BravoWin 10KT MiniPC – Review

About a week ago I unboxed a new 2-in-1 PC that had a retail value of £150, and I posed the question of ‘can a machine this cheap be any good’? I also mentioned that I was going to be able to compare this to a more standard-priced …

Who is that calling? Metal, that’s who!

Ringtones have changed quite a lot since the days of polyphonic and monophonic but yet there are certain ringtones we automatically associate with certain brands. Well ToxixEternity, aka Jack Fliegler from YouTube, and a death metal band called Singularity has taken the Apple iPhone ringtone we have grown to …

Three change their mind – The LG G5 arrives

When we were in Barcelona ogling over the LG G5, we were contacted by most of the usual networks to say that they were ranging it. However… we noticed someone who wasn’t coming to the LG party. Three. We got in touch, and they told us that they …

Now Vodafone add inclusive roaming too

It’s something we’ve already seen Three and Tesco Mobile doing, but now Vodafone have added some roaming goodness as well. Inclusive roaming across 40 locations is now available, and it’s 4G roaming t’boot. The list of countries look to be European and are as follows… Albania, Austria, Belgium, …

Vodafone now selling the Huawei P9 on the cheap too

Consider, for a moment, the fact that the Huawei P9 (unlocked) is £449 to buy on the Huawei store. Now, if you head across to the Vodafone site, you can get the phone on Pay as you go for just £300! Don’t forget that that giffgaff are also selling …

KitSound Malmö Bluetooth Sound System – A Review

I’ve become a bit of an evangelist for KitSound over the last couple of years, their pragmatic approach to providing good sound quality at a high value for money has struck a chord with me, and I really like the KitSound ‘sound’. Currently my ‘goto’ Headphones are my KitSound Manhattans, …

Huawei P9 now available at giffgaff

How does £17.06 per month sound for a top-end phone on a 2 year deal? Well, even with the addition of a £10 monthly goodybag on giffgaff it’s still pretty good. The Huawei P9, which we’ve already looked at in detail, is available to buy out-right on the …

BT investing £6bn in faster broadband

Following on from a reported 15% rise in annual profits to £3.03bn, BT has announced plans to invest £6bn in faster broadband and mobile services over the next three years. The company plans to offer their “ultrafast” broadband to 12 million premises by 2020. With speeds of 300 …

1byone Portable Bluetooth Speaker – Review

When you’re young and full of beans you really enjoy writing about tech. Mobile phones, gadgets, gizmos – it lights your fire. Then, after several years of looking a Bluetooth speakers, you start to wane a little. You get sent dozens and dozens of the things. Some are …

Is HTC finally about to release a smartwatch?

This has got to be one of the longest-running rumours of the tech world. The first suggestions that HTC were working on some sort of smart wearable surfaced back in 2014, when a picture of this appeared online: Even by 2014 standards it wasn’t the most glamorous of …

Tech Armor Privacy Screen Protector – Review

First, a big hello to Lawrence Daniels. He’s the PR guy for Tech Armor. Now, apart from their company name obviously being incorrect (it should, of course, be Tech Armour), they’re pretty good as a company. I partially have to say that because they sent this particular screen …

Minecraft on Gear VR

  Minecraft. Everyone in the world seems to be on it. It’s getting more interesting now, especially for the ones looking at a more immersive ways of playing the game. How does it sound to be in the middle of the world you’ve just built, or exploring a …

Google’s making Android Wear Mode straps

    Google has recently announced that it is making straps for nearly all the Android Wear variants out there. It’s called ‘Mode’. Not sure why. Not happy with providing only software for the Wear devices, Google has now ventured out into the hardware side of things for …

It’s either cool, or a complete waste of time. You decide.

You may have seen this one kicking around the internet already. You’ve got to partially question the reason for doing this. Perhaps it’s just a labour of love, perhaps it’s just proving the theory. Either way, it worked. Windows 95 on an Apple Watch. A 520MHz CPU, 512MB …

Player FM update brings cool new functionality

Podcasts have exploded in popularity since they first came onto the scene in the early 2000’s. The move to smartphones and busy lifestyles with commuting, has only increased this popularity to the extent that phones seem to have become the main medium for consuming them. In such an environment, a good …


SyncMate is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on Mac with Android devices (phones and tablets running Android 4 and newer). Free edition of SyncMate will sync contacts and calendars while Expert edition allows syncing images, videos, folders, music and lot’s more; with Expert edition you …

Blocking nuisance calls – CPR Call Blocker now in an app

Remember the CPR Call Blocker that we reviewed some months back? That gadget plugs into your home phone and, with the help of an in-build database and a one-button blocking system, you could get rid of nuisance callers. However, it’s not just your home phone that gets those …

Chromecast Audio, back again for £15

Hey you Coolsmartphoners! If you guys and gals have been out in the wilderness over the Bank Holiday weekend partying, here’s a great deal that might not have caught your bleary eyes. The ever-fantastic Chromecast Audio is out there for a mere 15 quid again, if you missed …

Samsung Galaxy S7 edge – Case reviews

Choosing your next smartphone is a big decision. With different storage options, colours and sizes now available it can be no easy choice to make. However, protecting your phone can be just as important, and this gets even more complicated with the hundreds of options available to keep …