Are you sick of coming up against a mobile signal black spot (first world problems and all that)? Take my house for instance, upstairs I get a 4G signal giving 40Mbps download speeds, go downstairs Nothing, Nada. Well this is where Anywhere SIM may be the answer. It’ll …
Quite a few people I know used to use Skype. It’s a great app and you can do all that video calling business, but WhatsApp appears to have taken over the world. We’re organising the charity bike ride (please do donate, we could do with an extra push) …
When it comes to mobile VR, Android based devices such as Gear VR have grabbed most of the attention recently. As regular readers and listeners of the Coolsmartphone podcast will know my devices of choice are iOS based, so I was keen to see if there was a VR …
We keep getting this stock image. I’ve perhaps been looking at it too much. Is that a real hand? Is that a plastic hand? Who knows. It doesn’t look right. It doesn’t look right to me at all. Either way, this is a proper retro gaming gadget – …
As listeners to the podcast will be aware, I’ve been looking out for a 360 degree camera option for my iPhone for quite some time…today a new option entered the market as Arashi Vision announced the Insta360 Nano which is presented as the worlds first HD Apple MFI approved camera …
You’ll definitely have heard of Mobile Bingo Sites and addictive games like Pokemon Go lately. It’s a simple idea though, and one which many of you will be a little confused by. Augmented Reality is at the heart of this particular app, and the game has a simple …
Today the BBC have launched a new app on both IOS and Android, the BBC+ app. Every day the BBC generates massive amounts of content, be it news, TV programmes or the radio shows, and to be honest all this fantastic content is scattered throughout the internet, and …
In today’s world, pretty much every gadget is connected to the internet. Alarms are no different, and I recently got sent this Wi-Fi enabled Home Security System, from Smanos. Whats In The Box: Upon opening the box I was met with the main control unit. It looks like …
Unless you have been living under a rock for a few days you will be aware of the Pokemon Go phenomenon which is taking over the world. Everywhere I go I see hordes of gamers waving there phones in the air trying to collect Pokemon, or gangs of …
I write this from the shiny Coolsmartphone HQ which, as you know, is my kitchen. On Friday afternoon I got back from work to find that my son had downloaded Pokemon Go. He’d seem it on TV and got it. He’s a bit young and I didn’t want …
This week Lenovo announced the Moto E 3rd Generation which will go on sale in September globally. The budget Moto E line has reached its 3rd generation. What we now refer to as Lenovorola seems to be almost overlapping the entry level Moto E 3rd Generation, an entry …
Cooking. It’s not exactly exciting is it. I mean sure, if you’re Gordon Ramsay and you’ve got pots of money then yeah – exciting. However, for me it usually involves getting the timing all wrong and having an over-cooked chicken next to raw potatoes. Tefal, yes Tefal – …
Head over to the Apple website and a 64GB iPhone 6s will set you back £619. The 128GB one will cost you £699. However, right now giffgaff have dropped the price of this and lots of other handsets. So, head over to their site and you can get …
My final bit of coverage from MWC Shanghai is a walk around the show halls. The venue itself is nearly purpose built for hosting large scale events, of which MWC Shanghai has ambitions to become one of the bigger events that the Shanghai International New Expo Centre (SINEC) …
Following on from my story yesterday, I can now confirm that the game everyone is talking about is available in UK app stores. Android and iPhone users just need to head to their respective places and grab the download the normal way. Yesterday we detailed a get-around that …
If you’ve been to Glastonbury or a big concert recently, you’ll have noticed the eagerness of some to capture the moment. Some go to extremes – filming entire songs and suppressing their own enjoyment so that they can hold their precious phone stock-steady instead. It can look strange …
OK. It’s turned into a dream for the PR company this one. Everybody seems to be talking about it, even here in the UK where you can’t actually download the thing just yet. Pokémon has returned and the ’90s have come back too (Robot Wars was on TV …
Want 4G data on Pay As You Go? Tesco Mobile is going to deliver with their new “Rocket Packs”. They’ve been announced just weeks after the virtual mobile network announced a money-saving scheme which reduces mobile bills if you watch some ads. Now they’re offering 4G data on …
Battery management is an important part of modern life, but the more devices you have, the more cables you have leading to messy wires. Here’s a neat solution from Amir: a bamboo charging station designed to charge up to 3 USB devices at the same time. …
Prime Day has been and gone. I made the most of Prime Day and ordered a magenta coloured Fire tablet for my better half and 168 pouches of cat food. Great deals! On that note, you may have not missed out on all the deals yesterday: the Honor …