Every year LG announce a new flagship device and to accompany that they redesign the software running atop of it. This year seems to be no different, in the run up to the LG G4 being announced LG have come out and shown us some of the new …
iFit is one of the most popular fitness brands, and today they have formally announced that their services will be integrated into the Sony SmartWatch 3. iFit provides a complete fitness ecosystem to try and mentor you to a healthier lifestyle and they partner with well-known companies such as …
Getting Office documents working on your mobile device can be a hit and miss affair. Sometimes you’ll find an app that opens certain documents but won’t let you edit them. Sometimes you can edit some document types but not others, and you can find that the document will …
Some of you may be aware that I have been harping on about a Kickstarter project called Remix Ultra Tablet, well it has been a huge success on Kickstarter so much that the actually sold out the entry level tier of $39 in seconds and the next one …
Today is going to be a good day for OnePlus One owners. The eagerly awaited Lollipop update for the OnePlus One is now available for download and manual flashing. This is the version that’s free of all the Cyanogenmod extras, it’s basically just like a Nexus Lollipop ROM. …
I’ve always been a fan of the OnLive service with its ability to stream cloud hosted PC games to mobile devices, computers and smart TVs. It seemed like a natural progression in gaming technology. So it was with a little sadness that I heard that it was announced …
I am a father of a young boy and even though I do actively try and minimize his time using gadgets it is an inevitable part of live theses days that they will use them. The other day I came home from work and he saw that I …
EE has announced the launch of a new reward scheme for its customers – EE Power. The new scheme is available for all active EE customers, both mobile and broadband customers. According to a YouGov poll commissioned by EE: Almost 60% of smartphone users find their battery doesn’t …
I bet you can remember the above phone right? Last years HTC One M8 right? Wrong it’s the recently unveiled One M8s. Although to give you your due, it is the same phone, just a bit slower. It is best summed up by Peter Frølund the UK and Ireland …
Welcome to the latest episode of the Coolsmartphone Podcast. Joining me this week were Dan and Ian. This weeks topics were Dan and the last week with the HTC One M9, the Honor 6+being up for pre order, Ian and the OnePlus One, the HTC One E9+, the LG …
Hello there, welcome to the “listen in live” page for our podcast. Joining me this week should be Dan and Ian. This weeks topics should be about Dan and his week with the new HTC One M9, me struggling without 4G, the Archos Platinum 52, Ian ordering a …
Recently I attended an event in Birmingham called ‘March of the Droids‘ . It’s where Android enthusiasts are invited along to get to know each other in person instead of just online. The day is full of different discussions, from independent sites to large manufacturers, and there are …
It’s the news you’ve all been waiting for (if you’re heading to Spain for your holidays and you have a Three handset that is). Three customers can now head to Barcelona, Ibiza, Benidorm, Majorca, Tenerife and every other Spanish island, city and town without having to worry about …
The people at OpenHours have sent me a missive about their new Android and iOS apps for checking the opening times of stores, banks, restaurants and more. You can give their website a spin now and put in something like “TSB Birmingham“. It’ll then tell you how long …
Don’t get me started about politics. One group tell you that things are great. The other guys say that things are still rubbish. Me? I’m voting Monster Raving Looney. I think they’re marginally better and my local MP is dressed as a chicken. Brilliant. If you’re not feeling …
Right, April Fools is now over… unless you’re in America, then it’s probably definitely still on. Either way, I’d like to state up-front that this is definitely an April Fools joke. This is the First Direct Swear Jar app. An app that runs in the background and detects …
This weekend, while you’re enjoying an Easter break painting fences / wallpapering rooms or perhaps even spending several days in the pub.. if you’re lucky. Today Honor, a Huawei owned company, have announced the pricing and availability. As you lovely people know already, it’ll have a network exclusive …
Alcatel have a wide range of devices and keeping up with exactly where each model sits in the range is at times a struggle, when I visited their stand at MWC it took me five minutes to gather myself and work out what was what. Alcatel have sent …
If you use WhatsApp then I really don’t need to sell this thing to you. It’s a cross-platform messaging app that cuts out the need to use text messages. Instead you send everything over your data connection and you can also keep in touch with people in other …
This is not an April Fool Those of you who were following our MWC coverage will already be familiar with Valedo. for those of you who wern’t following our exploits at MWC here is a recap1, Valedo is a wearable that will help you improve your back health …