Category: General
Having a Nexus is the pinnacle for the purist Android lover, right? Always up to date, always on the cutting edge, never left awaiting features your friends have; what a joy. That’s an opinion I’d have agreed with two years ago. Owning a Nexus S and a Galaxy …
Cast your mind back to last week, I reviewed the Acer Liquid E2 and I found it to be a pretty good budget phone, with a few problems. Well Three have now got some stock and you can get them on a contract or on PAYG. Brendan from …
Come Padawan. Let me talk to you about something. Phones, as you’ll probably know, are ruddy expensive. I know you really, really don’t want to, but whacking a cover on your device is the best way to protect it. But hey, it’s boring isn’t it? A little bit. …
Sony make a lot of the cameras on their phones, but now they have gone a step further with lenses that clip onto various phones. There are two lenses rumoured which are both G lens branded; this has become synonymous with quality in the digital camera world. The …
Are we about to see the sale of Blackberry? The company formally known as Research In Motion has had a bit of a tough few years, with people leaving the platform in droves and the launch of the company’s saviour – BB10 – yet to set the world …
This morning on their company news page ZTE announced the ZTE Open will be sold on E-Bay in the USA and Europe. Dr. Li Gong, Mozilla Senior VP of Mobile Devices stated; “Mozilla is dedicated to moving the Web forward as a platform for innovation and building products that …
A few days ago I posted an article about wireless charging. It was all about some receiver cards that attach to the battery in either your Galaxy S4 or Note II. I bought one for my Note II and I’ve spent the last few days playing about with …
In the olden days picking a new mobile phone was easy. I used to grab the Argos catalogue and flick through until I found a reasonably priced phone and then I’d buy it. Done. Simple. Fast forward a few years decades and the list of specifications, manufacturers, software …
I’ve not been the biggest fan of flip cases over the years. They tend to fall into two brackets, either cheap nasty leather things or stupidly expensive and supposedly premium quality. This isn’t the best frame of mind to be in for this review. Tech21 make a range …
A few weeks back I got my hands on a Sony SBH-20 stereo Bluetooth headset, and after using it for a little while I decided to jot down my views onto paper (or rather type them onto a laptop). Key features: Small unit with controls and built-in microphone …
Speakers. We’ve seen a few of them now. Slowly the idea of a radio sitting in your kitchen is becoming old fashioned and portable Bluetooth speakers hooked up to tablets and smartphones are replacing them. The is the Soundship Micro and immediately it’s a rather interesting design. Almost …
Thinking of joining Vodafone 4G? If you’re a sports fan then Voda have the answer. Picks the Sport Pack as your free option on a 4G plan and you’ll get FULL access to all Sky Sports services. The deal is on until 23:59 on the 18th August, so …
Although O2 announced their 4G service first, Vodafone look to be first with the price plan information. We’ve got all the details below and you can sign up to a 4G plan as of today. These are now live on the Vodafone website, over the phone and in …
The Sony Honami is said to be the successor of the Xperia Z, which we’ve been waiting a while for. Things are getting tantalisingly close now though. There has already been an official teaser released (above) with the date and location as 4th September in Berlin, but now …
Back in July we reported that the people at Ubuntu, the open-source operating system alternative to Windows or Apple, had launched a crowd-funding campaign (via to create a new mobile phone called the Ubuntu Edge. This phone would showcase the newly developed Ubuntu phone OS and dual-boot …
Nvidia are famed for their chipsets, which can be found in devices such as the Asus Transformer range and the HTC One X+, as well as graphics cards in PC’s and the like. Now though, they’re looking at making their own 7 inch tablet – the Tegra Tab. …
We here at Coolsmartphone have been fans of RHA ever since we first heard the most excellent MA350 earphones. The company has since continued to produce superb quality headphones at very reasonable prices. Now the company has announced not one but two new products, the MA600i and the …
Aren’t modern browsers great? They have loads of great features, like remembering your passwords and auto-filling them in for you whenever needed. But what if those stored passwords were easily discoverable by anyone with access to your computer? That’s the situation with Google Chrome. Going through the Settings …
The Nexus 7 has been somewhat of a success for Google. It has become the fastest selling Android tablet and its successor is due to launch here in the UK imminently. In the meantime there are plenty of Nexus 7’s still in circulation and plenty of Nexus 7 …
The government is to ban the use of the 084X and 087X premium-rate numbers that businesses use for their complaints and inquiry teams. This is good news for us as consumers, especially those of us that use our mobile to call all and sundry. Explained in the draft …
Following the O2 announcement it now looks like Vodafone are ready to show their hand, with a 4G launch date of August 29th – the very same date that O2 will launch their 4G offering. So, in a little over three weeks you’ll be able to get 4G …
Wireless charging up until now has been one of those things that always seemed rather expensive to try out, also only a few Nokia Lumia models and the LG Nexus 4 were able to join in on the wireless charging fun. Over the years Samsung keep saying that …
Many many years ago I had an HTC Advantage as my main phone, within minutes of taking it out of the box I realised it was too big to use as a phone. I had to invest in a little Bluetooth handset by LG called “style i” and …
It appears that WhatsApp have been doing a little bit of tinkering with their servers and have enabled voice messaging for Windows Phone, or the new Lumia 1020 at least. WhatsApp is a very popular cross platform instant messaging app that allows users to chat, share pictures, videos and …
The OPPO N-Lens camera was confirmed by the Chinese manufacturer late last month after weeks of rumours and speculation. What they didn’t say was that it would be integrated into a phone called the N1. Marketing literature has been leaked on the Chinese social networking Weibo. The N-Lens …
The other day we reported on some images of the HTC One Max that had leaked, but there was doubt about the credibility of them due to a lack of a size reference. Well, the same leaker has now released a photo of it beneath a (4-inch) Motorola …
Freecell is one of those games that I seem to have played throughout my life, be it as a child on Windows 3.0, on my HP ipaq, on my weird USB TV stick or even on my Windows Phone devices. Blugri Software have made a few Solitaire based …
Saving money. Secretly we all love to do it. Whether it’s a necessity or not, saving a few quid here means that you can have a beer there. Over on HotUKDeals they have a frequently updated thread detailing the latest SIM-only deals. The prices are already low, but …
We all know that there is a new version of iOS coming out soon. Some of you have been lucky enough to be able to try it out on your current devices. The first 3 beta releases didn’t depend on your device being registered with an active Apple …
If you’ve followed my posts recently then you may have noticed a bit of a theme developing. I’ve written about switching from a contract to a monthly rolling SIM-only plan (which could see your monthly charge go from around £40 to £12) and I’ve had a look at …
Now and again in life something makes it way into my hands that just feels amazing. The last time this happened to me was the day I held the HTC One for the first time. This week it was when two phone cases found their way onto my …
In a highly skilled piece of coordination, Sony have released the Android 4.2.2 update for the Sony Xperia Tablet Z on the same day as we’ve given away two cases for said tablet! Owners started reporting the update rolling out earlier today, but as yet it only seems …
The HTC One Max has been a rumour for quite a while, but now we have some leaked photos to look at. Unsurprisingly the 5.9 inch iteration looks almost identical to the 4.7 inch One we know and love. The trouble is that we have no point of …
Boom! Lets blow those eardrums to …err… heck! These JVC HAFX1X Xtreme Xplosives In Ear Canal Headphones (I know, catchy right?) are normally £24.99 but right now they’re down to just £7.90 via Amazon. Now yes, that Super Saver Delivery has now changed so you’ll need to spend …
Android 4.3 hasn’t been the most well received update ever; some calling it pointless and others claiming no benefits whatsoever. Well, things are just getting worse as more and more users are reporting that it’s causing major problems on their Nexus 4 handsets. Over on the Google support …
Clamshell phones used to be the coolest handsets on the block. That “snap” as it closes after the end of a call is still the most emotive way to hang up on someone. However, touchscreens are the the best way to interact with a phone these days. What …
Happy Saturday people. Meet the silver Asus Fonepad. It’s now available on Three for £12.53 per month for 1GB of data (and a £29.99 up-front charge on a 24 month contract) or a rolling monthly £7.50 deal which gives you the same data with a £179 up-front cost. …
Remember how we ran a survey about 4G? Remember how you told us that extra speed really wasn’t a big deal? Well, now Ofcom have done a similar survey and they’ve reached the same conclusion. Just under a quarter have absolutely no intention of going 4G. It seems …
We aren’t saying X will soon mark this particular spot, but then again, we ain’t sayin’ it ain’t neither. If this source is to be believed, the Moto-X is soon going to be making its way over to the UK. If that’s true, then we’ll soon see …
On a few of the apparently inferior mobile OSs if you lost your phone you could log into some sort of web service and easily locate where you phone had been mislaid. As long as you turned that feature on then things would be all good. Android users …