Analogue Plug-in

The analogue clock plug-in is now available for purchase. You can get it from now. We have already used and abused a similar plug in several months back to display analogue clocks, which can be seen and used

RepliGo – Free Viewer

Cerience Announces FREE RepliGo Software for your PDA, Smart Phone and Windows The most powerful document solution for your mobile device just got even better! Read a summary of this exciting offer below or visit to get the whole sto...

IA Style Upgrades

Hello from IA Style, IA Album for Smartphone has been upgraded to be 100% compatible with the Orange SPV e100, the new model of SPV, and its new plug-in digital camera. We also have a new 15-day trial version available for download. And if you alrea...

What’s in a name?

Launching Q4 this year is the MS Smartphone from o2. At present though, they have no name for it. However, you can help, simnply by clicking onto the website and giving them your suggestion. They are looking for a name with a "Zing...

Send an SMS from your PC!

This one has been wanted for a while now, and here it is! I've tested this out and it works brilliantly!You will need to install Microsoft .NET Framework (23Meg download from MS) to run this software, but this is mainly because it uses some Microsoft ...

AIM gets 16 Nominations

    Pocket PC Magazine nominated no less than sixteen AIM titles for the 2003 Pocket PC Awards, of which 6 Pocket PC titles and 10 Smartphone titles. The Third Annual Pocket PC Magazine Best Product Awards will...

McTraveller – Prerelease

If you are a regular traveller, you should check out new software from Fizz Software. Coming soon for a $9.99 for the Smartphone, this really is a brilliant, must have piece of software. Whether you travel alone or with others, make room for one more...

I’m back!

Here I am... just about. :) Night flights REALLY mess your head up. I've had about 2 hours kip in the past 2 days, so I'm a bit bleary at the moment! :) Plus I am stuck on a slow dial-up connection, so no mail checks yet! :( …

More SPV & E100 Rumours

The SPV E100 spells an end to the SPV as of 22.07.03. Orange shops have been split into two due to the lunach af the new SPV. Almost half have been told to pull all remaining SPV of the shelves and pass on there remaining stock. This of …

Bluetooth Headsets For SPV & E100

(Submitted by Arty)Just seen on Smart Phones online -- bluetooth headsets for SPV & SPV E100 now available, i have ordered one , see what it is like. says...Nice one Arty, keep us informed on what you think of it! :)

Spooky SPV!

I know the SPV is multi-talented, but really! Watching the latest episode of Spooks, the TV series about MI5 when one of the characters walks into a room, draws the curtains, pulls out his SPV and uses it to scan the room for surveillance bugs! Nice ...

E100 Comes to France

The E100 has now been launched in France too. reports on this, stating that it will sell for 299 €. This price, however, can be reduced by mailing back a voucher for a 40 € reduction, bring the final price to 259 €. This is about ...

I’m not here!

As previously mentioned, I'm hopping on a plane later today, so I'm gonna be completely off-line until next Friday (July 25th). FAQ's, emails, submissions etc will be checked on my return, but don't forget to spread the word about this site. :) I've h...

Sync with your Mac!

At last, it seems you can sync your MS Smartphone with an Apple! I've updated the FAQ section to reflect this, as you can now try this software from to link your Mac. If anyone give this a try or buys, gimme a shout and tell me …

Tanager taken to bits!

So what is the first thing you are going to do with the SPV E100 / Smart Amazing Phone ? Hmmm.. Take it to bits ?? Nahh.. You'd have to be crazy to do that .. but hey, the guys over at have ! Click here for …


I'm off on holiday again tomorrow evening, so I won't be able to authorise news stories / articles / downloads until I come back at the end of next week. If there's anything urgent, and I do mean urgent enough to get me out of a nice pool …

Modaco gets its own skin!

God DAMN those dudes, they're bloody good y'know. is now getting so big that they have their own Smartphone SKIN too!!! No, no.. doesn't have one.. obviously we're not good enough (sob!) .... Yes, that was a bi...

More reviews!

I've just added three new reviews, for the Flexis FX100 keyboard, the Sync&Charge cable and the Battery Extender. Do take a few minutes to check them out if you're thinking of getting one. Both can be found here in the reviews section. D...

MadBeetle Announces new stuff! have announced 4 games and a utility for Smartphone users. Visit their site to get... Blocks - Tetris type game Switch - Othello/Reversi SmartPong - Bricks game ClearIT - Blocks game ..and..World Clock - This gives you the time (and...

Modaco Meet

MoDaCo will be organising a meet for Smartphone fanatics in sunny Birmingham, UK. Known as the 'MoDaCo Summer Event 2003', it will be taking place on August 30th 2003, in association with Orange! I live near Birmingham (or "Brum" / "BurrrmiNUM" / "U...