According to a report published by OpenSignal and consumer watchdog Which?, smartphone users here in the UK only appear to get access to 4G data speeds for about half of the time on average. From the four UK networks tested, EE was found to have the best 4G …
Would you class more than 3.5GB of monthly data as “excessive”? Well, Virgin Media doesn’t seem to think that. At least not when selling their SIM-only packages. As an example, you can buy a 4GB plan for £15 per month or an 8GB plan for £23 per month. …
Apple are generally very tight on leaks and have a reputation as a hard company to get any information out of. So, when their own voice assistant Siri confirmed the date for this years WWDC event there were a lot of surprised people out there. June 13th is …
Well, if nothing else, they’re up front about their mistakes. We like that. The developers behind the Argos Android app were refreshingly frank about their latest update… Remember that Easter Egg we put in where it looks like you can tap on the search term but you can’t? …
Way back in 2002 Alton Towers opened a ride called “Air”. It was their first ever “flying” roller coaster. You strapped yourself in and then the ride would tilt you forward, sending you face-down under footpaths, over trees and upside down. Some 14 years later, it’s still there. …
Amazon has released yet another Kindle. This one’s the Bentley of them all, priced at £269.99 (What?! I see you ask with wide open eyes). Not only that, but the 3G version is £329.99 if you want to stay connected with all your expensive reading. This one is …
Whether it’s a small task at home or a big assignment at work, Wrike’s project management solution has mobile apps to help you plan, organize, and collaborate so work gets done efficiently no matter where you are. Wrike’s online project management software has more than one million users …
Sorry. It’s Sunday though, so we’re allowed. Just to clear this one up. It’s Honor – For the brave.. ..and Doritos – For the Bold.. So that’s… Honor – For the Brave… Doritos – For the Bold.. OK. I’ve got that out of my system now. I’m …
The latest Which Customer Service survey is out and two networks sit right at the bottom. 4,101 mobile customers were surveyed in February to compare the UK mobile networks.all the UK’s mobile suppliers. EE and Vodafone didn’t do well when it came to value for money or “ease of …
This awesome headline combined with creative gameplay makes growing weed something everyone can do, even if it is “just” a game! Now you can practice the cultivation and earning potential of your “empire” with Ganja Farmer, which is available for both iOS (over 17’s only) and Android (PEGI …
As you’ll have probably already heard today, Tesco Mobile have received some pretty high customer satisfaction figures. Not only that, but the network (which uses O2), is to offer up the HTC 10 with absolutely no upfront cost. All the plans below allow “Anytime Upgrade” as standard and …
If you plan on getting yourself a Huawei P9 then perhaps consider the world of VR too. Whilst announcing the P9 and the P9 Plus at their Shanghai launch there was an unexpected addition – the Huawei VR. It look, and let’s be honest here, pretty identical to …
I’ve been to America a few times. One of the first times I visited I paid a visit to a shooting range and made some comments on my personal blog about how, for a Brit, it was “different” to see kids with their parents firing live rounds on …
If you’ve tried Forex trading in the past, chances are you’ve used a PC with Windows. Forex trading software is complex, and trading requires flexibility. MetaTrader 4 (MT4) became the industry standard for its great functionality. But finally there are Forex trading apps for smart devices that you can …
Milk VR, which has been knocking about for some time for the Gear VR headsets has now been published onto the Play Store for those who are able to download it. I say that because it only is available for a select few handsets. The likes of The …
We’ve head quite a few security cameras cropping up here at Coolsmartphone. This one is from Annke and you can control and move it from anywhere via your smartphone. First up, the plus points. Although you’ll spot an ethernet port on this, it connects very easily via WiFi …
We live in an amazing age where you can buy a reasonable spec computer for less than £300. However, this price usually gets you a non-touch-screen laptop tloaded with compromises and inferior components. The BravoWin 10KT is looking to challenge that perception and show that you can get a …
Today those with compatible Nexus devices are being treated to the option to upgrade to the Android N Developer Preview 2. I’ve already upgraded my Nexus 6P and will do the same with my Nexus 9 this evening. This is an incremental update to the Android N Developer …
Back in the day we’d be able to at least bring you some details about what a new HTC handset feels, looks and operates like. Sadly, as the HTC 10 didn’t have a launch event and loan handsets are very thin on the ground, we really can’t say …
Come close dear friends, because I have a confession. My normal, “go-to” handset has (for quite some time now) been the LG G4. I’m a big fan of the thing, but since the Huawei P9 launch event I’ve had that phone in my pocket instead. I can qualify …