MOT Models launch mobile portfolios – A world first

When I applied for my first few jobs I had to sit in a stuffy office while some HR person clicked through my CV. I had a folder with all my qualifications in there too, but fast-forward to today and I’m instead getting job agencies using my LinkedIn …

Podcast 144 – every night this week on the beach

Welcome to the Coolsmartphone Podcast episode 144, joining me this week were Dan, Garry and Ian. This weeks topics revolved around Dan and the LG G4, Garry and the BQ Aquarius E4.5 Ubuntu Phone, me and my new Pebble Time, the rumoured successor to the Nokia Lumia 1020, …

Huawei announce the T1 10″ tablet

How about a tablet with a 10″ IPS screen, Qualcomm quad-core 1.2GHz CPU and 4G connectivity for just £22.50 on a pay monthly deal with a £22.99 up-front cost? O2 will soon be selling the new Huawei T1 10″ tablet in white. It’s powered by Android 4.4 KitKat, …

The daddy of remote-controlled cars

Remember this scene from Tomorrow Never Dies? Bond drove his utterly fugly BMW 750i (worst Bond car, ever) with his Sony Ericsson mobile phone. Oh how we laughed. Wait though, because it’s now actually possible. Jaguar have a Land Rover that you can control with your smartphone. It’s …

Pebble Time – Hands-on

I have one. That is all see you later! Only joking… 🙂 I am now a proud owner of the brand new Pebble Time and I thought I would share some of my thoughts about it. I’ve now had it for a couple of days. Bear with me …

Smart Clock – Sync your life with your bedside buddy

You might think that I’m a gadget monster. You could believe that my house is a computer-controlled ultra-modern home which does everything for me. Not a bit of it. I’m a deeply disorganised and forgetful individual who tends to work far too much and I run out of …

EE Announce new SIM-only plans

The SIM-only market continues to remain popular. It allows users to purchase a handset outright, pay less per month and generally have  shorter contact periods Today EE have announced new 30 day and 12 month SIM-only plans ranging from £9.99 to £31.99 per month, further details of which are shown …

iPad Pro details revealed in iOS 9 code

Ever since the demise of Steve Jobs, Apple has become something of a leaky sieve.  One of Jobs’ great triumphs was to keep the tech industry guessing as to what he would reveal on the stage. Rumours were rife of course, but the eventual announcement was always something …

Lumia 1020 successor: more rumours

One of my favourite things about the mobile industry and sites such as ours is the way that leaked blurry and unrecognisable images keep us guessing at the great new phone around the corner. The Lumia 1020 was released in July 2013 to great fanfare, primarily because of its …

Apple watch in stores today!

Anyone wanting to purchase their very own Apple Watch will today be able to. Just head to your local Apple store as the company is finally allowing in store pickups. Until now customers have had to order online and wait the 1-2 weeks minimum to have their shiny …

Google acknowledge battery drain in Wear 5.1

Last month Google began its rollout of the latest update to Android Wear – version 5.1. This update enabled features like Wi-Fi support, new gestures, hand drawn emojis and more. However, the update also came with a major unwanted feature – severe battery drain. It is present for …

The Terminator gets added to your navigation

Way back in the day we used to upload voices to our hacked versions of TomTom to Pocket PC devices. Remember someone having Yoda speaking out the directions? Now we’ve got Waze which, if you didn’t know already, is a rather clever community-driven traffic and navigation app. If …

Cortana for Android (beta) coming in July.

Microsoft has revealed that a beta version of Cortana, their digital assistant (none of which I can get to work right), will be available for Android users sometime in July – as a Beta. This means that the Cortana version for Android won’t have all of the features of …

Give your garden some colour – the new MiPOW Playbulb Garden

Our garden was OK until we realised that the previous owner had decided to fill in an old pond pretty badly. Over the years it’s developed into the Himalayas and I’ll probably need to get someone to roll over it with something. I’m no gardening expert, but I …

Motorola UK have a sale on people!

Morning. It’s hump day, which means it’s the middle of the week. Wednesday to be precise, and right now there’s a Motorola sale on. If you want a deal, head to this special Motorola page where they have huge discounts on a range of products. We’re talking a …

Now your Smartphone tells you how bad your food is for you

Well here’s a thing…. We know that smartphone s and their interactive personal assistants are becoming more intelligent, but now they can inform you exactly how bad, or – if you are extremely lucky – good, the food you are eating is for you. Imagine you are in …

YotaPhone 3 on the horizon

The dual-sided YotaPhone series made a big splash at MWC, but it wasn’t picked up by the major networks over in Blighty. However, we quite liked it all in all, so when news of the YotaPhone 3 leaked, colour us excited. The e-ink screen is a great idea …

Samsung Galaxy J7 & J5 Leaked.

In typical Samsung “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks approach” to mobile devices, two more units have been leaked, these being the Samsung Galaxy J7 and J5. From the images that have appeared we can see that the devices are made from the good old …

EE announce Harrier branded tablet

Not long ago EE announced two new devices – the Harrier and Harrier mini. Now the network has added a new tablet to their range called the Harrier Tab and it costs £199 on PAYG, or £18 a month on contract giving 10GB a month. Specifications include an …