Category: General

OnePlus rumoured to be producing a Windows Phone.

Chinese phone manufacturer OnePlus is believed to be releasing another device – possibly the OnePlus Two in early 2015. Following a recent meeting with Microsoft, it’s rumoured that they could be considering using the Windows Phone operating system. In a recent interview with India’s Economic Times they stated …

Android L: Looking like its likely to land soon

We’ve been waiting a while for Google to launch their operating system and the accompanying hardware. All that flatter looking, Material Design goodness looks like its coming that one step closer for us to get our hands on with the launch of these three YouTube ads. The first …

Take a look at the Nexus 6

Retirement is supposed to be a time where you down tools, put your feet up and relax. Clearly this message has not got through to serial leaker Evan Blass who retired from leaking earlier this year as he has taken to Twitter to post a render of what …

The new Vodafone SmartTab 4G……huddling with the Hudl?

Hot on the heels of the latest 8″ tablet launch from Tesco, the Hudl 2 (initial impressions from James here), comes a brand new 4G own brand tablet from Vodafone. The Vodafone SmartTab 4G is a device that is its name suggests comes 4G ready.  It has an 8″ …

Oppo N3 to have the swivel camera like the N1

Phone manufacturer Oppo has released the above photo of their rumoured next device the Oppo N3, with what appears to be a rotating rear camera module at the top of the device, which we first saw the N1, enabling the high quality selfie, which seems to be the …

What’s on the end of the stick, Vic?

I’ll let you into a secret. Sometimes, just sometimes, PR agencies get in touch with us and try to promote their product by sending over some sort of survey that they did. It’s usually something like this… Bobs Accessories, makers of the epic Bluetooth Boom Box version 4 …

The coolest apps for autumn 2014

With the recent release of the iPhone 6, 6 + and the long-awaited iOS 8, more and more apps and app upgrades are becoming available as we get to the end of the year. Many of us might think we look quite cool with the latest bendy iPhone, …

Example footage from the new HTC RE camera

Yes, the new pipe camera that HTC launched just the other day doesn’t have an in-built viewfinder. Although you can use your phone as a viewfinder and although it has a 146 degree wide-angle lens, some are questioning just how accurate the “point and hope” shooting will actually …

Sony Xperia Z3 Review

Oooh it is thinner and ….. um … lighter. That is what most people who pick up the new Z3 will say. Beyond that there are few visible cues to the fact that they are holding a newer phone. For the phone aficionados (like us) we will pick …

Surely it’s about time for a new 41 Megapixel camera from Nokia

In my eyes the modern camera phone market things are becoming a little bit stagnant. Most new phones arrive to a fanfare of propaganda about how the camera performs amazingly in low light, when being moved around and that it takes video unlike any other device, ever. But …

Selfy cases announced

First there was the selfie, then there was the selfie stick, then the super selfie phones (from Huawei, Nokia and Sony), now there is the Selfy case.   The cases combine a simple remote shutter button and with a holder that also serves to protect your phone and …

HTC RE priced up – To be available at EE too

If you’ve seen our coverage of the new digital camera from HTC you’ll probably want to know just how much it’ll cost. We were hoping for it to be around the £99.99 mark, but it looks to be a tad more expensive than that. The orange model will …

Apple’s Next Big Event Announced for October 16th

Despite it only being a heart beat or two since it’s iPhone 6 launch event, with the tag line “It’s been way too Long” Apple have announced their next big event for October 16th at their Cupertino Head Quarters. The exact contents of the announcement will remain a …

HTC RE Launched – An innovative handheld camera

Back in September we noticed this, and James guessed it to be an add-on camera. I thought it would be a selfie-camera of some kind but now we’ve got the full details – it’s called the RE. Instantly I’m taken back to Religious Education lessons from school, but …

HTC Desire EYE exclusive in the UK to Three

HTC are just announcing all the details of their new products over in New York, the HTC Desire EYE is one interesting device with dual 13 megapixel cameras. We have now heard that in the UK this will be exclusive to Three. It will be launched in the …

Ofcom fine Three over complaints

We are big fans of Three here at Coolsmartphone, a lot of the staff are on the network due to cheap deals and large data allowances. It seemed that they had turned a page on the customer service front, having the least complaints per 1000 customers in the …

OK Google, can you work like the advert please?

You’ve seen those clever “OK Google” adverts on TV. There’s plenty of them and here in Old Blighty but one I spotted last night doesn’t actually work. It’s this one.. We’ve tested this particular scenario on iOS, Android and even the Chrome browser on a PC. The …

EE Launch their own TV system

A set-top box still isn’t unusual, even with the large amount of clever TVs on the market. Sky, YouView, Virgin and others already have their own solutions already, but now it’s the turn of EE, who have just announced their own. This particular one is pretty clever because …

Hey, phone manufacturers. You need to have a chat with Elliptic Labs

Back in February we took a look at a rather fantastic touchless interface from Elliptic Labs. Not many sites covered the technology, and if you’re following one of those lesser sites then they’ll probably only be covering them for the first time today. Tskk. Anyways, eight months ago …

Backbone iPhone 5s Wireless Charging Case Review

We see a lot of cases here at Coolsmartphone but we’ve been seeing an increasing profile from the people at Dog and Bone. This one is a bit special because it’s a case which makes your phone charge wirelessly and it comes with a clever charging base too. …

What phone? The NoPhone!

I’m not sure if I should be writing this article but if this picks up then I might be out of a job. Following on the heels of the BookBook from Ikea, comes the NoPhone. The NoPhone is a Kickstarter campaign that promises a “technology free alternative to …

Google Cardboard. Get yourself one!

Fancy getting yourself some of those low-tech but still pretty cool virtual reality specs from Google? How does £2.34 sound? Google Cardboard is basically a headset containing your phone that you strap onto your bonce. Some assembly is required here, but once you’re done you can strut around …

Lightning Rabbit phone cable review

This might be a bit of a short review if I’m honest. What can you say about that cable that arrives in the box with your mobile? One ends connects to your phone whilst the other either plugs into your charger or your computer for transferring files. All …

RHA MA 750i Earphones Review

RHA have been producing quality products from their Glasgow headquarters for a number of years now.  From their entry level MA350‘s to the more expensive MA600i’s, every product has so far oozed excellence from start to finish. Prior to the recent launch of the brand new high end …

Podcast 112 – Listen in live

Welcome to the live, raw, unedited and often broken version of our podcast. Joining me this week is John. This weeks topics revolve around Apple, Motorola, my Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, readers questions, John’s thoughts on the iPhone bending thing and our usual chit chat about our mobile …

The future’s bright – the future’s .. O2?

Parties, foreign travel and stacks of free phones. That’s what you get if you work in the mobile industry. It’s just non-stop craziness for us here at Coolsmartphone Towers too, and when we’re not on a first class flight to New York, we’re sipping champagne with Beyoncé Knowles. …

Need more data on EE SIM only? Good luck!

EE recently updated their SIM only contracts giving more data for a limited time, the highest being 10GB a month which is still way short of the 20GB and 50GB options with a 2 year contract. Whilst adding more data is good for everyone, we have just heard …

Podcast 112 – Ask us a question

Tonight we will be recording our podcast and to help us out each week with topics we get you the listeners to ask us some questions. Which we’ll include in the show later on. Be it about our thoughts on the bendy iPhone, the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact …

More 4G! MORE!

Yes, it’s the regular 4G update from who else, but EE. Today is October 1st, so with the dark nights hitting us, it’s time to get some speedy t’internet on our phones so that we have something to do on the cold bus ride home. Coverage now includes …

Mobiles cleared for use on airplanes

Everyone knows the drill by now, you board an airplane and you get a safety message asking you to ensure your seat is upright, trays up, luggage safely stowed and to switch off all electrical devices including mobile phones (or at least put them in flight mode). Now, …

My coverage of Bart’s Bash 2014

Well the event is done and now it’s time to review how the event went and how once again mobile tech helped me during the event. As those of you who read my previous article will know I was planning on covering the event for the site by …

Pocket-Casts web based podcast player now in beta.

I absolutely love the PocketCasts app, I must use everyday and I have installed it on every device I own both iOS and Android, to be honest it’s one of the few app’s I can’t do without. If you don’t know what PocketCasts is, it’s a podcast aggregator …

iPhone 6 rebates now available

When Phones 4U went into administration, the administrators PwC announced that customers who had pre-ordered the iPhone 6 and 6 plus would be reimbursed for any money they had paid. It emerged this morning that an email was sent round to all customers (with all 136 email addresses …

Gigaset Tablet 8″ Review

I have been sent a new tablet through for review, this being The Gigaset Tablet 8 QV830 ( black version ). Never heard  of Gigaset ? well neither had I prior to hearing from them regarding this review. Gigaset is a German company that is one of the …

Apple releases iOS 8.0.2 to fix those broken iPhones

On Wednesday Apple released 8.0.1 which broke many users news iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Although Apple did offer a workaround to downgrade back to iOS 8.0 they should have checked the buggy update before letting it out, I mean come on, no phone service is hard to …

Podcast 111 – Listen in live

Welcome to the live, raw, unedited and often broken version of our podcast. Joining me this week is Garry. This weeks topics revolve around some shiny Sony phones, readers questions, the iPhone bending outrage and our usual chit chat about our mobile goings on. To listen live it’s …

Podcast 111 – Ask us some questions

Another week another podcast and yes I’ve got a new phone to talk about tonight. As last week’s listeners questions article went so well we thought we’d throw it open to you guys again and ask you to ask us some questions. Be it about the shiny new …

13 Cool Android/Nook apps that Geeks will love

Software developers are, by definition, geeks, so it should come as no surprise that many of the apps they’ve come up with are tailor-made for people who share their interests. After all, “geekiness” has become something of a badge of honour. Smartphones and tablets offering the full Android …

Phones 4u – The final toll

A list of stores being closed is now available. Staff will already be aware, but if you’re hoping that a local store is to re-open as a Vodafone, EE or Carphone Warehouse, check this list. All of these ex-Phones 4u stores will now be closed until they perhaps …