Motorola last year showed the world that you didn’t need to have the highest possible specs to create a really decent phone. Last year’s Moto X was behind the rest of the pack spec wise and it offered a really good package, this year’s model they’ve increased the …
Some clever sausage somewhere decided at some point that the standard SIM cards were just too big. Despite some phones still being massive (phablets etc), we’re seeing the teeny-tiny nano SIM slot on some phones, with the slightly-larger micro SIM now being an almost-standard. However, there’s still those …
If you’re using an iPhone and want to change to another smartphone then you may find that your messages go adrift. Now Apple have a new tool for you. It’ll stop messages vanishing by deregister your phone number from iMessage. When you stop using your iOS based device you can …
Today we have a wealth of tablets in all shapes and sizes. You can choose between Windows 8, Android or iOS 8. There’s pretty much a flavour for anyone. I’m a fan of the smaller form factor and as a result I have swung toward the iPad Mini …
Wondering how the makers of mobile apps can afford TV advertising when they’re free to download? Well, we seem to quite like a model named “Freemium”. The word itself, which is a mash-up of “free” and “premium”, means that you get the entire game or app for absolutely …
The LG G3 is a cracking device, possibly one of the best phones this year, with great specs and a huge great 2K display. I really like mine and no doubt many readers will do too. It’s about this time of the year that people start looking to …
If you’re after the Oneplus One then OppoMart seem to have trimmed the price a little. Instead of $399 (£252.14) it’s reduced by $50 if you enter the code “ONE50F” at the checkout. This’ll bring it down to $349, or £220.55, plus you get an official case. Ah, …
Sometimes, if I go to a restaurant and order a large steak, I’ll get the meat sweats. Likewise, when I need to make an important call or I’m waiting for an email and see my phone hitting 5% battery life, I get the battery sweats. We’ve seen various …
There’s a wide range of cases out there but this one is definitely geared towards the kids, or perhaps those who want a canvas for quickly doodling ideas. The tablet cover, available in 7″ (£19.99) and 10″ (£24.99) sizes lets you or your children doodle all over the front of …
If I’m honest, the Gmail experience you get on a desktop computer isn’t exactly “swish”. It’s a little clunky, a bit low tech but yes, it does the job. On Android it was a bit better, but still lacked some gloss. This morning that newly designed Android version …
Having already sold over half a million devices to date, through an invite only system, the Chinese startup company OnePlus have stated they now hope to have one million of their “One” phones sold by years end. Speaking to a Forbes reporter at Dublin’s Web Summit, Director …
If you’ve got a Nexus 6 then, well, I’m amazed. It’s not available yet but we do at least know prices. You can’t even pre-order it on the Google Play store. To be honest, if I’m getting on my soap-box for a bit, putting a phone up for …
Welcome to episode 116 of our little podcast. Where we chat about what we’ve up to in the week, what we’ve bought and our thoughts on the latest news. Joining me this week were Dan and Garry. This weeks topics included me and my LG G Watch R, …
Could you start by telling me a little about yourself? I’m a software developer/computer security nerd from Britland, I’ve been building things at companies and freelancing for the better part of 2 years now, and i’m currently working on my own company with 3 other awesome people. I …
Google have finally disclosed UK pricing for their new Nexus 6 flagship phone. It’s as expected unfortunately, which might be a good thing for some people, but others were hoping for a price similar to the Nexus 4 or Nexus 5. Two colours will be available at launch …
Hello there, welcome to the “listen in live” page for our podcast. Joining me this week should be Dan, Garry and John, topics this week will be about the Nexus 9, my Moto X, Dan and his Note 4, Garry and his ongoing ideal tablet hunt and what …
Have you ever been unfortunate enough to have to dial 999 from your mobile? 60,000 people per day or 22 million a year call the emergency services from a mobile telephone (is it me or is that number absolutely vast?) and it is pretty much nailed on that …
Well, this is certainly a bit strange. We’ve received a press release about a new company called Vsenn. They’re a mobile startup based in Finland and they will soon deliver a modular smartphone based on Android with OS updates guaranteed for 4 years. There’s encryption too, but the …
This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. It’s the Sunday closest to Armistice Day on November 11th, the end of the First World War hostilities in 1918. It’s also a chance for us all to remember, commemorate and pay our respects to those who’ve fought for the freedom we enjoy …
Last night I was using the Sky+ app to remove some of the 810 episodes of Family Guy I’ve recorded (no seriously, have a look below…) Anyhow, I noticed a new feature which might not actually be new but is really wrote useful. To be honest I probably …