyed to see the silly "bad points" mentioned in some web revi...

New additions

I've just added a recent submissions page which will show you the latest 100 file additions. These are the very freshest downloads in our downloads section. This is designed to complement the existing Top 100 Downloads. Both of these will show you how...

MiniSD bargain

Martyn Hardacre has spotted this EBay auction which is selling a 512Mb MiniSD card for £55. It's branded as ATP and comes from a German Power-seller. I've purchased a digital camera from Germany recently over EBay and I can vouch for the quality of...

C500 Update now available!

Orange have just released an upgrade for SPV C500 users - and guess what? It fixes that gaming issue we mentioned in our review here (note, this has now been amended following this fix), so now there's absolutely NOTHING to stop you from buying one of...

Orange Push Email with Smartner report today on the new Orange "push" email service, which drives emails down to handsets rather than emails being retrieved manually by users. Orange have chosen Smartner to do this with their "Duality" software and are keen to point out ...

Locate any mobile!

This is pretty good - a new "locate any mobile" service which costs just 5 quid a month and includes... - Locate service on up to 5 mobile phones - Cost per additional mobile - 50p per month - Includes 10 Location Requests per month - Includes 10 …

MPx220 – Oh, THAT camera..

Looks like the camera issue with the MPx220 is still a major topic of conversation. We've now got showing actual pictures taken with this phone, which all appear to be blurry when zoom is used. Whilst some of this can be put down to the u...

AudioVox 5600 released on AT&T

Yup, the SPV C500 is travelling across the water to the new world. America will now get the Audiovox SMT5600 - for this is what it is known as over there - on AT&T Wireless. A full Press Release will be posted here soon, but AT&T Wireless themselves …

Orange 3G handsets coming 2005

Orange are to launch their range of 3G handsets in 2005, according to this PC Advisor article. Orange CEO Sanjiv Ahuja spoke at the Etre technology conference in Cannes... "There's a lot of hype in the industry around convergence but more often than...