The new viewfinder-less pipe-cam from HTC will be available soon and Three are already getting the marketing wheels turning with one of their hands-on videos. The camera, which can display a preview of your footage onto your smartphone, is an easy to use click-and-go affair. We’ve got …
When I was young we didn’t really do a great deal at Halloween. It was all “Penny for the guy” a few days later for Bonfire Night / Guy Fawkes Night. However, Halloween now seems to be as popular here in the UK as it is in the …
Bear with me here, because I’m in a rather strange mood after listening to a pirate radio DJ shouting “Oh my days” several times this morning and “Oi Oi” quite a lot. I think it’s gone to my head. Nokia, as you’ll know already, is dead. We all …
Are you a selfie fan? Want more control? Well, this weird little gadget should suit you. Or should it? The mySelfie is a Bluetooth remote for your smartphone or tablet. Not only that but it’ll work as an anti-theft key ring to locate your phone or your keys. …
So, finally the rumours can have been put to bed, the speculation and conjecture can stop for, as we all now know, Android L is actually Android Lollipop. We had the initial developer version back in May with another update being issued late last week. Like many, a few …
Some months ago I ordered this cheap physical button for my phone. It plugs into the audio port and gives you an additional button which you can program to open certain apps or run certain tasks. The cheap button was just £1 but this, the “proper” Pressy button, …
Iterative products are just a way of life these days. We get a new slightly updated device every few months, sometimes every six months, sometimes even every year, Sony have mastered the iterative product cycle, releasing new products every six months ensuring they stay current. A manufacturer finds …
OK now, don’t get too excited, it’s not a great deal of data but still, this is worth investigating if you’re thinking of getting a tablet as a gift. It’s only 100MB, but if you have a tablet or phone that mostly lives near a WiFi hotspot it …
That’s right, you will be able to order (well pre-order) one of the most frustratingly difficult to order phone of 2014 on 27th October. As posted on the OnePlus Forum the invite system will be bolstered by the option to put down cash no matter who you are …
Even though they are hardly top of the range, you have to admire Archos. The French company keep the bottom to mid-range end of the market afloat, releasing a variety of smartphones and tablets. Never one to shy away from the latest tech, Archos have now announced their own VR headset. …
The thing about rumours is that it’s nigh on impossible to prove or disprove them at the time and afterwards, when reality bites, most people won’t apologise for misleading. Take this one with a large pitch of salt but the next version of firmware to hit Lumia phones …
Those of you that love to strap new activity trackers to yourself are in for a treat in the next few weeks. Information sent in to The Verge shows the company is gearing up to launch 3 new products. My bank account is already quivering… The first two devices, …
Who doesn’t love Argos, particularly the newly revamped shops with annoying and hard to use touchscreen ordering iPads? Now the favourite of the High Street has started to sell Bush Windows phones and tablets. These are no high-end models but are firmly entrenched at the budget end of the market. …
Can you remember the Oppo Find 7/7a? I had one earlier in the year and whilst being fairly impressed with it, it only ran Jelly Bean with the Color OS skin on top. Well Oppo have pushed out a new ROM for the Find 7/7a which is KitKat. …
Google finally seems to be getting their shipping act together as the Nexus 9, the first tablet to come with Android Lollipop installed, is now available for pre-order at the play store. The only caveat is that the wait time is currently standing at 2-3 weeks. I know …
Amidst all the madness of the new iPad announcements (and the network availability from Three and EE) you may have missed one small titbit – the new Apple SIM. No, this isn’t Apple changing the size again, it is a standard nano SIM but one with a little extra …
Well that didn’t take long! A quick search for some details on the Nexus 7 (to be honest I was looking to compare the battery size with the Lenovo Yoga 8 tablet due to the cheap price that Argos are selling it for as reported earlier this week) …
There’s a lot of information about Android Lollipop and we’ve also learned that doing a Google image search for “lollipop” reveals some really risque results. We’re trying to stay the right side of the family-friendly line here, so we’ve gone for the “completely weird pictures of lollipops”. Today …
Whenever a new version of Android appears I get the same question. It’s a question that is sometimes a bit tricky to answer too.. Hey, I heard there’s a new version of Android. Do you know when (insert name of phone) will be getting it? Sadly the rollout …
Welcome to another episode of the Coolsmartphone Podcast. Joining me this week are Dan, Khellan and Matteo. This weeks topics predictably revolved around the recently announced Nexus devices, the new Apple iPad Air, my Tesco Hudl 2 and my Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2, a chat with Matteo about …