Lumia 930 offered up across the UK

We’ve had a number of companies in touch about this handset and the offers they’re running on it. If you’re following us on Twitter or checking the site regularly, you’ll already know about the EE deal, but here’s a run-down .. EE For a limited time, EE is …

Vodafone Smart 4 Review

Made by a company called “Yulong” (no, we’ve never heard of them either), this is the rather cheap (£75 on Pay As You Go) Vodafone Smart 4. Inside there’s a dual core 1.2GHz CPU and just 512MB RAM. It has a pretty decent amount of on board storage …

Nokia X – Goodbye, we hardly even knew you

The Android-powered Nokia phones, which were meant to be a step onto the Lumia ladder, will no longer be worked on. New handsets and development is being put into “maintenance mode” whilst work shifts onto Windows Phone handsets. This comes just hours after 12,500 Nokia staffers were shown …

Podcast 102 – Can you wear that?

Welcome to the Coolsmartphone Podcast, episode 102. Everything is back to normal this week as we are all back from holiday and Leigh has finally got his broadband fixed. This week I was joined by Dan who was fresh from his American holiday and he came with a …

Podcast 102 – Live Stream

Welcome to the live edition of our weekly podcast, it’s all back to normal this week as we are all back from our holidays. The topics mainly revolve around what devices were taken on holiday. Tune in about half seven ish tonight to listen to the show or …

Microsoft begin Nokia bloodbath

With the name “Nokia” now forever connected to Windows Phone, Microsoft are having to make some pretty big decisions. One of the first is to layoff a massive 12,500 staffers from the Nokia team. Yes, 12,500. The cuts from the mobile business form the bulk of the 18,000 …

Free Windows Phone satnav to get you home

We all know about the ongoing issues with getting Google services on your Windows mobile, and that includes Google Maps for your satnav needs. Luckily Nokia Drive/Here Maps is available now, but there’s another entrant in the ring. Copilot was one of the original people who developed Satnav …

Android App permissions. Noticed something?

You may have become fairly numb to the fact that a massive chunks of Android apps have the right to read your texts and look at your photos. The whole system is, if we’re honest, too relaxed. We waive any right to privacy in exchange for an ad-filled …

Harness the power of the sun via your smartphone

The press release on this one starts off with quite a positive vibe… In case you hadn’t heard, it’s currently hotter than Barbados outside Well, yes. According to the news this morning it is, but I’d still rather be in Barbados. Never mind though, you’ve got my attention …

Pirate Radio – Why it’s not going away any time soon

Bear with me on this one, because I will eventually relate this to smartphones 😉 Pirate radio stations have always interested me. Despite endless streaming services and internet radio, pirates still take a chance and launch a station on FM without a licence. It seems that, regardless of …

Three joins free WiFi on the Tube

Back in 2011 TFL announced plans to put Virgin Media WiFi hotspots in a selection of London Underground stations for the 2012 London Olympics. This was then rolled out to the rest of the network, allowing everyone to use them for a while before then restricting it based on …

LG announce the G3 Beat

The LG G3 is a cracking device, it has a great design, it has quite a few innovative features and it is quite big. LG have decided to release a slightly smaller and slightly lower spec model, which confusingly has two names, the LG G3 Beat in Korea …

Lumia 930 bargain at EE

The new Lumia 930 is going on sale tomorrow here in the UK (Thursday 17th July) and many of the networks have decided to stock it, including EE on their 4G brand. What is amazing is the PAYG deal they have managed to put together, the only condition …

Inateck 4 port USB Desktop Charger – Review

My night time ritual goes something like this, put the cat out lock the doors make sure all the windows are closed and then walk around the house looking like Mr T from the A-Team with a multitude of charger leads and plugs round my neck, as I …

LG G3 QuickCircle Snap-on case now available

You read our LG G3 review, right? If you liked it, bought one, want to keep it in good condition and you’re looking for a case, give this a whirl. The highly sought after official QuickCircle Snap-on case has arrived at Mobile Fun this morning and this is …

Mini Ninjas, now free

Nope. I’ve never heard of it. Sorry. Apparently though, lots of people have. This thing has had over 6 million downloads. It’s been available for 99c or 69p (yes, yes, I know that 99c is, in fact, 58p, but …) … now it’s free. You can get it …

Motorola Moto G 4G – Review

The Motorola Moto G will go down in history as a genre redefining phone. It was designed to be as fluid and functional as a flagship device and yet cost a portion of one. I’ve owned mine since about last November and absolutely loved it, the review is …

Switching? Wait!

I got asked a quite simple question last night, and it got me thinking… @gears is Three a good network now? I remember you could never get a signal. I only want to renew with networks that offer unlimited data. — Sean Dale (@SeanDale) July 15, 2014 Changing …

Apple hook up with IBM to get further into your business

I remember laughing when business people started buying iPads. “Pah. They’ve got it all wrong”, I thought, “that’s not a business tool”. Even though a lot of tasks were still perhaps better done on a Windows laptop at the time, the iPad and iPhones took over and they …

Nokia Lumia Cyan Update roll out starts

The time that all Nokia WP8 users have been waiting for has arrived. Microsoft just announced that the Lumia Cyan Update is starting to roll out …! It will be reaching your device very soon and will bring some significant enhancements to your device. The main features that …