Category: General
A short while ago we used to smile at the crazy weird people who queued up to get the latest iPhone. Now, we’re seeing some different people queueing up. They’re cool people. They’re not Apple fans and we like them lots. Wait… Have I stirred up the fanboys …
OK I’ll fess up. Sometimes I do get distracted by my phone when I’m in the car. It’s all too easy to take a quick glance at the traffic lights and some of us think we can compose complicated messages while we’re driving. You can’t. You just can’t. …
Right. We’ve just about to explode with the amount of Black Friday deals that have been dropped into our mailbox. Black Friday apparently lasts for well over a week now, but as we actually get close to the actual day we’re seeing some of the best ones. First …
I have been glued to a community forum for the past few days, and… I think I may have a problem. However, the reason for this is due to the fact that the Eve V 2 in 1 (Surface competitor) was launching. Well, it launched on Monday at …
EE announced today their intentions for Black “Friday” which apparently runs from Wednesday to Monday in their eyes! Pay Monthly Mobile Deals EE will offer a range of deals including a £149.99 saving on either the Apple iPhone 6s, Samsung Galaxy S6 or Huawei P9 handsets on pay monthly …
VaragtP Studios have today launched a cute garden game called Planetera. The purpose of the game is to create your own virtual garden with cute creatures of various shapes and sizes called helpers. Even cute games have villains called evil critters, not the most menacing name! Game Features: Plantera …
As the internet continues to become more prevalent in day-to-day life, so too does the role of tech gadgets. We now use smartphones, tablets, laptops and other devices to perform a myriad number of functions that in years past required individual, separate devices. From basic math calculations to …
Matchmaking. Internet dating. Online relationships. These are all words and phrases that used to carry a certain amount of embarrassment, but those days are now in the distant past. Now there’s all manner of dating and relationship apps, from the sublime to the ridiculous. This one claims a …
Black Friday apparently started weeks ago! Somehow I think some vendors have forgotten the Friday element. Anyway, I am not complaining! Deals we have seen so far: Google Chromecast Audio £15 @ Currys Sony Smartwatch 3 Classic now £69.99 @ Currys SIM Free LG G5 Smartphone …
Ah. I should’ve expected this shouldn’t I really? Just yesterday we asked whether any of you had ever received a 4G download speed that could beat 133.11Mbps. Well, guess what? Yep, Dan himself has beat his very own speed test. It’s in Torquay again and it’s on EE. …
Our man Dan has definitely got some “skills” when it comes to finding fast networks. Back in 2014 he managed to get 149.74Mbps from a Vodafone mast outside Victoria station in London on an early Sunday morning. After visiting Wembley recently it’s clear that competitor EE are proud …
If you’ve got an iPhone or an EE-supplied LG G5, Galaxy S7, S7 Edge or Sony Xperia handset – listen up. According to EE will be lighting up the 800MHz slice of their 4G service next week. Whilst it’s not known exactly where the 800MHz coverage will …
Following on from our earlier story, Three have now admitted that yes, their systems were accessed and yes, customer information was obtained. The whole event appears to have spooked quite a number of Three customers, as their site became overloaded last night due to the amount of people …
I’m sure you’ve all heard about Plusnet. They’re a “no nonsense” UK internet provider based in Sheffield. They do broadband, landlines and calls… oh, and they’re owned by BT after an acquisition in 2007. Who else is owned by BT? Well, EE of course. EE in turn own …
Every little piece of me wants to believe that this is fake. The YouTube account only has one video uploaded (which is weird if you’re a big fan of drones and film lots) and there’s “helpful” on-screen graphics and special effects so that it’ll help grab your attention. …
The UK mobile network, Three, has seen an increasing level of attempted handset fraud in recent weeks. Now, following an investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA), three men have been arrested in connection with a data breach. Although credit card and bank details weren’t taken, the company …
After being rumoured for a while, and then available through a beta build, WhatsApp continues on its quest for global domination of its messaging platform with video calling. Whilst it is arguably the biggest cross-platform messaging service, with a 1 billion users, WhatsApp has fallen behind competitors such …
At the last 4G/5G summit hosted in Hong Kong, Mobile chip giant Qualcomm unveiled its latest mid-range chipsets, the Snapdragon 400 and Snapdragon 600 ranges. The Snapdragon 427 replaces the current budget Snapdragon 425, and improvements for the Snapdragon 427 chipset include the inclusion of Qualcomm’s X9 LTE …
Whether you want to communicate via social media channels or check out spread betting with IG, you can do so with the latest smartphone devices. These days, everyone seems to have a portable gadget glued to their hands, with the iPhone being one of the most popular models …
There has been an increased interest in virtual reality, and 360-degree video over the last year or so, with the likes of Gear VR, the HTC Vive & Playstation VR providing platforms to view this enhanced content. Purists will correctly tell you that VR and 360 degree video aren’t …
My friends and family know me as a tech enthusiast who is forever buying new devices and perusing the technology press. This has meant that I often I get asked questions on what devices people should buy. This is because (at least in my social circle) most people …
According to P3 (umm?) Vodafone have got the best network for voice in the UK. Not only that but they’ve got the best network in London and the most improved network in the UK too. Vodafone tell me that they’ve worked hard to improve their network and they’ve …
As more and more Chromebooks are being granted access to the Google Play Store and the millions of apps within, people are trying to activate their copy of Microsoft Office for Android. Unfortunately, they’re finding out that a subscription to Microsoft Office 365 is required, especially if your …
Earlier on this year, I recommended the Moto G 4th gen to someone. They were on a budget and they’d been using what I think was the original Moto G (the Moto G OG, if you will) quite happily for a very long time. Alas, no memory card …
Or, without that annoying alliteration about, Samsung seems to have finished testing Android 7 – AKA Nougat – and is starting to roll out a beta testing program for those folks with a Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. It’s not important that the rollout for Samsung is something …
It’s no real surprise that when to comes to mobile devices with physical keyboards, Blackberry were the industry leaders. But despite this the company slowly declined, beginning with the company ending the use their own Operating System, and then not even producing devices, but using rebranded TCL devices (well hello, …
Surprisingly, up to now, Whatsapp Messenger – which is probably one of the biggest messaging services in the world, hasn’t supported two-factor authentication. Well, that was until now. People that are using the latest beta version of Whatsapp are starting to see the option to turn on this …
Sorry friends, I had to do this to you. Here in the UK, as the last firework went “bang” and I suddenly realised that America had voted for a bright orange person, everyone seemed to be taking solace in the Christmas TV adverts. “Oh, TV ad make it …
I was one of the Kickstarter backers for the original Pebble smartwatch back in 2012. I still actually own that too. Shortly after I purchased the Pebble Steel. However, when the colour Pebble Time watches appeared, I fell out of love with them. I thought the new colour ePaper interface was a …
Premium audio and video manufacturer, Venturer, previously brought us the successful BravoWin and EliteWin 2-in-1 affordable notebooks. These were released here in the UK earlier this year. Today they’ve announced their new models – the BravoWin S and EliteWin S. Both Mini Notebooks have a stylish new build with a …
Earlier this year the interwebs was full of rumours that Samsung was planning to ship smartphones and tablets with a bendable OLED screen. In fact in June this year Lenovo displayed a prototype of its own bendable phone. Well a recent leaked patent application from the Korean Intellectual …
21/02/2020 – The best solution to finding your local mast is now located within this recently updated article. A lot has changed over the years, and this is now the best place to go. Quite some time ago we published a story about the Ofcom Sitefinder database. It’s …
This morning OpenSignal have published a new “State of LTE” report. You can find their February one here but today the report, which focuses on the speed and availability of 4G networks around the world, gives us a number of highlights. First, the fastest 4G countries in the …
Cast your mind back dear reader, many moons ago when HTC furst released the “One” series of devices. Well just a few months after release, the company released a higher spec updated version of the same device. It well and truly upset the customers that had forked out …
Here at Coolsmartphone we are approached by device manufacturers from all over the world. I must admit that it is the unheard-of devices from the far-east that intrigue me the most, so I jumped at the chance to review the unknown brand Nomu and their S10 device. ‘Who …
I’m confused by this whole thing. Yes, its interesting that this is possible, but at the same time it just seems like a whole lot of hassle to produce something that you can buy relatively cheaply off the internet. Here someone shows you how to make a portable …
I’m a firm believer that drivers should have limited, if no access to mobile phones whilst driving. Having just returned from a family holiday in Florida, I saw many drivers using their phone and even texting whilst driving. It just shows how distracted drivers can be whilst fiddling …
The time has come to unbox Huawei’s latest and greatest phablet – the Mate 9. If you have read the launch article then you will know what to expect, but for those of you who didn’t then here are the highlights. Kirin 960 chipset, the world’s highest performing …
You may have bought yourself a phone cover with a couple of credit card slots in the back recently. It’s becoming a bit of a trend and, thanks to Android and Apple Pay becoming more popular too, we’re carrying more of our life around with us on our …
It seems that the days of picking up a cheap phone for a festival are long gone. It is a regular site to see folk using portable phone chargers now, to prolong the smartphone goodness and for the selfies with your mates when the headliners are on. You …