The Hitcase PRO – Review

Putting your phone in a case, especially if it’s an iPhone, has now become a requirement if you want to keep your handset looking pristine. However, if you want to take it out with you on a bike or perhaps a boat, canoe or speedboat, you’re going to …

Microsoft Lumia 650 – Official specs revealed

Will this be the last Lumia? Well, it’s certainly what Microsoft have done well at recently. Cheaper Windows Phone devices seem to sell, even if it’s still not quite as many as they’d hoped. So step forward the Lumia 650, it runs Windows 10 Mobile and the specifications …

LG goes specialist with the  X Series 

Mobile World Congress is now tantalising close, and already LG have revealed some of the kit due to be shown off at the event. Their new devices are set to include “premium features without the premium price” and we will see the first two phones in the X …

Tech Armor Premium Micro USB cable – Review

Cables. To be honest you’ve probably got a quite a few. However, after a bit you may have a frayed, bent or broken cable. Tech Armor, who I will probably spell correctly at some point in this review (it should be Tech Armour of course) have taken the …

Wait, we have to even make this a thing?

When my local police force retweeted it, I honestly thought this was a joke. Do people actually do this? Would anybody be so stupid? Sadly it seems that yes, there are people who do this. It’s not just watching movies or TV shows – something I see truck-drivers …

Google Play Music half price, get it for 4.99

Some of us haven’t bought into this whole paid streaming music malarky for reasons. It may be that you already have a big enough music selection that you don’t get time to listen to the artists you already have, it could be that when people talk about discoverability …

Facebook thinks that looking at kids sexually is fine

That’s a rather blunt and shocking headline, but it’s sadly true. Well done to the BBC for blowing the lid on this. As I’ve mentioned time and time and time again, big social websites couldn’t give a flying fig about you or your kids. They don’t. I’m sorry, …

Microsoft cuts yet more jobs in its mobile division

Despite the launch of two premium Lumia handsets and Windows 10 Mobile late last year, things are not going well for Microsoft’s mobile aspirations.  Sales figures are down, and although the new phones received generally positive reviews, they hardly set the tech world alight with new features or …

Three slices up to £216 off iPhone 6s price

Fancy getting yourself one of these this weekend? Three want you to head over, because they’ve got some deals on the iPhone 6s with possible savings up to £216 – but this weekend only. The only minor caveat is that these offers are on their two year deals, …

Centriphone – The olloclip gets dizzy

The boys at olloclip have been trying to get our attention for a while now. First they sent a video showing how “Chelsea Bell” promotes her swimwear line using the clip-on lens, but we said, “No, that’s just gratuitous, our readers won’t be interested in that, even if …

Smartwatch battery life looks set to improve

Smartwatches tend to fall into two camps: those with e-ink screens, like the Pebble watches, which provide a week or so of battery life; and those with LCD or AMOLED screens, like most Android Wear devices and the Apple watch, whose life span is measured in hours or …

Smartphone app now used to check Ford car quality

Manually checking cars at a highly advanced car factory in Valencia might sound old-fashioned, but this is how Ford maintains quality at the plant. Until fairly recently, these checks were recorded on a bit of paper, and then workers had to walk to a central point to record …

Breaking News – iOS date change bug renders devices unusable

Information is still extremely limited due to the nature of this bug, but it would appear a simple date change on your iOS device will render the device useless. Any iOS device powered by A7, A8, A8X, A9 or an A9X chip is affected. Those with a 32-bit …

Hey. We need you.

I absolutely hate doing this, but we’re left with pretty much no choice. You may remember the problems we had getting to Mobile World Congress. Our advertising revenue will pay for the flights and it would’ve paid for accommodation, but due to this being pulled at the last …

What is your dog saying? Find out with WhatsYapp

First up, that’s an obvious click-bait headline, but sadly – that’s the way the internet works. I could’ve made it a bit better by adding, “Listen to your dog, you will be shocked!” Anyways, let me give you an insight into running a website like this. See, we …