Category: General
I’ve got too many laptops and tablets lying around at home at the moment and I’ve been on the lookout for a bag that’ll allow me to safely store 3 or 4 devices plus cables accessories. I’ve often looked at STM bags in the past, so when I …
Last Friday, for most of us, it was pay day. It marked the end of the long (and very wet) month of January where we all recover from our Christmas spending. A lot of gifts were mobile devices, and sales of tablets in particular are predicted to outsell …
Yesterday we had news that EE and Three were beginning to share the love. There wasn’t a great deal of information to go on at the time, but we’ve now some further details on the agreement. Sadly there’s a large amount of tech websites carrying incorrect information on …
A short while ago I posted an article about a rumoured new Samsung Windows Phone. It was named SM-W750V and, at the time, details were pretty sparse. The name has now changed and it’s known under the code name “Huron”, plus even more specs have now leaked out. …
LG is to unveil it’s flagship device – the LG G Pro 2 – at Mobile World Congress. Details of the devices camera and video capabilities have been also revealed. On the photo front the camera will have OIS Plus, which is believed to create clearer shots and …
Since the launch of Google Chromecast there’s been the promise that it would be open to all developers instead of the few it’s been since launch. Today is the day they do just that. The documentation is now open over on the Google Developers . Developers do need …
We’re a bit slim on actual details here, but there’s news today that EE and Three have signed a deal to share networks. In total the networks will be investing £1 billion into infrastructure as 4G tech rolls out and data needs head ever upwards. A story on …
Facebook have launched a new app for their social network today – Facebook Paper. This is a new app, but not an entirely new service – more a reimagining of the Facebook news feed. There have already been some great 3rd apps that have taken the basic content …
Last week we reported on episode 1 of The Killer’s House, a web drama starring the Oppo N1 as one of the main plot features. Well, episode 2 is now available to stream. In this concluding part we find that the suspected killer is aided by his manipulative …
Have you like me got a Pebble smart watch or, if you’re a lucky boy like our own Dan, a Pebble steel ? Well, if you are you will know only way to install apps to your watch is by using “third party” sites to download and then …
To get the best from a flip case on the LG G2 you need one with a window in. The Nillkin Fresh series of cases aims to emulate the genuine LG case at a fraction of the cost. The reason I say that you need a window in …
A year ago today Phones 4U stopped selling new O2 connections, a year later on and the trial separation appears to have turned into a full divorce with Phones 4U no longer selling O2 upgrades or pay as you go. Neither party seems to be too upset with …
Today UK mobile provider Three have announced a price increase to their SIM-only deals. On “The One Plan”, the increase is from £15 per month to £20 on the 12 month contract. If you’re too choose the monthly rolling a One Plan then there’s an increase from £18 …
Remember the excitement when we heard that the Moto X was heading here to the UK? Remember the disappointment when we heard the release date price for the device was £380? Everyone compared the Moto X to Nexus 5 which was, at the time, a whopping £80 cheaper. …
If you, like me, are after a case for your phone that also has tweezers, scissors and a tooth pick, your prayers are answered my friend. This is the In1 Multi-Tool iPhone 5 case. Not only does it protect your handset, but you can file your nails, cut …
I for one use my phone a lot, Believe me, unlimited call plans were a bad idea. Battery life, needless to say, is an issue. However, there is a solution. A sexy one too. Well, I think it is anyway. Ever since the days of the 3GS, Mophie …
Three may have been the first network to announce that they wouldn’t charge a premium for using 4G, but now your local Tesco are to do exactly the same. The Tesco Mobile 4G service, which runs on top of the relatively young O2 4G network, will be offered …
The Sony Xperia Z1 Compact (to give it its full name) has arrived on our shores. We’ve had info from O2 that they will be stocking it in its full technicolour rainbow of options. It’ll be be free from £32 per month on the Refresh plan. If you …
Morning guys. Don’t worry, it’s Thursday – nearly the weekend. Now, do you remember the Vodafone 4G deals that included Sky Sports Mobile TV? Now O2 are now doing something similar, and if you sign up to a 4G tariff with either 5GB or 8GB of data you’ll …
This morning we received an email announcing that the Moto X is available to buy in Phones 4U stores from Wednesday 29th January (today). The Moto X heralded a big-bang-like resurgence to smartphone relevance for Motorola last year, so much so it earned a special mention in the …
I’ll be honest, Kensington sent me this a long while ago and it sat in a drawer for far too long. I’d forgotten about it until this last weekend, when “something” happened. The EVAP Rescue Pouch is a step up from the “bag of rice” solution should your …
We’ve all got very modern and well-equipped smartphones. They can take pictures, locate you from space, navigate you home and let you browse the internet. With a smartphone you can achieve a great deal, but you’ve still got a fairly short battery life and, for some, it can …
We’re hearing from many of you that your mobile data connectivity on Three hasn’t been well this morning. Symptoms seem to range from extremely slow data throughout all the way through to having no data connection at all. Twitter is also alive with frustrated customers who are without …
One billion. It’s a big number. It’s like the APR on a Wonga loan. IDC reckon that just over one billion smartphones were shipped last year – the first time this many smartphones have ever been shipped in a single year. Ryan Reith, programme director at IDC, stated …
The Oppo N1 is unique in many ways, with its rotating camera and rear touch panel, but I’m pretty sure it’s the first phone to have its own horror web series. Oppo Thailand has posted the first episode of a drama named The Killer’s House on YouTube. In …
Chromebooks. Are they a good alternative to your day to day laptop? That is the question we are going to try and answer over the course of this review. I have been using one now for the past few days courtesy of Acer who lent me the device …
So. over the last few weeks the interwebs have been getting in all sorts of a muddle over a phone called the Nokia Normandy. This phone is purportedly Nokia’s Android handset. What? Nokia running Android? Yep, you read that right. It is believed that the boys and girls …
For those of you out there who want the Lumia 1520 but are little bit “size conscious” then worry not. Nokia have got you covered if these shots are to be believed. What you are looking at may be the Lumia 1520 z. These leaks come from China …
So the build up to MWC 2014 begins and Nokia are fresh off the plate with their announcement of an event. It is to be held on Monday February the 24th @ 7:30am UK time. We will have a team at the conference so will be bringing you …
Good morning folks and I hope you all had a pleasent weekend. For those of you that have been keeping up with the latest tech news, you will no doubt be aware that the LG Flex has not just made it out of prototype stage but it is …
Right I’m going out on a limb here, but the chances are dear reader, that if you are a regular visitor to our site you will have heard of one of the many cloud drive services such as Dropbox, Box, Skydrive or Google Drive. In fact I’d wager …
HTC have been much maligned over the past few years for dropping update support for their handsets almost as soon as they’re released. They have been getting better recently though, and a leaked update schedule shows some good news. As a general rule of thumb, if you own …
Just a short few months after release, and following our full review, independent UK retailer Clove Technology have lowered the price of the Sony QX10 camera down to £114 including delivery. It’s available in both black and white and will is a self-contained camera which can be controlled via …
Right remember Samsung’s own operating system Tizen ? Well if you’re like me I thought that it was dead and buried, but apparently not. According to the Sammobile site, Samsung is still very much committed to showing off where it’s at with the development of Tizen and devices …
Some time ago our own Ronnie posted about a rumoured device this being the Note 3 Lite which you can read here, at that time this was only speculation. But now Samsung’s fan site SamMobile have been releasing spec’s of the Galaxy Note 3 Neo aka Note 3 …
UK mobile phone provider O2 has announced an up-coming price increase. It’ll affect their Pay Monthly Airtime Tariffs. They have announced a tariff increase of 2.7% from March 1st 2014, which they say is in line with with the current Retail Price Index (RPI) rate of inflation announced on …
I’m not a Nokia fan boy but I really like the new Lumia device’s and windows phone operating system. I thought, along with loads of other people, that this combination (plus being bought by Microsoft) would signal the beginning of a turnaround for the ailing company. Today Nokia …
Recently we showed an early peek into the Three 4G network. It was a test under almost lab conditions and we managed to get around 50Mbps download speeds on the all-new 4G network. However, just like my home fibre connection, there’s a lot of factors that can alter …
The wearable device market is hotting up. What with SmartWatches, fitness wristbands and eyewear being the current favourites. Garmin the well known and long established GPS device manufacturer have branched out into the fitness wristband arena. Which isn’t too far from the GPS watches they’ve been making for …
Smartphones and tablets can be complicated, but the cables to connect them all up have got a little easier to understand in recent years. Generally speaking, if you’ve got a smartphone or Android tablet it’ll have a microUSB cable and that’ll plug into a wall socket. However, if …