When you absolutely, positively HAVE to watch that particular movie (or TV show) tonight; accept no substitutes! The Justwatch app promises to scour the internet to provide all the options. It’s my default search tool for all such videos queries… it’s that good! I’m not sure of the …
Sunday August 14th 2016. Today it’s Code Kitchen day, part of Big Android BBQ Europe 2016 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Code Kitchen is a hackathon event where developers or people who would like to learn more about development come for the day and complete challenges. Said challenges can be …
This has been a hotly debated topic. It’s understandable because, when you’re in the UK using Three on a brisk 4G connection, you get certain expectations about download speeds. It’s these expectations that you might take with you when you go abroad and, with the Three Feel At …
We recently became aware that STIL were about to launch their first range of fashion cases in the UK and exclusively to O2. It’s the first time that I’ve personally heard of a network have an exclusivity deal on cases so I though I would check them out. …
So, you’ve got yourself one of the newest phones on the market with all the fancy pants features that you want. It is all going swimmingly. You’re downloading apps, getting it all just so. Then, without warning, up pops the all too familiar sign on the screen saying …
Laptop PC sales are falling, Tablet sales are dropping, and even the mighty smartphone might be plateau-ing. Wearables have been a bit of a damp squib, and VR is just starting out. In the midst of all this, one area does seem to be (anecdotally at least) doing …
Virgin Media, the UK cable TV/phone/broadband provider, has just teased us with a new TiVo powered set top box which will be made available to its cable TV customers later this year. Current details of the Virgin Media TiVo V6 are scarce, but we do have a pretty …
Big Android BBQ Europe is happening next week in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Coolsmartphone will be there covering it for you. While we won’t be able to use Three’s Feel At Home benefits there yet, we’ll still be bringing you the news and views from Europe’s Big Android BBQ …
Three were caused shockwaves in the industry when they originally announced “Feel at Home”. The roaming offer let’s you use your calls, texts and data in selected foreign countries, just as if you were home. Over time more and more locations have been added so customers can enjoy …
One of our favourite Chinese smartphone makers just announced a new device in China today. At a funky event in Beijing, Meizu presented the Meizu M3E to the world and we are looking at another super midranger. The M3E spec sheet is strikingly similar to the M3 Note, …
Here at Coolsmartphone we love a good bargain, and when this news popped up we just had to share it with you. It appears that someone at Vodafone UK has gone completely mad, as the company is blazing a trail within the industry by abolishing the line rental …
I’ve been an Android user since my first T-Mobile G1 way back in 2008, and as such watched and used Google Maps through its iterations and updates: the introduction of free navigation, the ability to download certain area’s for offline use, etc etc, with each iteration making improvements …
On Sunday I mentioned a particular YouTube channel that I like to follow (in addition to our rather fantastic channel, which you absolutely must follow too). It’s from a guy called Mat, who is known on YouTube as Techmoan. He also has a website, called Techmoan.com, and you …
These types of news stories are starting to become a regular feature. In short, someone finds a vulnerability in the Android Operating System which happens to affect every single phone – IN THEORY! No different to all the vulnerabilities that could destroy Microsoft Windows OS! Anyhow, this time, …
Well no. Not many people have thought about doing this, I’m sure, but I’ve got in the rather geeky habit of following the Techmoan YouTube channel and his most recent video features a rather old piece of technology from the 1960’s called the “8-track”. The 8-track cartridge or …
Pokémon Go is the game that is captivating everyone’s attention at the moment. It’s because many of us remember playing it when we were kids. If you are one of those players and you’ve been wondering where you can find Electabuzz or Pikachu, it’s worth knowing that Pokémon …
Tonight is the opening ceremony for the Olympics in Rio, Brazil, which promises lots of excitement just like London 2012. BBC have embraced the modern era of VR technology by bringing various key events over the course of the Olympics in glorious 360 degrees. The coverage can be streamed …
I sit on my fat backside for most of the day, so getting out and actually moving around is a bit important. I tend to cycle, be it mountain biking or road biking, and after trying the alternatives I’ve ended up using Strava. It seems to be the …
Remember that clever KnowRoaming sticker that we tried out? It sticks onto your existing SIM card but, when you go abroad, it’ll let you roam without that bill-shock problem. Now, for $7.99 (which is £6.09) per day, you can get completely unlimited data in places like Canada and …
Welcome to the Coolsmartphone Podcast Episode 178 & and it’s LIVE. That’s right you can now watch the podcasts live or on-demand on Coolsmartphone.com On this episode John is joined by Matteo and Special Guest Greg Morris from Eurotechtalk as they discuss: Greg’s tech background The launch of the …