A few apps to keep you busy over the Christmas break

It’s Christmas, so that will probably mean that you’re heading off to see relatives. Amongst the gifts, the food and the TV, there’s definitely going to be a period where everyone will sit down and generally fall asleep on the sofa. Although we do tend to concentrate on …

JerryCan – The Smartest Mileage Tracker for iOS – Review

JerryCan does many things – and many things well. When I hear the word “mileage tracker” I start to fall asleep, but JerryCan’s stunning UI, smooth animations, and array of features make it the best of its kind. Of course, JerryCan can help you track your gas mileage, …

Vodafone knock half off new wireless kit

If you fancy getting some last minute stocking fillers and also want to save a bit of cash, have a look at the Vodafone Accessories website. At the moment they have half off selected headphones and speakers, including these three devices below. First up are the iFrogz Freerein …

A little extra Christmas cash is always welcome

Yes, it’s that time of year again and we’re all a little bit short on cash right now. I think this year I’ve been a little too sensible and I’ve actually bought all my gifts already, meaning that my bank balance – and any cash set aside for …

Oppo Digital Unboxing HA-2 and PM-3

Christmas is coming and you need that knock-out present – well we’re here to save the day. Back in November, we looked at Oppo Digital’s new HA-2 portable amplifier and PM-3 headphones (Come in Major Tom? New Christmas Presents from Oppo), which boasted some great specifications. We have …

“Alexa book me a flight please?” Wait who is Alexa?

Have you ever found yourself talking to yourself out loud and thinking it would be nice if I didn’t need to then dig out the laptop to do what you just said? Weirdly I have. Now, take this concept one stage further and make it useful. Say for …

HTC RE, now REally cheap

Remember this one? A camera without an on-board view-finder, but one that you could fix to your bike / boat / board and get active with – the HTC RE is now cheaper. Marks and Spencer (yes, Marks and Spencer) have knocked the £139 price of this portable …

TVPlayer launches on Apple TV

TVPlayer has just announced it has joined Apple TV with two of its services. The first will be giving Apple users the opportunity to watch over 85 of the UK’s top TV channels within a single app for free called TVPlayer Basic. The other is TVPlayer Plus, the low-cost pay …

HTC One X9 leaks out in crystal-clear shots

I properly love the HTC One A9. Although I loved the quality of the HTC One M7, M8 and M9 – I wanted something fresh and new. The HTC One A9 was it, and our HTC One A9 review resulted in a high score. You might’ve seen more …

Merry Birthday from Three

Christmas time is upon us once again and Three have come out with a cracker of an advertisement campaign (excuse the pun). The new video shows someone who is born on Christmas day and who feels let down that you only get one set of presents instead of …

Meet the iPhone hacker who can make your car drive itself.

This is George Hotz. He’s a bit of a character. He’s 26 and lives in San Francisco. At the age of 17, under the name “geohot”, he became the first person to unlock the iPhone. Shortly after he started working on the Sony Playstation 3 and became the …

Speedy delivery now in Manchester too

If you’re a last-minute Christmas gift shopper and you live in Manchester, listen up. Now Amazon Prime are of offering one-hour delivery slots on thousands of items. Get onto their site, choose your product and have it delivered right to your door in less time than it would …

Windows 10 Mobile users to get updates directly

Having been an Android user for many years one of the great frustrations that I had was waiting for updates.  While Nexus users might be able to install the latest and greatest OS updates, everyone else had to wait for both carrier and OEM approval.  In some cases …

Thank you Three!

I should note at the start that this article is not sponsored by Three! I neither work for them nor receive any benefits.  Nonetheless, I am a big fan.  I first used Three about 13 or 14 years ago when it was first released to great fanfare about the …

Can a £139 Windows Tablet replace your Laptop? – Part 2

Part 2 – The Lenovo Miix 3 Review (Read Part 1 here) Which Device? So, the scene having been set, how did I proceed? There were a variety of other options. First the size issue, 8 inch or 10 inch. There were 8 inch tablets by Linx, Lenovo …

More rumours of a Microsoft Surface Phone

Rumours of a fabled ‘Surface Phone’ have existed for a number of years now.  That such a phone was originally being worked upon is beyond doubt: enough circumstantial evidence suggests that it did exist, on paper if nothing else.  But sadly it was supposedly cancelled at the time of …

More strangeness. The VCHOK M9-LTE gets buried in concrete

It’s time for another weird smartphone pitch from China now. This is the rugged VCHOK M9-LTE handset. The people promoting this haven’t given us a link to where you can actually buy it and they’ve not even told us about the specs of the phone either, so we’ve …

It’s Christmas! We road test SwiftGift

I tend to leave the whole present-buying stuff a little late, so shopping online is definitely my preferred way of buying gifts. However, if you’ve forgotten the address of the person you’re buying for, you don’t really know where they’re going to be, or you’ve plain just forgotten …

Honor 7 now available on Amazon for not a lot

Right, you’ve only got a few hours on this one, so be quick. We know that the Honor 7 has been dropped in price from the vMall already, but this offer is now direct from Amazon and includes free UK delivery. The Honor 7 has been dropped in …