Driving and using the phone? Fines and points to double

You may have done it yourself. You may see others do it. Perhaps you’ll catch an approaching driver looking down at something and you’ll wonder if they’re really just “tuning the radio” or perhaps browsing the web instead. It’s on the rise and, with the deep cuts in …

Token iPhone 7 article published in order to get traffic

Oh come on, let’s be honest. I’ve never seen so many websites writing so much bobbins about the iPhone 7 just to get more hits. Pah.. I’ll be honest. I’ve got a tiny bit of information for you and I’m going to… Publish it because, to be honest, …

Build your own rooms with a VR Room Simulator

The HTC Vive is a very cool product as you all know but it was limited to a few games not that long ago. Now, there are lots more on the market which are not just games, but sensory and sometimes productive in terms of being creative. MyDream …

HTC Desire 10 lined up for launch on Tuesday

What are you doing on Tuesday morning? Well, we’re going to be at a swanky launch party in the West End of London. We’ll be eating canapés, drinking free champagne, meeting the….. ..wait. Ah no. It’s another one of those “web” launches from HTC. Gah.. what happen to …

Android vulnerabilities competition

Hacking bounty schemes are getting very popular with all the big names. Uber recently found a number of very concerning privacy issues with their application. This was found in a bounty programme. Well, it is not new news that Android has a number of vulnerabilities and generally the OS …

Mobile device use while driving is on the increase!

British motoring association, the RAC, has carried out a survey of motorists. It’s revealed some rather worrying results. The number of motorists illegally using mobile phones while at the wheel is rising. After surveying 1,714 UK motorists it found… 31% of motorists says they used a handheld phone …

Amazon Echo coming to UK and Germany

Amazon Echo, the digital assistant, is coming to the UK and Germany this autumn. Hurrah! What is an Amazon Echo you ask? It’s a speaker with microphone that connects to the internet, over WiFi, and has the Amazon Alexa service built in. Amazon Alexa is Amazon’s digital assistant. …

devolo dLAN 550 Starter Kit – Review

Back in January, Leigh reviewed devolo’s dLAN 1200+ WiFi ac Powerline adapter and now I got the chance to review the 550 starter pack. The dLAN 500 WiFi is an upgrade of devolo’s current mid-high range offering, the dLAN 500 WiFi. While continuing to offer Powerline transmission speeds of …

New SIM Only deals from Vodafone and EE

With inexpensive handsets entering the market from the likes of OnePlus, WileyFox and co, the proposition of entering a SIM only contract is far more appealing to your pocket as oppose to signing up to 24-month handset contracts. Recently my 24-month contract ended on EE but I have …

SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive for iPhone and iPad – Review

Your iPhone can connect to the iCloud to backup, but what if you want to backup your photos yourself? What if you want to put files ont your own personal USB stick? Or you want to quickly transfer them? Well, heres the SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive – and …

Adaptable Universal Docking Station from udoq

When I read the press release for this Kickstarter campaign for udoq it was hard to get excited about a docking station. However, I was impressed (from the video at least) of the build quality and it didn’t look like just another Chinese plastic stand. The docking station is designed …

iPhone got your FLAVR?

Another set of new cases! FLAVR, by STRAX GmbH, launched a brand new range yesterday of “hot, bold and eclectic” (according to the press release!) phones cases for iPhone 5/5SE, 6/6S, 7, 7 Plus and Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. The new cases will be available for £9.99 from …

Dog & Bone releases cases for the iPhone 7 surfer

I love the Dog & Bone brand, there is something stereotypically Austrailian about them and their products. We have covered their products before and typically aimed at the adventurous person, in particular, a surfer person (dude or dudette!). Splash44 case This sleek and fashionable case features a military certified …

The smartphone – A vital piece of evidence after a fatal accident

In the last few hours lorry driver Danny Warby has been given a six year sentence for crashing into an off duty police officer’s car. The collision killed Det Con Sharon Garrett, aged 48, and caused a five-vehicle crash. A police investigation revealed that Mr Warby was speeding …

KitSound Unity SoundBase – Review

Every now and again we get a real surprise to review. It’s no secret that I normally enjoy KitSound equipment, but having never used a sound bar or Sound Base before. I didn’t know what to expect from the KitSound Unity SoundBase. however, the following sentence seems to …

LG V20 launches for audiophile

You’d be forgotten for thinking that there were no tech items last week apart from the over-priced, under-specced, headphone-less phone that is Apple’s latest offering.  Far more exciting (to me at least!), was another announcement last week.  It was well known that the LG v20 was going to …