Sad news

Hi guy’s and girl’s this going to be a difficult piece to write but it is time that we cover it. Some of you may have noticed that the site went a bit quiet over the last few weeks. This has been due to a unforseen and devastating …

Charwego The Last Charger You’ll Need … possibly

So you’ve just spent over £1,000 on a nice new shiny flagship smartphone to find there’s no charger in the box, meaning you have to fork out for a separate charger. And what if you want to travel…Oh remember travel it’s something we used to do, that means …

Huawei Mate 40 Pro – Review

Can I use an Android device without Google services for my daily driver and does having an awesome camera makeup for the lack of services? These are the two real questions that I have been trying to answer over the past few weeks in my usage of the …

Christmas 2020. Oh, what a year that was!

Each year I tend to sign off for a couple of days over Christmas to unwind. This year, for all of us, has been one to remember – and perhaps not for the right reasons. Things started off quite well at Coolsmartphone HQ. We’d put the final touches …

Realme named in Fast Company’s 50 Most Innovative Companies in China

We’ve recently taken a look at the Realme 7 5G and have been mightily impressed with the build, camera and overall performance considering the price-tag. It’s a very good phone, and packs speedy 5G connectivity too.. Today Realme have been named 2020 China’s “50 Most Innovative Companies”. It’s …

Got 75p for a Dual USB charger?

I’ll be honest, I’ve not reviewed this one but, for just 75p with free shipping, you can’t go too far wrong (well, unless your phone explodes whilst charging, perhaps). Normally £4.83, this special price is for the first 400 items, so you have to be a bit rapid. …

A quick peek into the Samsung January Sale

A Farewell 2020 sale? Well, that sounds like something we can all be part of after this year. The Samsung Sale is now on and, if you’re quick, you can already earn cashback on a range of their kit. However, now there’s even more of a deal, because …

A beginners guide to playing online casino games on your mobile

We just can’t ignore the fact that mobile casino games have exploded in popularity in recent years. They have become one of the main ways people now engage with gambling, and when you look at the benefits of the platform it’s clear to see why. It seems like …

Learn to be a skillful photographer

Taking a photo on your phone seems like a relatively simple thing now. Indeed, it’s got this way because phone manufacturers have added a whole heap of artificial intelligence into your smartphone to do the “heavy lifting” for you. As an example, taking an up-close photo will have …

A multi-view phone stand with magnetic ring holder – phonetag

I do like to be hustled some times. Today it’s an email from Barry, who wants us to take a look at his phonetag gadget. The UK inventor has managed to combine a secure ring holder with a portrait and landscape phone stand. It’s got a drink-can-style tag-shaped …

Vodafone Sale – Now on!

It’s sale season already and, while we’re still shopping for Christmas, it’s a chance to get a deal. Vodafone have a Big Winter Sale on, and it covers their Home Broadband, mobile contracts, SIM-only and Pay As You Go deals. They’ve got the Moto G 5G at £30 …

Two cybersecurity apps to protect your smartphone

With the last-minute Christmas shopping scramble in full effect, people are perhaps less worried about those online purchases than they should be. Away from the “big players” such as Amazon and eBay, there’s a range of online stores that look and feel the same but may not necessarily …

iD Mobile – 3 Months half-price deal

The people at iD Mobile (using the Three masts) have some deals on right now if you’re hunting for a SIM-only plan. First of all we’d like to point you to this article about switching networks and the differences between them. It can be a little confusing, so …

Don’t stop shopping! The New Year Sales are ready!

As we stumble towards a very different Christmas Day, the crazed online-shopping might be slowing – but it won’t be for long. Already there’s emails flooding into our inbox about the January and Boxing Day sales, with EE among the first. They’ve unveiled some early-bird January sales offers, …

BingoFit Smartwatch – Review

I’ll be honest, the lovely people at BingoFit Smartwatches sent me through a review unit of this BingoFit smartwatch some months ago but the entire cancer diagnosis has meant that the review has been delayed somewhat. It’s selling, right now, for just £22.31. Yes, a smartwatch, with app …

Don’t moan about 4G or 5G, you guys don’t know you’re born!

I do have to kick myself at times. Sitting in this hospital, I’ve got a gloriously fast 5G connection on Vodafone and unlimited data to enjoy. The speeds massively outclass the WiFi in here and it’s all just so straightforward and worry-free. Back in the late ’90s, phones …

Spotify podcasts now available through Alexa

Got yourself an Alexa speaker? Getting an Echo or Echo Dot for Christmas? Well, good news. You can now listen to the Coolsmartphone Podcast or any other podcast through Spotify on your shiny Echo device. Just link Spotify in the Alexa app and you’re away. Once enabled, you …