Category: Android Wear

Google launches Android Wear App for iOS

As discussed on this week’s Podcast, many people have been looking for ways to get Android Wear devices working with iOS devices. Fortunately this task has now been made significantly easier thanks to launch of an official iOS Android Wear App. Currently rolling out to Apple App Stores …

BBC News on your wrist.

The latest update to the BBC Worldwide News app version 3.2 sees the inclusion of Android Wear support, meaning short news snippets will be sent to your wrist. Articles are presented in a RSS style layout, with the ability to swipe horizontally and vertically: go up or down …

A touchless smartwatch… it’s happening

Deus Ex Technology have had a good week. They launched their project on Kickstarter on the 18th and within 6 days they have achieved their goal of $100k. Awesome. But why should I care? If you own a smartwatch then this will be very interesting. They have made …

Google acknowledge battery drain in Wear 5.1

Last month Google began its rollout of the latest update to Android Wear – version 5.1. This update enabled features like Wi-Fi support, new gestures, hand drawn emojis and more. However, the update also came with a major unwanted feature – severe battery drain. It is present for …

Android wear 5.1 delayed for Moto 360

Back in May, Google started rolling out the Android Wear 5.1.1 update for Android Wear smartwatches. All the current Android Wear smartwatches have received their update including my first gen Samsung Gear Live. But the hugely popular Motorola Moto 360 is still stuck on an older version of the …

Huawei Watch priced up. You got £300 spare?

We had a play with some of the Huawei smartwatches at Mobile World Congress and they’re looked really rather good. What was of concern though, was the possible price of their new Huawei Watch. MobileFun appear to have slid it into their website for a cool £300 here …

Galaxy Gear Live disappears –

From the Google Play Store that is. If you either love Android Wear (me) or hate it (James) it appears that one of the first Android Wear devices, the Samsung Galaxy Gear Live has now disappeared from the Google Play Store, no fire sale, nada, nothing, just gone …

LG Watch Urbane in stock at Clove UK too

The stylish LG Urbane smartwatch is also on sale from Clove. Earlier today we saw it appear on Google Play. Clove Technology has the watch in stock now ready for delivery. Retailing at £260 you will receive the luxurious Android Wear-powered smartwatch from LG with the following specs.. …

Sony SmartWatch 2 SW2 gets a serious price drop

It’s been some time since we published our Sony Smartwatch 2 Review. If you wanted one they were still holding out at £149.99, but now Amazon have slashed the price right down to just £68.92 here.. It’s billed as a “wireless smartphone notification device” and will also act …

Moto 360 Watch now a bit cheaper here in the UK too

The price of the Moto 360 has dropped in the USA recently, but here in sunny Britain we’ve only just been blessed with a price drop. It’s only on the light finish Moto 360 but it’s £40 off and you can’t argue too much with that. You can …

Apple Watch – Day one orders hit 1 million

That’s right. A million. On day one. There are always going to be some people who aren’t into wearables, and there will be others who can’t quite buy into the Apple way of doing things, but there are enough people who think differently. In a report from Sllice …

What can you do with a SmartWatch…

And more importantly – what’s the point? I’ve personally never understood the need for a SmartWatch. Perhaps it’s because of the reported short battery life on some models, or it’s because I’m never separated from my phone, but I never really ‘got it’. However, I’ve become aware that the …

iFit Announce Integration with the Sony SmartWatch 3

iFit is one of the most popular fitness brands, and today they have formally announced that their services will be integrated into the Sony SmartWatch 3. iFit provides a complete fitness ecosystem to try and mentor you to a healthier lifestyle  and they partner with well-known companies such as …

Motorola announce the Moto G 4G and Moto Maker for Moto 360

Motorola and their devices are becoming rather predictable, don’t get me wrong their products are great, it’s just we saw the 4G version of the 2014 Moto G coming a mile off. Which is exactly what they announced yesterday evening, along with Moto Maker for the Moto 360. …

Android Wear getting iOS support

  There aren’t many smart watches compatible with iOS. Pebble is the major player at the moment and when the Apple watch comes that’ll probably be the winner for some, but I’m unsure. With the announcement of the stunning Huawei smart watch, that’s caught my attention and it’s …

MWC – The LG Watch Urbane hands-on

I’ve got to tell you, I’ve never really considered a smartwatch until now. Heck, I’ve not even considered a watch full stop for a while. James has given me a Pebble on loan and, I’ll admit, my attitude is changing somewhat. Here, it’s Android Wear powering the show …

MWC – Huawei Launches new range of wearables. UPDATE

That is the Huawei event now done and they have not released a new phone today, but they have released a whole raft of wearable’s including the leaked Huawei Watch. But we will come back to that later first up is the Talkband B2. This is an update …

A Huawei Android Wear watch appears

Huawei haven’t really made any inroads into the wearable market, bar a fitness band we haven’t seen any hint of a watch. That’s about to change, an advert has cropped up online that shows an Android Wear device on a man in a suit, he’s no doubt scared …

CES – Sony update the Smartwatch 3

Alcatel aren’t the only people announcing smartwatches, although in the case of Sony it isn’t a new model rather a couple of new strap options for the existing Sony Smartwatch 3. First up is a new metal body for the Smartwatch 3, similar to the business edition of …

First all stainless-steel smartwatch from Burg to launch at CES

  Dutch lifestyle designer and trendsetter, Hermen van den Burg announced yesterday that as part of the BURG Smatwatch Collection 2015 they are launching the worlds first all stainless steel smartwatch, the BURG® 27, at CES in January. Available in Stainless Steel, Rose Gold Stainless Steel IP, and Black Stainless Steel IP, …

MyRoll Gallery now supports Android Wear

MyRoll gallery has been around for a few months now, offering a nice gallery replacement app with a nice UI and it bundles your photos together into Moments. The developers have updated the app with a nice material style and rather interestingly they’ve added Android Wear support. So …

Black Friday – G Watch for £79

There’s nothing like the sense of togetherness at Christmas time, so it’s great to see people ramming each other out of the way and fighting in stores to get their hands on a bargain. With finances stretched, we’re either punching people in shops or going online and generally …

LG G Watch R – Review

The original Android Wear devices were about showing the world what Android Wear was about, the initial lineup included the LG G Watch which I reviewed here, it was just a black square on my wrist that basically showed some pictures of watch faces on my wrist to trick …

Moto 360 gets a little bit more watch-like

Well, although we couldn’t find it available here in the UK, you can get the Moto 360 in the USA with a variety of metal bands. Theres a chunky 23mm strap or an 18mm one in a few different shades which do seem to match the overall look …

The Shanda Geak 2 smartwatch boasts crazy battery life

Shanda are a well known Chinese company, who have a watch hardware division called Geak. So it makes sense that their 2nd smartwatch will be called the Shanda Geak 2. So far nothing of any huge interest to us UK residents, but there are two things of interest …

LG announce availability of the G Watch R

The original LG G Watch was a great “mark 1” device for Android Wear, it just showed the world how Android Wear works and didn’t get bogged down with the design or anything like fancy buttons. I liked the original, but I ditched mine for a Pebble Steel, …

Windows smartwatch arrives! Sort-of.

If you like watching Eastenders on repeat or nails being dragged along a blackboard you’ll probably like this. Windows 95 is probably running on some office PCs somewhere still (probably on the PC of a Director / Manager who says it’s “essential” to their work. Colin Davenport has …

Hotel information beamed to your smartwatch

You’re the gadget man. You’re the one with the latest kit. You’ve got yourself one of those hot new Android Wear smartwatches. Now. Now you need some apps that’ll talk to it. Yeah. That’s going to take a while. Getting the latest bleeding-edge kit means that you have …

Moto 360 on O2 pre-order, reet naa!

If you’re looking for a smartwatch and don’t want the kiddy versions, the Moto 360 could be wrapping itself around your wrist courtesy of O2, who have added the watch onto their pre-order bit for £199.99. We’ve already taken a good look at the watch in our earlier …

It’s Zen time

Along with a range of Zen phones, Asus also announced their first smartwatch – the Asus ZenWatch. The ZenWatch is an Android Wear device in a similar vein to the recently announced Samsung Gear S and LG G Watch R. The ZenWatch has a 1.63″ 320 x 320 …

Moto 360 sells out quickly

Priced in the US at $249.99, the Moto 360 could, for a brief moment earlier, be purchased from the Motorola website. If you’re lucky you can perhaps have a look in Best Buy stores and get one there. By the looks of the quick sales, it’s proving popular. …

Are Sony going big @IFA 2014?

Lots of rumours are coming out of the interweb today in preparation of Sony’s IFA event on Wednesday. As an avid Sony fan this gets me a wee bit excited to say the least, so I will get into all the nitty gritty for you now. Xperia Z3 …

Which watch should I wear today?

These days I find myself in a daily predicament, not only do I have to work out which phone to take with me to work I also now have to choose which watch I wear as well and by watch I mean Smartwatch. I’ve been a smartwatch user …

Moto 360 images leak – looks good

With the release of the Samsung Gear Live and the LG G Watch, Android Wear is up and running. The last confirmed device to be released is the Moto 360, pictures of which have now leaked. The images show the round design that Motorola have chosen for their …

LG G Watch – Review

A watch fundamentally is foolproof, you look at it wanting answers and it duly obliges, although for many years this has been a rather simple transaction. i.e what is the time? It is 5am. Simple. This idea hasn’t been played about with for a long time. With a …

HTC to the the smartwatch arena?

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. This is pretty ugly. You’re right too, but it’s an apparent “artists representation” of what the new HTC smartwatch could look like. This one, as usual, comes from @evleaks and he’s his usual confident self when it comes to authenticity… To those …

Up-close with the LG G Watch

Packing an always-on display, 400mAh battery (which is enough for a day of activity) and powered by Android Wear, this is the LG G Watch. It’s both dust and water resistant, plus you can just say “OK Google” to ask it questions, such as “Come on KITT buddy, …

LG G watch shipping early

If you were lucky enough to order your LG G Watch from MobileFun rather than Google Play directly then you could be receiving a little present through the post in the next day or so a little ahead of schedule. It was set to be released on July …

A closer look at the Moto 360

We got a brief introduction to the not-quite-available-yet Moto 360 smartwatch just a few days ago, but here’s a closer look at the device. It has a tiny bezel and a screen which almost seems to float on the top of the watch, but is slightly thick. As …