The long awaited spiritual successor to Peter Molyneux’s classic Populous, Godus has been launched today on iOS platforms and is free to download. Originally crowd funded through a Kick Starter campaign in 2012, and through high profile campaigns like ‘Curiosity – What’s Inside the Cube?’ the anticipation for …
When we heard about the forthcoming LG G3 Stylus, we were expecting hoping for the phone to be a bigger, badder, better version of the G3. We wanted something could take on the might of Z Ultra or the Note 3, and really show us why bigger meant …
Welcome to the latest episode of the Coolsmartphone podcast, joining this week were Dan and Ian. This weeks topics were as varied as always with the LG G3 variants being the main point of discussion, we also talked about the Nokia Lumia 930, Lenovo and their superb looking …
Kogan. It’s not a brand we are too familiar with here in the UK, as noted by Leigh’s last article on the last Kogan Agora Smartphone but it is a brand more well-known over in Australia. Well they have now released a 4G version of the original Kogan …
Surface… No longer is it the large boardroom/restaurant table. It’s that small tablet sized computer we now hold in our hands. Ever since it launched it has been something you either love or hate and sadly it may not survive too much longer if Microsoft continues the way …
Lenovo have just revealed there new Flagship Mobile to the world via Google+ and YouTube. The phone was revealed not long ago by some leaked photos. But is now online in an official video included below. Its a really smart looking phone and the specs below look rather …
LG have announced another variant of the G3, the G3 A. It is a weird device, that is smaller and lower spec’d than the G3, but larger and higher spec’d than the G3 S. It seems to be a Korean specific model so I shouldn’t be too upset …
With the release of the Samsung Gear Live and the LG G Watch, Android Wear is up and running. The last confirmed device to be released is the Moto 360, pictures of which have now leaked. The images show the round design that Motorola have chosen for their …
HTC (Quietly Brilliant, if a little too quiet it appears), have had some rather good sales figures for Q2 and we all think they’re on their way up again and then bam something goes wrong. This time it’s their July 2014 revenue figures. The company has reported its …
It’s that time of year when Android fans around the world start to get excited about the new Galaxy Note. This year will be the Galaxy Note 4 and as I’ve ended up buying each and every Galaxy Note I had better start saving my pennies. Samsung have …
This is a phone which really does look the part. The last time I had an imported copy like this, the screen was low resolution and spongy. The build quality was pretty terrible and the OS was slow. This, though, is really rather good. First impressions are…well, impressive. …
Windows Phone gets criticised a lot. Manufacturers get criticised a lot, especially when they don’t update devices to the latest and greatest software. So imagine the hate HTC are going to be up against as they’ve announced on their forums that their budget Windows Phone the 8S isn’t …
It’s that glorious time of the year when the tech world goes into a meltdown of anticipation as the first rumours of a new iPhone launch date starts to hit the net. We should point out that at this stage Apple are remaining tight lipped and have yet …
The Moto G and the follow up 4G model, have made a good impression here at Coolsmartphone, being very affordable and having above average specs for the price range. Therefore, it should come as no great surprise that Motorola have a successor in development – the XT1063. Don’t …
Ever wanted to move network but worried that a silly mistake you might have made or overlooked ages ago hit your credit file and would mean you might get declined? Maybe you just took a large loan or mortgage but want to move network and think this might …
You’re in danger. In fact, your personal life is in danger according to a survey of 5000 people by Tiger Mobiles. It reveals that only 1 in 3 people actually use some sort of security on their lock screen. Over half of the people not using any sort …
The LG G3 Beat is the next upcoming phone from LG, it’s basically the G3 Mini and in preparation for that LG have created a rather jolly video promoting some of the features of the G3 Beat. They’ve published it on YouTube and they kind of forgot that …
If I’m honest, it’s sometimes tricky to write a great deal about a case. This one is from Snugg and the blue ultra thin case we have here is £9.99. For that you get a case with a non-slip, durable finish which, if anything, adds to the style …
A watch fundamentally is foolproof, you look at it wanting answers and it duly obliges, although for many years this has been a rather simple transaction. i.e what is the time? It is 5am. Simple. This idea hasn’t been played about with for a long time. With a …
Facebook for Windows Phone has had many different faces, from the days when Microsoft made the app the way they wanted through to unified approach that Facebook have rolled out to their apps these days. Yesterday it Facebook updated it again and it looks even closer to the …