Blackberry Priv official!

Who’d have thought it, a desirable Blackberry? Well, that is exactly what has happened with the newly announced Blackberry Priv. This one has been in the pipeline for some time now, and it’s got a few of us at CoolSmartPhone Towers rather flustered. We have written about it …

giffgaff flies high with new ad campaign

Back in the late 90’s I was using a clunky big Nokia phone and colour screens were just a pipe dream. There was a TV show on back then called “TFI Friday”, hosted by Chris Evans. He bought and sold a radio station, became a multi-millionaire, shacked up …

Bump uglies with a sexy wristjob

Woah, woah, flippin WOAH. Fitness bands, that’s fine. Wearables that show notifications from my smartphone, that’s cool too. But a new wearable that monitors your sexual performance?? Just wait right there. The new #LifeLoversWatch is now on the market for €99.90, which is £73.37. As with other fitness …

Teen Developers – Gustaf Rosenblad

Could you start by telling me a little about yourself? My name is Gustaf Rosenblad and I was born in 1998 in Gothenburg, Sweden. I love programming! Programming runs in the family. I’m the third generation of programmers. I started programming when I was 8 years old. I got …

Lollipop, now pounding on a quarter of Androids

The release of a new version of Android always means a good look into how the versions are distributed. The ‘good’ news first: Android Lollipop is now up to 22.9% – almost a quarter of current handsets. Next up is KitKat (which is specifically Android 4.4) at a …

Xperia Z5 – Unboxing

That time of year has come. It’s the time that all geeks look forward to every year. It is, of course, upgrade time. Those of you who are frequent readers will no doubt be aware that I am currently using the Xperia Z3 as my daily driver. Although I …

Vodafone offers up the Nexus 6P complete with free tablet

If you are a Vodafone customer or intend to be, have a look at their site right now. The Nexus 6P is available to pre-order and, if you’re quick and put your name down now, you’ll also receive a free Huawei 7” T1 tablet. A free tablet? Which …

OnePlus X to be revealed on 29th October

  Despite the launch of the first two phones from OnePlus being, shall we say, less than smooth, (I know I had to jump through the invite hoops for both my OnePlus One and Two) the company are still struggling to to get the Two into customer’s hands. …

Orange list the HTC One A9

Yes, you’re right. This is a phone that hadn’t even been announced yet. HTC are trying to do a big build-up to their October 20th launch event. However, Orange France have just gone ahead and listed the thing on their website anyways. Details are there, plus pricing and …

Honor 7 – Review

Hmm.. The Honor 7. I’m sure someone told me this was a “mid-range” handset. It was almost as if they didn’t want me to get to excited about it. Let’s have a look at the specs first then.. Screen – 5.2″ 1080×1920 (424 ppi) CPU – HiSilicon Kirin …

Windows 10 Mobile updates to be pushed out from Microsoft directly

One of the great differences between Apple on the one hand, and Google and Microsoft on the other, is that Apple controls all aspects of its hardware and software. This means it pushes out OS updates quickly and without having to wait for approval from carriers and manufacturers. Android …

Misfit Shine – A quick overview

Just last year Gears reviewed the Misfit Shine, a personal tracker that also, if you want, can double as a necklace. Now we have the Misfit Flash and, ahead of the full review, here’s a quick look at how this one works. It’s a small device around the …

Goodbye Sainsbury’s Mobile

Have you got a mobile running on the Sainsbury’s Mobile network? Well, sadly it won’t be working much longer. The supermarket has given a 90-day notice that all services will be discontinued and you’ll see the network completely snuffed out on January 15th. The reasons, it seems, revolve …

It’s an Apple Watch, honest. I paid less than £17 for it too.

Right, I’m not going to say anything. I’m not going to say APPLE WATCH or type it in capital letters. I’m not going to mention that this ZGPAX S79 Bluetooth Smartwatch is just $25.74. That’s £16.87. £16.87?! That’s a touch cheaper than the Apple Watch isn’t it? Take …

Rock on – Mini amp speaker for your smartphone

Simple and easy this. It’s a miniature speaker for £13.99 which you plug into via a 3.5mm audio cable. It’s just like those amplifiers you’ll see on stage at rock concerts, but this mini amp speaker is powered by AA batteries or a USB port instead of directly …

Another DOOGEE – This time less than £80.

Right. Another possible shot-in-the-dark handset from China now, and this time it’s a DOOGEE HOMTOM HT5. This one has a 13 megapixel rear camera from Sony and a 5 megapixel front camera. Sure, it’s a phone I’m not totally familiar with, but you’ve got to consider the fact …

Driver decides to broadcast drive home on Periscope… whilst drunk

There’s a few things that Florida resident Whitney Beall did wrong on Saturday. First, she decided to hold her phone aloft to film herself driving. That’s a bad move. Fiddling with your phone whilst driving is never a good idea and is against the law here in the …

Vodafone Call+ in action

Following a quick demo from the team at Vodafone on their new Call+ features, I thought it would be useful to do a short write up before a full review in the coming weeks (should the loaner phone arrive soon). If you aren’t familiar with Call+, it’s a …