Category: Software Reviews

App Review: Whale Trail Frenzy

Fresh off the back of the spectacular game Whale Trail comes a new free app by the developers ustwo – Whale Trail Frenzy. Frenzy is a new game based on the original that moves into a new genre for both ustwo and the Whale Trail series – freemium …

Coolsmartphone recommended iOS app: Defense Zone HD

The tower defense genre is a well established one in gaming, and there are plenty to choose from on the App Store. But a star in the field is Defense Zone HD, from developer Artem Kotov. While the gameplay follows the standard method of defending against increasingly tough …

How online music should be done. 7Digital Review

Over the last few years I have been looking for a solution to my music storage problem. Recently whilst playing about with Windows Phone I have come close to finding my ideal solution. That solution was 7Digital. First of all I should let you know what the problem …

We all love shooting zombies, right?

Madfinger the developer behind great games Samurai Vengeance and Shadowgun have released their latest which is a zombie shooting type game. There is a brief back story to it, but I quickly jumped past that and started shooting zombies. As with all of Madfinger games they are Tegra …

3CX Mobile Device Manager Review

In recent years we’ve seen a shift in the way that mobile devices are used in the workplace. Previously you may have had a Blackberry or Microsoft Pocket PC dropped on your desk. Things were locked down, secure and managed. Now, with the advent of “Bring Your Own …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android app – Volume in Notification

This little app is for Android tablet running Honeycomb or higher. It adds a few buttons to the status bar area on your tablet. The buttons will change the media volume without having to use the hardware button. It is really quite useful if you want to quickly …

App review: SyncMate

I’ll be honest, I’m not a big fan of iTunes. I don’t know why, functionality wise it’s actually pretty good. I moved from an iPhone 4 to the wonderful Samsung Galaxy Nexus back at launch in November 2011. Soon after, I started to miss iTunes… No longer did …

London 2012 – Android and iPhone Game Review

As Olympic fever reaches new heights in the UK, what better time to launch the Official London 2012 game for Android. There are two versions of the game, free and paid (paid version gives you 3000 points and 5 max stamina points) , and an initial small download. The full …

Coolsmartphone Recommend Windows Phone App – PayPhone Lite

You may have heard of PayPal. I use it quite a bit, buying a selection of bargains from eBay and for collecting money from my sales as well. Either way buying or selling PayPal is quite a useful service. On a mobile device PayPal is a little more …

Fast Burst Camera (Lite) – Android App Review

It seems it doesn’t take long these days for a new feature built in to the latest and greatest smartphones to be ported or hacked on to other phones. Yesterday, I looked at Smart Stay (Beta) for Android, today I tried Fast Burst Camera (Lite) for Android. Description …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android App – ChargeBar

ChargeBar is a neat little line that runs along the top of your screen and shows you how much battery you have left. I originally had something like this back in the day of Windows Mobile. This is slightly more featured and is a clone of the charge …

iFoosball HD

I have just lost half an hour of my life completely engrossed in iFoosball HD for the iPad. The game itself is takes me back to a happy place when I had time to spare on one hand, and a pint in the other, so there’s an instant …

Triposo launches new travel app for iPhone

Triposo has been around for about a year now on both Android and iOS platforms. It’s a useful app to have installed on your phone when you go on holiday and offers you a lot of information about the city you are in. The main great thing about …

Sopcast on mobile

Further to our previous article we can confirm that the app does work on an android phone, in this case a Samsung Galaxy S2, as you can see from the attached screenshots. In tests I couldn’t get every channel to work but I’m not sure that is the …

Android App Review – Demolition Inc THD

The other day we mentioned that Demolition Inc THD had been released onto the Play Store and I said that I would do a little review of it for you. Well yes here it is. Demolition Inc is not like any other game I have ever played. The closest I …

Instacast for iOS review

Recently I realised I had a problem. I listen to a lot of podcasts and the built in iOS way of handling these is problematic. They are downloaded from the iTunes app and listened to in the podcast section of the Music app which is confusing from the …

Rowi for Windows Phone gets a huge update and a price reduction

In the world of Windows Phone there are quite a few Twitter apps. Most of them are ill thought out, barely functional, awkward, slow, laggy and unpleasant apps. My first big challenge when I started off down the Windows Phone path was to find something that did not tick …

Keep Calm with this app for Windows Phone

You’ve probably seen those Keep Calm posters around. Originally used during the war to raise spirits, but now these days they appear on a huge variety of things like posters and collectables. Well this app lets you create your own posters. You can choose from a selection of …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android app – ex Dialer and Contacts

Ice Cream Sandwich has for a while been flaunted as the pinnacle of Android development. Yes many problems with the Android OS did indeed get fixed with the release of Android 4.0. But I keep coming across new problems. I have been using a Samsung Galaxy Nexus for …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android app – File Browser Widget

One thing I have wanted for a while is a widget that lets you browse your files. I have had to resort to opening up another app and browsing through the file structure until I find the files I want. Well luckily I came across something that lets …

App Review – Team Time Tracker

Keeping track of a project team can be a tricky business, with monitoring tasks, expenses and the like – not to mention dealing with the clients you’re delivering to. It’s hard enough doing this for one project and one client. But get involved with multiples of those (as …

Stop Motion – App Review

Stop motion is cool. <End of statement>. We all appear to be transfixed whenever a stop motion production is realised, it lures us in with it’s time lapse photography and catchy background music…. why is that? Well I thought I’d investigate, and in particular look at a fairly …

Deezer – App Review

Here’s a nice little surprise that’s been around a while …. More Online Music than you can shake a stick at too! Deezer! For those of you familiar with Google Music, Spotify, etc will probably know and love the ability to listen to anything you fancy without the need …

Android App Review – Connector

The guys at Horama sent over their latest game (developed in conjunction with an artist and a musician apparently) for us to have a look at, it’s a puzzle game so I jumped at the chance to give it a go. Connector is (on the surface) a very …

Domino’s Pizza app now available on Windows Phone

This is the sort of thing that Windows Phone has been lacking for a while now. Not exactly the Domino’s Pizza app, but high street brands paying developers to make an app for Windows Phone. Whoa this was meant to be about the Domino’s app. Back on track …

App Review – Tweens HD

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and to celebrate, Kokakiki have released a special edition of their pig-matching game Tweens. Adding 20 new levels to the 75 that were in the original game, the Valentine’s version adds a new twist to what is already an addictive game. …

Futaba Classroom Games

Futaba Classroom Games for Kids by INKids Have you noticed how children pick up an iPad and just use it…? Both of mine certainly did and the youngest is only four…! We have just had the chance to review Futaba Classroom Games, which is an educational package designed …

App Review: PhatPad for Android 1.0

PhatPad 1.0 for Android is the latest in a long line of Note taking & organising applications delivered to the market by PhatWare. PhatWare have previously release the PhatPad application for Windows, and iPad, and have now brought the application to the Android OS. What does it do? …

Android App Review – Onavo

I recently upgraded my phone, I went from the HTC Hero to the Motorola Atrix. Quite a step and it seems infinitely faster and hence gets a whole lot more attention from me. When I was out and about with the Hero it would struggle along with a lot …

Android App Review – CoPilot Live Premium

A few years ago, back when I had just started making videos, I reviewed CoPilot Live UK + Ireland along with the Brodit Proclip mount for my car. Well recently CoPilot got back in touch and offered me their ‘Premium’ version of the software to test drive. Naturally …

GetJar free app store

GetJar is the worlds largest free app store with over 2 billion downloads to date. The company distributes more than 350,000 mobile applications for Android and 395,000 developers have registered with GetJar to distribute their apps. GetJar is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices in Seattle, the UK and Lithuania. …

Defence Zone HD for iPad

  So here is yet another Tower defence game, why do I need to get another one of those when there are literally hundreds of the available. This is a very good question and one that I hope to answer in the process of this review. I have …

Is it possible to migrate my business to Android?

Hi there folks. This article has been a long time in the making. For me at least. Anyone who does so, will know that running a business on your own, takes up so much time, time with your family and just general you time! Its a massive commitment, …

Coolsmartphone recommended Android app – Wallbase

Android wallpaper apps are a nightmare. There are loads of them. In the main they are just front ends to a website full of qvga wallpapers. Which when you use on you nice new tablet or qHD phone the picture looks horrendous. The Wallbase website has a large …

App Review – Scottish Clans

App Review – Scottish Clans Launched in 2004, the Scotclans website is Scotland’s largest site for information on Scottish clans and associated families. Now the makers are aiming to extend their reach to Scots around the world with their recently launched Scottish Clans iPhone app. Find your clan …

My thoughts on Ice Cream Sandwich

I’ve been using ICS for about a week now on my Nexus S and feel I have enough experience with it to note down my impressions. This isn’t a structured review by any means, just my comments on things I like and dislike. UI/Feel I love the new …

App review: IsoSketch for iPad

Worth mentioning first off that I am in no way artistic so when I first saw this I wondered, ‘what’s the point’? I do love isometric drawings and all sorts of 3D so was intrigued but not quite sure what I’d actually use it for. As most techie …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android App – File Expert

One of the things I like about Android is that you can install a file manager. Something where you can look at all of the files and folders on your phone and on your phones sd card. I like the weekly of scrolling through and deleting the orphan …

moTweets Review

MoTweets – Panoramic Software I always like to use generic software whenever possible. So, when I switched over to WP7 from the iPhone, I started using the official Twitter app. It soon left me very frustrated because I couldn’t find a way to “Reply to all”, which I …