Category: General

Bethesda E3 Briefing as it happened

Welcome, So the rules for this coverage are: I won’t talk about Pre/Post shows in detail only mention what they are doing for them No event screenshots, Not because I can’t but because the stream quality isn’t great and I wouldn’t want to force that on you but …

Xbox E3 2018 Briefing as it Happened

Welcome, So the rules for this coverage are: I won’t talk about Pre/Post shows in detail only mention what they are doing for them No event screenshots, Not because I can’t but because the stream quality isn’t great and I wouldn’t want to force that on you but …

EA Play – As it happened

Welcome. So the rules for this coverage are: I won’t talk about Pre/Post shows in detail only mention what they are doing for them No event screenshots, Not because I can’t but because the stream quality isn’t great and I wouldn’t want to force that on you but …

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) Times, Dates, Predictions

Lights, Camera, Action… a car descends from the ceiling… a car slides out a wall… an awkward demo begins. Yes! It’s that time again, E3. For those who do not know or who don’t understand what E3 is here is a quick rundown. A long time ago, being …

Buy a phone, run a speed test, give to charity!

Wanna donate some cash easily? Well, there’s a couple of ways we’ve found of doing it. First, the Tesco Mobile guys are donating a crisp £5 for every single pink phone which is sold until June 26th. The money goes direct to Cancer Research UK and ties in …

Speck World Cup Cases now available

The World Cup is just around the corner now, so if you want to show your support, check out the new range of cases from Speck. Sure, we’re showing you the England one here, but they’ve also got the Presido GRIP World Edition available for France, Spain, Germany, …

Filofax eniTAB360 Tablet Stand – Review

Getting your tablet to stand on its own normally requires some sort of folio type case. You know the sort – those ones that fold back onto themselves. However, they only hold your device at one angle, which typically isn’t “just right” to view content. Plus, if you …

We won some award or something

One day we might win a really big award. After all, I’ve invested a full 16 entire years of my life writing posts for this website and we’ve got a team of crazed smartphone nutters travelling all over the place to bring you the latest chunks of smartphone …

EE to trial 5G in London

It only felt like yesterday we welcomed in 4G technology to the UK, however that’s now old news as we now start the 5G era. EE have today announced that their trial 5G network will launch in October. Some 10 sites in London will go live and means …

Vodafone improve Bundle offers

Vodafone have today updated their popular ‘Bundle’ deals for customers who are on PAYG and do not want a contract. The network still offers unlimited texts on all offers but have improved either with more minutes or data. These improvements are highlighted in red above, and still include …

Anti-Radiation patch for smartphones

The radiation levels from mobile phones used to be a massive issue for consumers particularly when we had huge aerials back in the late 90s and early 00s, but it seems to have fallen away from the public eye. The reality is that phones still emit radiation in …

Mixcder E7 active noise cancelling headphones – Review.

Back in December I carried out a review of the Mixcder MS301 Premium Bluetooth headphones. I was extremely pleased with them. Both the sound and build quality was excellent, and I gave them an overall score of 92%. You can read that review here. Well now I’ve been sent …

Urbanista Detroit headphones now available

Hailing from Sweden, Urbanista are a top lifestyle audio brand and have today announced their new Detroit headphone. They are available in black, green and peach for just £59. They’re stylish and deliver 12 hours of playback after a fast charge, so just 15 minutes will give up to three …

Solid reasons to use mobile banking

My wife was chatting to me recently about one of our first holidays abroad. I’d started to do some IT contracting and she had got her first full-time job. We treated ourselves and off we went, on the first holiday together. Trouble was, a few days into the …

Smartphones. Changing the way that industries behave

Mobile phones have become a great part of our everyday life. Today it’s virtually impossible to live without a smartphone. Our mobile phone provides everything we need to get by. We can talk to our friends, chat on social media, take pictures and upload them immediately thanks to …

Is our life better with new technology or without?

Our life has changed significantly thanks to modern technology. But what’s your opinion? Has it made things better? Let’s compare life with technology and without, and try to define what’s better! Nowadays, we live in a world full of new technologies, and it’s hard to imagine how people …

A new network coming soon – Zevvle

A network promising to bring simplicity and enhanced support. That’s what on the cards from startup Zevvle. They tell me that they’ll remove unnecessary fees and misguided features. It’ll be using the EE network, so you know that coverage will be good, and they intend to launch later …

How to conduct a SWOT Analysis

One of the most important things you can do to plan for the future of your business is conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis (SWOT Analysis). Once complete, you’ll have a better idea of how to conduct your operations to ensure your continued growth—regardless of the …

All you need to know about VR Apps and Headsets for iOS

It’s easy to assume that Apple doesn’t really have a current interest in virtual reality – the company has yet to release an Apple-branded VR headset, and some point out that even the latest iPhone X is not as VR-display friendly as some Android devices. The iPhone X …

No more 3G from me, says Three

Not too long ago you would still be able to buy phones which wouldn’t have 4G capabilities. The KAZAM Tornado 348 sticks in my head as one of these but hey, that was 2015 and KAZAM went pop anyway. Now, in 2018, you’d be hard-pushed to get a …

Atlas goes for a run..

So, after having to suffer another mind-numbing, spirit-crushing pre-roll advert, I dived into the very latest Boston Dynamics footage. It is, as is becoming the norm now, another scarily good and astonishing bit of natural-looking robotics. This is Atlas. He might look big, but he weighs less …

Exercise at work, whilst you work!

Remember my makeshift office / exercise bike? It was basically a free exercise bike I’d got from Freecycle and an old Chromebook that I strapped to the top. It was a bit naff, but it did the job – I could write articles while I trained for the …

Sony puts the Xperia™ XZ2 to the ultimate gaming test

Gaming on a mobile is getting more popular by the day due to the power that can be extracted from the modern day device. Sony has put the Xperia XZ2 to the test, by using a PlayStation®4 Remote Play against real-world racing driver Archie Hamilton.  The Passenger Race sees Archie race a …

Huawei P20 Pro Case Roundup

With smartphone prices getting more and more expensive, now more than ever you need to make sure you have some sort of case to protect it from scratching and breaking. The Huawei P20 Pro is one of those flagship devices that has caught a lot of attention, mainly …

Oittm Essential Oil Diffuser – A Review

Following on from our article about Home Automation using Oittm Smart Plugs, I decided to look at other items in the range to see what was within the art of the possible, and one item which caught my eye was the Oittm Essential Oil Diffuser, which again offers …

OnePlus 6 Announced

Today in London OnePlus announced their latest flagship device. It was, as expected, the OnePlus 6. There has been a lot of talk about the next move from OnePlus. Their 5T was well received by both press and consumers around the world, and with OnePlus being a company …

Our sponsors so far…

We would like to thank the following people for their help and support in keeping us online. So far this week we’ve had donations from … Deborah Stringer Alistair Dent Mark Harper Bobby Wallace We’re really can’t quite put into words how appreciative we are. As we’ve done …

EE and BT – Speed, convergence and customer service

So today Marc Allera from BT announced something pretty special. The major plus point, for us at least, was buried in the words “convergence” and “aggregation”. What this basically means is that you’ll be able to get up to 314Mbps ultrafast broadband by 2022. How? Well, BT will …

OVAL 2.0 – Making Your Home Smarter

OVAL 2.0, the successor to the OVAL 1.0, officially goes live on Kickstarter today to gain backing for the latter version of the simple sensor that can help make your home smarter without major complication. OVAL 2.0 will have a new design and with IFTTT support, it can now …

Vodafone Chief Vittorio Colao steps down

After 10 years in charge of the Vodafone Group, today Vittorio Colao has announced he is to stand down. Colao has been key in the turn around of the company over the recent years, including the $130bn sale of their share in Verizon Wireless in America several years …

Gemini from Planet Computers – First Impressions

I have it in my hands finally: the Gemini from Planet Computers. I have been waiting to get hold of this device for nearly 6 months since I first caught wind of it back in November last year. It is a unique product on the market and some …

Tesco Mobile doing double data deals.

Whether you’re after a SIM-only or a contract deal, Tesco Mobile have just got in touch to let us know about their latest offers. It starts with the iPhone 6 on a 36-month Anytime Upgrade Flex contract. That, at £18.49 per month (and no upfront fee), will get …

VOXI makes you feel younger again

VOXI is a brand from UK network Vodafone that’s aimed at the youth market. If you love your social media and want good pricing, VOXI is for you. The catch was to be a VOXI customer you had to be 26 or under to get a SIM, however …

Samsung Galaxy S9 – Review

The introduction Samsung is one of the largest players in the Android arena, and their Galaxy handsets have become iconic around the world. This year at MWC, the company announced their latest versions – the Galaxy S9 and S9+. Both of these are on sale now. We were lucky …

Vodafone help speed up cancer research

When it comes to medical research, finding a cure for cancer is  at top of the list for many people. Many of us either have family, or know someone with this life changing illness and despite huge investment in finding a cure, we are still looking for ways …

Blinkers – Smart lighting system for Cyclists

Velohub, a Swiss start-up based in Zürich that specialises in developing smart technology for cyclists has launched Blinkers, the complete smart lighting system for cyclists. The smart lighting system including front, rear and laser lighting is available to buy from with prices starting from £89/€99/$120. Cycling is getting so popular …

Three add more Puggerfly love

Three recently added the cute and cuddly Puggerfly to their range of creative animals, and once again he’s been a big success for them. This advertising campaign promotes the fact Snapchat has been added to their GoBinge service, so customers on Three can Snapchat all they like without …

Foobot – The Air Breathing Friend

For the past two weeks, I have been reviewing the Foobot, which is the brainchild of Luxembourg based company, Airboxlab, the CEO Jacques Touillon, who wanted to help his eldest child in his fight against asthma and after looking without success for a device to fight this invisible …