Category: General
Orange appear to have removed the SPV e100 from their site. Now there's the e200 only. I've had quite a few emails about this - all with a familiar theme... here's just one of them... "I'm really annoyed about how Orange are treating their customers.... have a review of the SPV E200, which is to be sold from as the PPCW.Net i-Mate Smartphone2. This handset is better known as "HTC Voyager", and includes Bluetooth and an integrated camera. It is greatly anticipated, and will have the...
OK - I have a secret that I can't hold in any more. I have a Motorola MPx200. I've had one since Friday now and I have to admit that I'm very, very, VERY impressed with this handset. This handset has not only got great looks and design, …
Check out the 3D E200 here! You can grab it, spin it round and zoom in on it too. Get ready for the real thing, which should now be right around the corner. Don't bother getting other people Christmas presents yet - it's time to treat yourself first! …
We're getting info that November 17th is the release date for the SPV E200. This ties in with what's been said by Orange online, who confirm that it'll be November 17th. Also this page at states the 17th too. :) We're also seeing...
Due to continual abuse, people advertising porn pages, people offering to SIM unlock and network unlock phones etc etc. I have now removed the comments system, which allowed you guys to add your feelings to articles and news. Apologies for this. I ha... reports today that Compal Communications - who produced the developer Smartphones and early MS Smartphone handsets in the US (including the Red-e phone) are now due to mass produce second smartphone in the third quarter of 2004. Company...
Here's the E200 on the Orange Shop site - with the correct image! It's fantastic news, as we await the release of this handset - just a year after the original SPV appeared in the UK. While we're on the subject - the last few days have been …
Over at there's some juicy gossip about the new handset from Orange - the SPV E200. This is gonna be the big daddy in the Microsoft Smartphone world. An integrated camera, bluetooth and Windows Mobile 2003... boom! Check out this trans...
To celebrate the debut of the MPx200 and the launch of, they are giving away a huge pile of great prizes! So far there are 46 copies of 18 different software titles and some surprise goodies to be given away just about every four days over ...
Another "tweaked" MiTAC Mio image has appeared here and you can grab it direct target=_blank>here at This allows you to run any and all applications. Whilst it's completely unofficial and unsupported, it'll allow you to run every bit of...
The new Orange SPV E200 is now on the Orange Shop website - click here to see the range. You can see further details here and you can get the full specs here. As I write, the image of the E200 handset shown on the Orange website appears …
The November issue of the Phones4U catalogue has this offer on the Motorola MPx200 inside. It's a bit cheaper than the earlier mentioned "Sky Buy" offer, but now you can get it on all major mobile networks in the UK provided you stump up the necessary...
Beat this one..I've found a website thats selling the MPx200 for £9.99 on a "YourPlan120" (£25.00 a month)The address is .... the Orange network on the right hand side of the homepage then the MP...
You've already expressed interest in the Motorola MPx200 Smartphone.And now you're among the first to know that it's available The Motorola MPx200 Smartphone with Windows Mobile™ so...
I've just found an orange SPV E200 for sale already on ebay ! This isn't something I'm selling I just spotted it. Its a bit pricey but I suppose to some its worth being the first E200 owner! Click to view it here! The seller seems to think …
Orange is gearing up for a hectic November. With a massive worldwide advertising campaign, which begins here in the UK and France next week. Plus the launch of the SPV E200 and Motorola MPx200 handsets hopefully next week to co-incide with this, Orang...
Although the website hasn't been updated for a while, take a look at this baby (right) over at In just a few days we'll learn a lot more about the "XPhone" - which is the HTC Voyager phone AKA the Orange SPV E200. Yes, o...
OK guys, as you all know this site takes ... well, a lot of bloody work. We're talking several hours a day. :) So I need a bit of help.The articles section, which holds most of the stuff I've written about the Smartphone, needs a bit of a …
At last, a "proper" unlocking method has been announced and is now ACTIVE here at the MiTAC website. We've seen a few "unofficial" builds of the MiTAC's software coming out on the internet, but this is the official way of unlocking your MiTAC so that ...
Orange has pushed it's ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) up to achieve revenues ahead of expectations. This is thanks, in part, to devices like the MS Smartphone. Orange said revenues in the three months to September 30 had risen 8.1% to 4.7 billion eu...
You may think it a little crazy of me to be plugging other "competing" websites, but you'd be wrong - the more the merrier, as it benefits the Smartphone community! Today appeared on my screen. It's run by Sean from the USA, and he's just ... has done a pretty good review of the Motorola MPx200. Yes, yes I know.. you're all sitting there going, "I can't bloody buy one yet! AGGHHH!!!!".. but hey, it's coming soon, so you can get a good idea of what to expect. :) Click here for th...
In the latest edition of the the Sky Magazine there's an advert for the Motorola MPx200, being offered here at "Sky Buy". The handset, which can also be seen here, is said to be available in one week, and has a price tag of £425.00 - that's about …
Thanks to Paul over at the worlds best Smartphone forum,, I've now stuck a link in to their online chat! You can now chat live to people by simply clicking "Chat" on the left panel. Give it a try. Click me to chat!
It looks like Motorola are getting pretty serious now. A new chip, called the MXC, has been announced which should help push the Smartphone forward by miles. Motorola say that the MXC is based on the ARM core (which a lot of MS Smartphones use), and ...
Thanks in part to the fact that there just isn't the same level of penetration in the USA yet, mobile phones are cheap and there's a heap of options for new subscribers.Microsoft mogul Neil Enns, the Smartphone Scientist, noted this magificent offer f...
Thanks to Arthur Konze, I've now implemented a new feature on the downloads section that'll allow you to see a preview screenshot of what you're downloading! Hurray!! :) This has been a long time coming, and I know a lot of you have been asking to se...
As you may have seen, vanished last night. This was due to various boring reasons that I won't go into, but I want to thank everyone who's sent donations and offered hosting / help etc. On a personal note, I'm moving into our first ...
You may have noticed a new addition on the left-side of the site today. This is a calendar, where you can add events and important dates. I've stuck a couple in to get it started - like the birthday of this site on November 1st 2003. Hurra! We …
Whether these are preorders or actually available is unknown, but you can check out various packages and prices over at AVR Mobiles Check out the deals on the Motorola MPx200 here and the Orange SPV E200 here. If I were to use my current talk plan (Y...
There's some good "how to" documents from Motorola here - no doubt there'll be more of these to come from Motorola, so keep your eyes open. :) Click here to get the latest MPx200 Modem How-To Guide and the MPx200 Modem Driver (Smartfon.inf). This wil...
Paul over at the massive sends this...Full Details: "We are very excited to annouce the MoDaCo Prize for Innovation 2003. An anonymous benefactor has donated £500 as a prize for the indi... were earlier this week selling the Motorola MPx200 MS Smartphone. They then pulled the product from their catalogue, but now it's back - and, after mailing in a rebate form, you can get it for only $149.99 ! Bargain? Yes, definitely. Get o...
The Orange SPV E200, expected "soon" has been a little camera-shy up until now. We've seen some drawings, mock-ups, early versions and some other pictures. These, from the excellent French site are absolutely fantastic pictures of the S...
Just spotted over at is this excellent CNN Report showing off the SPV E200 and the Motorola MPx200 Windows Mobile phones. The Motorola is out today on the AT&T network in the USA and it should be popping up on Orange here in Europe before l...
Our friends at Orange (we like them, they give SPV E200s and E100s away in massive competitions) are now tackling the public transport problem in the UK. Is there nothing they can't do?! Orange are already helping the UK's public services with crime-...
Living in America (huh!) The Smartphone comes to the new world at last! :) Although yesterday we reported that were selling the Motorola MPx200 (this offer, spotted by retailing for $149.99 has been removed) we can now announc...
A very detailed review of the Windows Mobile Motorola MPx200 handset can be found here at Pocket PC Minds. This review is based on the AT&T Wireless model, which is exactly the same - but reading between the lines, it appears that this one may be out ...
Motorola's swish new Windows Mobile Smartphone has been given some good coverage in Personal Computer World Magazine. This article (here right, scanned by Bob from the excellent says that the Motorola is the second Smartphone.....