Oh now, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. Yet another great deal on what is a very good smartphone. This one is from LG, and it’s the curved G2. This is a handset that was £459, but they’re now knocking it out for just £214.99 at Expansys. …
I confess I’m still slightly uncertain how we’re supposed to refer to this – Windows Mobile 10 sounds like the WM6 of old; Windows Phone 10 is plainly no longer used; and Windows 10 Mobile sounds daft when abbreviated to W10M. Anyway, digression aside, as we get closer …
A bit of history first, and perhaps a personal viewpoint from myself. Back in 2002 I handled my first HTC smartphone. It was branded up as an Orange SPV and it kick-started this entire website. HTC had a meteoric rise in the years following, releasing phones under their …
The Leo privacy guard for mobile devices is built for individuals who want to keep their mobile use private. Some of us don’t mind sharing our phones, but there’s probably a number of you who’d rather keep those personal photos and messages away from prying eyes. Sure, a …
Hopefully it’ll actually definitely happen this time, because we’ve been promised an end to roaming charges before. Now, we hope, the European Parliament will stick to the decision. First, from April 30th next year, an interim cap on roaming charges in Europe will kick in. This will mean …
The all-new HTC One A9, which we covered in full last week is definitely becoming one of my favourite HTC devices. I’ve got one right here and, let me tell you, it’s very impressive indeed. However, what’s not so impressive is the pricing. Last week we pointed out …
I know what you’re after a random smartphone that you’ve never heard of for less than £65. Well, we already know that the network-locked Vodafone Smart speed 6 is just £50, but how about an unlocked smartphone for £64.42 ($98.92)? Meet the good ‘ole iNew U5. Nope, we’ve …
So, the restaurant emailed me and asked me to promote their app. They didn’t give me the link to the UK version, so accidentally found the American version of the apps first (iPhone one here and Android one here). Trouble is, what bothered me was the fact that …
The developer of this game asked me to review it. However, you’ll notice that I don’t often review apps here on Coolsmartphone. Developer Divyesh Dungrani wants to tell you about his free Musical Drum Loops app. What he tells us is that it’ll let you “make your own …
I need to go out this afternoon and buy a sander. A sander. Sheesh. What happened to me eh? If I didn’t have to get one of those, I’d probably upgrade my rather battered LG G3 for an LG G4 because, well, just check out these prices. At …
I love my wife. She’s a little bit bonkers in all the right ways. If you live near us then you’ll probably already know of my wife through her singing. Now, whilst I don’t think she’ll end up on X-Factor anytime soon, she does love a good singalong …
So here’s how it works. You buy something and you quite like it. then it stops working. You try to get it fixed, and get prepared for a battle royal with a company that doesn’t give a hootenannie about you once the sale’s been made. This isn’t that …
Could you start by telling me a little about yourself? I’m a 16 year old high school sophomore who lives in Charleston, SC. I develop iOS and web applications. You’ve won two WWDC student scholarships. What was the application process like? How did 2015 differ from 2014? The …
This week the Podcast is a little bit different in that we have done it as a Google hangouts session. This week it features Matteo and Khellan. The guys discuss the state of networks in the UK and what all those G’s in 4G really mean, amongst other …
I’ve got to be honest, it’s Monday morning and here in the UK the clocks have gone back so it’ll be getting dark in about 5 hours. Bagghh .. rubbish. It’s that time of year when we’ve got to properly start saving for Christmas, so I’m (as usual) …
Mobile image sensors embedded in smartphones are revolutionising journalism and photography. Ever taken a selfie or a picture of your pizza? Or maybe a high quality image of the Eiffel Tower or the Taj Mahal for bragging purposes? Yep, we’ve all been there. There’s no doubt image sensor …
I’ve decided, after receiving quite a lot of “random” email, to start a new feature which includes some of the strange, slightly confusing and usually part-Chinese emails that I receive. What exactly I’m going to call this feature, I’m not sure, so for now it’s, “Weird Weekend”. It …
They’re not even out yet and already the flagship Lumia handsets have been reduced in price. Crisis!! Actually, that comes across as a little unfair, particularly coming from someone chomping at the bit to get their hands on one of these shiny new phones. The 950 had originally …
Like everyone who reads these pages, I’m into gadgets in a big way. Anything that can be digitised or connected to the internet is alright by me, but sometimes there are some gadgets that even push us hardy folk at CSP Towers to the limit. Enter Ember, …
The day has arrived for Blackberry fans (all 10 of you). You can now pre-order the newest Blackberry… the Blackberry Priv. We have been tracking this one with a lot of interest here at CSP Towers. If you’re wanting to get one ordered, then head over to our friends …