Last month Microsoft sent out invitations for the official launch of Windows 10. The beta version has been available to download for some time and there have been a raft of updates. Less clear has been any indication of when Windows Phone 10, or whatever Microsoft is calling …
The news from Tesco recently is one of decline and slump. Somewhat out of the blue, it has been announced that its broadband and streaming TV service, Blinkbox, have been sold to TalkTalk. In a statement TalkTalk have announced that the Blinkbox service will be available ‘immediately’ to …
Everyone loves a bargain, particularly in the cold bleak post-Christmas days of January. To brighten our mood, Tesco is currently offering 20% off iTunes gift cards. The deal is certainly available online but there’s no information about whether it is also available in-store. If any readers find the …
Morning my lovely people, hope you’re well. You may remember, some time back, I decided to setup a CCTV system with an old smartphone. Since then we’ve looked at the BT Smart Home Cam and the Pan and tilt camera from SwannCloud. They’re better than a smartphone alone, …
UK network EE who were the first to announce and roll out 4G over here have today confirmed they now have 7.7 million customers using the service. Also coverage has now reached 80% population and are on track to reach 98% by the end of 2015. They also …
Welcome to episode 121 of our podcast. Where we chat about what we’ve up to in the week, what we’ve been using in the last week, what we’ve bought or sold and our thoughts on the latest news. Joining me this week were Dan, Garry and John. Topics this …
Howdy all! I hope you’ve all enjoyed your holiday festivities! I took last week off, but this week we have our longest interview yet! So take a break from a week of busy CES news and enjoy hearing about Tom de Ruiter’s life! Could you start by telling …
Remember our Nest review ? Of course you do, it was the one with the Ford Cortina, which all good reviews should include. Anyhow, there’s more innovations and gadgets getting added to the “Works with..” list of internet-connected devices that’ll work with your Nest thermostat. A sneak peek …
If you’ve got yourself the innovative new RE camera from HTC (which is detailed here) then listen up. You can, after an update to the RE app tomorrow, live-streaming video from the camera to YouTube. The update will be on the Google Play store tomorrow and will hit …
If you’d like a bit of bling but you perhaps can’t afford a Lamborghini phone, you can at least have a phone that looks expensive thanks to a limited run of gold Lumia handsets. The Lumia 930 and 830 will be available in gold with a black and …
When I was 20, somehow I got hold of a kick-ass pair of speakers. They were big and strong enough to sit on, and as long as I had the amp to drive it, you could probably hear the sound it kicked out in the estate near where …
We’ve probably all seen those rather beautiful videos filmed using super-steady drones. However, if you want to step things up a bit and film in full 4K video you could have a slight problem. You might need to upgrade the camera hanging under the drone or perhaps get …
I’m on the fence with this one, so I’d love to know your thoughts. Called the “Triby” it’s a Bluetooth speaker, Bluetooth speakerphone, notification system, internet radio and communication system. It’ll stick via a magnet to your fridge and then lets you make calls or play music. When …
Alcatel aren’t the only people announcing smartwatches, although in the case of Sony it isn’t a new model rather a couple of new strap options for the existing Sony Smartwatch 3. First up is a new metal body for the Smartwatch 3, similar to the business edition of …
Want a Chromecast? Want a free one? Have a gander at this broadband offer from an outfit called Fuel Broadband. Instead of getting sucked into a provider who wants to offer mobile calls, phone calls, broadband and a TV package, they’re binning the add-ons and launching a £2 …
Along with a new smartwatch Alcatel also announced a new tablet and a range of phones. The POP 10 is, surprisingly enough, a 10″ tablet that features an IPS display and is powered by a quad-core processor. Storage wise there is 8GB internal memory, a 5 MP rear camera …
Here we go, I’m on the hunt for cheap Chinese phones again. We’ve actually got a couple of handsets from the not-so-well-known manufacturers in on test at the moment and we’ll be bringing you a review pretty soon. Until then, here’s the Elephone P5000. It’s normally $239.99 (£158.67) …
That notification that pops up when you tweak the volume on your smartphone is proper annoying isn’t it? You know the one, it basically says… “Hey, even though we’ve designed this phone to go up to a certain volume, if you do turn it up to that volume …
What you want, deep down, is one of these. What you can have, if you’ve “only” got £4000, is a smartphone bearing the Lamborghini name. It’s called the 88 Tauri, and it’s expensive. The press people tell us that the handset has a “design aesthetic that emphasises quality” …
You’ll find every tech blog in the world following the endless announcements and reveals in Las Vegas right now. Yes, we’re following the crowd a little too, but in the midst of all the emails and new innovations I almost forgot that I don’t like being part of …