Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse – Pure Disney Magic on iOS

Games can be a bit hit or miss on mobile devices, for every classic there are several complete duds, but here is a genuine family friends classic on iOS – the fantastic ‘Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse’. A remake of the ground breaking Sega Megadrive game, Castle …

Phones 4u going into administration

When Vodafone decided not to renew their contract with Phones 4u, it left the independent on thin ice with just EE, Virgin Media and their own (EE provided) network LIFE. However, now EE have decided to pull out of the independent retailer, leaving the chain without any of …

iPhone 6 launches and promptly sells out

As you may have noticed by the coverage here and on Twitter (we’re @coolsmartphone), pre-orders for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are well under way. In somewhat unsurprising news, some variants have already sold out. The most popular options seem to be all iPhone 6 Plus models …

Inateck BP1002B Bluetooth speaker review.

Following on from my other Inateck speaker  review I have been sent a further bluetooth speaker to review, this one being the entry level BP1002B portable speaker. Features : Bluetooth v2.1 and EDRAux-inBuilt-in-mic for handsfree calling. Charge via micro-USBBuilt in Li-Ion battery1 x 3W speakerDimensions: 61.5 x 61.5 x 71.5 …

Have Apple just become a little less Apple-like?

Just to get something out in the open, I’m a big fan of Apple, the iPhone & iOS. The beauty of the devices the way that everything just works is simply superb and my iPhone has enriched my life. Everything Apple has done with the design of its …

Three announce iPhone 6 deals

Three UK have announced their contract pricing for the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices. Contract prices only for now with PAYG coming later on once demand has died down we believe Prices for upgrades and new contracts are slightly different as you can see below, …

Android apps running on ChromeOS from today

Well it’s started. Google has today begun rolling out Android applications that can be run directly from your Chrome OS browser. Initially there are four apps available –  Evernote, Vine, Duolingo and the children’s app Sight Words but there will undoubtedly be a deluge of apps that follow in quick succession. Chrome OS …

Check out the size of my SD card!

There was a time, not so long ago, that we thought 8GB SD cards were enough. Now a 32GB, 64GB or 128GB card could be considered normal and, despite the rise of cloud storage, many are still using their storage cards. Now SanDisk have produced this 512GB storage …

More iPhone 6 pre-order details

With the O2 and EE websites both struggling under the load of iPhone fans trying to pre-order, we headed over to Carphone Warehouse to check prices. We’ve already covered the Vodafone deals, but if you’re looking to get the handset on either EE or O2 then expect to …

Vodafone iPhone 6 Pre-order details

If you’re looking to get the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus on pre-order today, definitely read our earlier story with all the links, stores and networks offering the device. As I type a lot of mobile networks have their websites collapsing under the sheer volume of traffic, …

My Xperia Z2 and its organising skills.

For the past few weeks I have been working on organising a charity sailing event. Why is this relevant to Coolsmartphone? Well there are a few reasons for that. Number one, I have been doing most of the organisational work for this event on my smartphone. Secondly, my smartphone will be …

Podcast 109 – the iPhone 6 is finally here

Welcome to the Coolsmartphone Podcast, joining me this week were John and Matteo. This weeks topics predictably revolved around the Apple iPhone event. The big one, the little one, the watch, paying for stuff with your phone, Johnny Ive and his ludicrous videos and our usual chit chat …

First HTC, now Samsung take a swipe at Apple

Now, give me grief if you wish, but this is how things happen. 1 – Apple release a product. 2 – A lot of people think it’s pap and deride it publicly. 3 – A lot of people think it’s great and they go out and buy it. …

Podcast 109 – Listen in live

Good evening and welcome to another episode of the Coolsmartphone Podcast. This is the live unedited complete with awkward pauses and my ill thought out jokes. Joining me this week are John and Matteo. The topics as you’d expect are rather iPhone based this week. To listen just …

Gotab 7 tablet for just silly money

Come now, this is getting daft. I mean no, it’s not going to beat much in the specs race, but less than £40 for a 7″ tablet? Buy yourself a cheap Bluetooth speaker, install TuneIn, TV Catchup, BBC iPlayer etc and you’ve got yourself an instant internet radio …

cloudHQ – synchronize your online life

“Everything’s online these days” is a common refrain and becoming more relevant to our lives. Most major tech companies provide some kind of free ‘cloud storage’ (Microsoft, Google, Dropbox, Box) and even note-taking services like Evernote and OneNote need to store those notes somewhere. This is also a …

Vodafone enable HD Voice too

One of the reasons I didn’t want to leave Orange was because me and my wife were both customers and I’d got used to the HD voice quality. In the early days (Orange rolled out HD Voice in 2010) this wideband audio functionality was only available on just …

New U2 album free to download on iTunes

We all love something for free, particularly when it’s the latest album by Dublin’s greatest sons (excluding Boyzone of course).  U2, one of Apple’s original partners when iTunes was launched, has decided to release its new album for free on iTunes.  The album is only available for the next …

Teen Developers – Chris Frees

For our third instalment of our teen developer interviews I had Chris Frees come on to talk about his experiences with developing and designing websites. You define yourself as a designer and developer. Which do you enjoy most? Do you define yourself with one over the other? That’s a …