Category: General
A couple of nights ago I got home and noticed that my normally-strong Vodafone signal was down to either zero or 1 bars. I checked their coverage and “known issues” map online but that said that everything was fine. Then, just to ensure that I wasn’t going bonkers, …
UK network Three have just announced an idea to help train customers on the digital world. It’ll help them keep connected and up to date. “Discovery” by Three gives people a chance to learn about social media, online shopping, backups and much more. Plus with 21% of the …
Good Points: Slimline design Cable included USB Type-C input/output Fast charging for some devices Charge Level LEDs USB Type-C Out Price Bad Points: Fingerprint Magnetic Need to purchase further cables for other device’s. As we use our smartphones more and more each day, we demand more and more …
Following the success of nura’s first generation of the self-learning headphones that adapts to match your hearing, nura has announced its latest G2 software update to the nuraphone hardware in an on-going effort to continually improve the music listening experience. Even better news is that the nuraphones will be …
Personally, I am a big fan of Brainwavz, they never fail to bring musical joy to my ears. Now they have announced the M2 IEM earphones and headphones to their range. The M2 IEM in-ear noise isolating earphone with a deep and powerful bass, which is exciting for …
Back in 2014, UK network Three made the bold move of selling all their devices unlocked giving customers freedom to Sim swap O2 have just announced they are to offer the same from this month, with all phones to be unlocked by the end of the month that …
I get it, I really do. I get that a manufacturer will build slightly different products for different markets. There are different LTE bands to consider, and maybe the charger will be different. You may even want to change the packaging, depending on how big of a push …
giffgaff, which sits on the O2 network, have long been the go-to fuss-free solution if you just want a monthly plan with no ties. However, of late other virtual networks have been muscling in, with the likes of Lebara offering 4GB for £8 per month (on the Voda …
My job now sees me based on a farm. The signal there is, let me tell you, non-existent. Strangely, on the drive in, the signal on the country road is fine, but when you’ve gone up the long drive it suddenly drops down. All the networks, and believe …
Mobile phones, as I’m sure you all know, can be very distracting. Whether you’re watching TV, sat at the bus stop, waiting for a sandwich, ordering coffee or at the park, a quick glance at the screen seems difficult to resist. So what stops us fiddling with our …
Three have enhanced their deal with SSE Telecoms to connect their network to local BT exchanges. This will boost network performance and connectivity to customers. The move is a big step towards the 5G launch in the UK, but will also have huge benefits for existing 4G customers …
Take a look at these two phones. Do you know who they belong to ? Yes, they belong to me. Apart from the cracks and the smashed rear panels, you’ll probably also notice that I don’t have a cover on either of the phones either. This, I’ll admit, …
As the propped-up UK government slowly falls apart, there’s plenty of taxis outside to take the ministers back home. Over 300 of them are now iconic black electric cabs too. They’re all extended range LEVC vehicles, with thousands of miles already covered. There’s 50-or-so more outside of London, …
I’ve been using a very tired Mos Backpack that I acquired a few years ago as my regular laptop bag. As it’s in daily use, it has started to show its age. Due to this, I have been on the hunt for a bag that would make for …
It is a proven fact that using for mobile phone whilst driving is a distraction, and is one of the four major causes of fatal accidents on the UK roads today. Not only that if you’re caught using your device, you can be fined £200 and have your …
I love gadgets. Well, you know that. I’ve been writing about the things for 16 years now so it’s fair to say that I’m slightly obsessed really. Smartphone camera technology in particular has come a long way recently, but despite the stabilization features you’ll no doubt see in …
We are very much fans if Mixcder headphones at Coolsmartphone HQ, Ian and I enjoy using them when they are released. Imagine our excitement when we received a press release for a £59.99 pair of wireless headphones with active cancellation. Not only that, they boast 40mm drivers, wideband …
Operating on the O2 network, Tesco Mobile is offering up the Samsung Galaxy S8, S8+, S9, S9+ and Samsung Note 8. If you buy one of those devices then the network will offer up a free tech gift worth up to £279. There’s something to suit everyone including …
I recently reviewed the Gemini from Plant Computers and I was on the whole quite impressed with the way it worked. Apart from a few issues with the build (primarily down to the pre-production status of my review device), I was left happy and enthused about the product. …
Discord is software primarily used for people to talk while playing games. So you may think well why is this relevant to me? Well Discord is something I use everyday and it is growing to be a social network of sorts to. There is an iOS, macOS, PC …
We were asked to review the Studio19 London’s SOLO 500X-EQ Bluetooth Speaker, which we covered its release back in February this year. Studio19 successfully crowdfunded the new speaker using the IndieGoGo platform. We have used the Primordial Radio application to test the speaker and we talk about their platform …
Summer has finally arrived here in the UK. It’s nearly 32 degrees as I type this and now everyone is moaning that it’s too hot! This all means lots of time outdoors, and as such I’ve been reviewing the Groov-e Wave II Outdoor Bluetooth speaker. Good Points: Price. …
The Iceworks 7000 is a fast charge, ultra slim portable charger with built-in type C cable. More importantly it’s only 8mm thick, 15.5cm length and 7.8cm width. Yup! No longer will you have a massive bulky charger pack in the bottom of your bag. Following in the steps of …
“The Last Cable You’ll Ever Need “ Good Points: Lifetime Warranty. Build quality. Interchangeability. Allows both fast charging and data syncing. Super strong. Tangle Free. Oh did I mention the build quality. Bad Points: The strong magnets have a mind of there own. The tips have to stay …
EE have today announced a new range of home broadband plans which deliver super fast fibre connection with unlimited use. Not only as well as extra data on your smartphone as an added bonus. Fibre Max 1 offers speeds up to 150Mbps with upload speeds of 28Mbps, and …
You, my digital friend, look like you need something that will charge four of your things all at the same time. From a wall. This, right here, and for £14.99 as I type from Amazon, is the Syncwire 4-port mains charger. It’s designed to be used in the …
Good morning you good people. How’s things eh? Good? Great. Now, we’ve had an email from “Joe”. He’s from a company called Brickspower. They do these wireless charging bricks which attach to the back of your phone. Then it’ll wirelessly charge your phone. Magic eh? No need to …
The whole premise of this product, which is £199 from Selfridges, is the fact that you can do quick one-way translations without the need for an internet connection. It’s already proved successful in Japan and the US, with 10,000 orders received in the first three days. It’s a …
Seven cities will become 5G test areas for Vodafone. Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Liverpool, London and Manchester will then see deployments beginning in October. Vodafone will be pushing “Gigabit UK”, where customers can enjoy ultra-fast connection speeds of one gigabit per second via 5G. Across those cities, engineers …
So, England won the other night. It’s all going well so far, but, after the edge-of-the-seat action, you might need a lie down. This sleep mask could be just the ticket. You can whack it on during a flight or after a long day at work. It’ll not …
The World Cup is great, 4 weeks of footy heaven, beer snacks and England related stress injuries. Over recent years the BBC have used the World Cup to showcase it’s latest technologies, from HD, to multiple audio streams and in this case VR presentation of matches…….yes I’ve just …
Following our award for Top 10 UK Mobile Blog from Feedspot, we’ve won another award. Yes. Get in. Again, I’m going to have to suspend my negative attitude towards these awards, which are usually given out to as many sites as possible in the hope that the company …
We are big fans of the Sky Sports Mobile TV App here at It provides a way of legally watching 8 Sky Sports Channels and Sky News on your iOS or Android Device for a great price. However, on occasion, some users experience issues with subscriptions not …
Welcome, So the rules for this coverage are: I won’t talk about Pre/Post shows in detail only mention what they are doing for them No event screenshots, Not because I can’t but because the stream quality isn’t great and I wouldn’t want to force that on you but …
In my head, I’m James Bond. I walk with a confident swagger and drive luxury cars. In reality, I wear strange socks and I’ve only just got rid of the Audi that had started pumping Diesel fumes inside the car. So I want to spend £22.99 on this …
A few months ago I got a little bit excited about a device that I had seen on Indiegogo. It wasn’t because it was the fastest or the most powerful device. It didn’t have the best camera either. It also wasn’t designed to be a gaming monolith. So, …
Welcome, So the rules for this coverage are: I won’t talk about Pre/Post shows in detail only mention what they are doing for them No event screenshots, Not because I can’t but because the stream quality isn’t great and I wouldn’t want to force that on you but …
Welcome, So the rules for this coverage are: I won’t talk about Pre/Post shows in detail only mention what they are doing for them No event screenshots, Not because I can’t but because the stream quality isn’t great and I wouldn’t want to force that on you but …
Welcome, So the rules for this coverage are: I won’t talk about Pre/Post shows in detail only mention what they are doing for them No event screenshots, Not because I can’t but because the stream quality isn’t great and I wouldn’t want to force that on you but …
This one is definitely aimed at those using an iPhone or iPad. It’s a clever technology, and EE is the first to roll-out in the UK. EE smart number lets you make and receive calls and texts using the same number across multiple devices. It won’t cost you …