A big-screen solution for any smartphone

Smartphones are great, no argument there, but there’s a bit of a problem. Most people like a phones with a screen between 4″ and 4.7″, then you’re edging into phablet and then tablet territory. Devices of this size are great too, but you end up with a bigger …

HTC Dot View Case gets clever

We liked it to begin with, but now the HTC Dot View app has now got even better. You can now alter the wallpaper and you can swipe through email, voicemail, text and call notifications. The app can be tailored to your requirements and owners of the HTC …

Google Glass unboxing

Ever since I saw the demo video at Google I/O back in 2012 I have been amazed by Glass and what it can offer. Sure, it is not for everyone, but there are so many possibilities not even imagined yet. Until recently you had to live in America …

Edit your video footage on the go – Video Tuner for Lumia handsets

Having all our video footage securely stored on our smartphones is great, but editing it can be a bit of a pain. If you’re using Windows Phone then it’s well worth giving Video Tuner a spin. Available for Lumia handsets, it’ll give Windows Phone 8.1 users the ability …

Screw this in, make a noise and light up your life

Ask any Coolsmartphone reader and they’ll tell you that they love playing with their bulbs. Fiddling with them until they go a funny colour is a particularly popular pastime, so MIPOW have created this, the “PLAYBULB”. Ta-daaarrr!!!! For £59.99 you get more than just a light bulb. This …

Blacksmith Labs leather case review

A little while back I was emailed asking if I would like to review a leather case for a company. My initial reaction was a bit “Meh”, but then I got sent pictures and I suddenly changed my tune. I jumped at the chance. The Blacksmith Labs cases are beautiful. …

New Sonic game hits Fever pitch

Apologies in advance for that “local free newspaper”-style headline that crow-bars the word “Fever” from “Sonic Jump Fever” in, it’s still early. 🙂 Sega, who are perhaps best known for this intro sound would like me to mention their new Sonic game. It’s called “Jump Fever” and is …

Three launch new SIM only plans

Three UK has today launched a new range of SIM-only contracts. In a way this mirrors how they relaunched their contract plans recently. Customers will be able to start at just £7 a month for 200 minutes, unlimited texts and 500MB of data. This includes free 0800 calls. …

Getting hold of a OnePlus One. Invites snapped up super quick

Many moons ago I watched a programme about how kids are basically really interested in stuff they can’t have. If it’s in front if them, but they’re told that it’s special and shouldn’t touch, they’ll want whatever it is that they’re not supposed to have. From memory the …

New clip-on Bluetooth speaker from JBL

In case you’re wondering, these are definitely made by JBL and they shouldn’t be confused with the perils at JML who make mops and strange foot massage things … Further details below, or get it next month from Currys, John Lewis, Amazon UK and the JBL website.

blinkbox music – The new boy on the streaming scene

Tesco have sent me something. I think it’s because I’ve started shopping in Aldi more. Who knows, but they are trying to grab my attention. They own blinkbox music, which is another offering alongside their blinkbox TV and movie streaming service. Considering they’ve not sent the Coolsmartphone team …

Megalo Mini hits target, mini charger going into production soon

No! Must resist the urge to mention another Kickstarter campaign! Oh wait, this one has already been featured here and they’ve now reached and breached the funding goal, so it’ll be in production and you should be seeing it soon. The Megalo Mini is basically a tiny charger …

Take vocal control of your phone with Commandr

There’s just something about the idea of being able to talk to your phone to make it do stuff which captures the imagination. It’s the sort of thing that makes you want to test all the things which are to do with voice commands… if only it would …

Saving battery power on your Android – LeanDroid

I was going to open this particular story by discussing battery life, and how it’s generally pretty rubbish, but you know all that already. There’s a few ways to fix this. You can get a portable charger, you can plug your phone in every few hours, you can …

More Z3 pictures leak on-line

A few days ago some pictures of the next Sony’s leaked online. The Z3 has now appeared in yet more blurrycam images, this time showing off the design and subtle changes in this new model. Sony appears to be retaining the “OmniBalance” design language, with just some minor tweaks. The sides …

Sammy Galaxy Note 2 gets covered in KitKat chocolate

Got yourself one of these on Three? It’s the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and, if you go searching for updates, you should find that the freshly-baked Android KitKat 4.4.2 has arrived. Download the update and enjoy everything that KitKat has to offer. We have Lee Burnip to thank …

Vodafone Smart 4 Power and Smart 4 Turbo announced

EE have already released their own 4G handset and now it seems as Vodafone want to join the party too. They’ve just launched the Smart 4 Turbo and, coming soon, they’ll have the Smart 4 Power. These are aimed at lower end of the market and will bring 4G to …

Up-close with the LG G Watch

Packing an always-on display, 400mAh battery (which is enough for a day of activity) and powered by Android Wear, this is the LG G Watch. It’s both dust and water resistant, plus you can just say “OK Google” to ask it questions, such as “Come on KITT buddy, …

Samsung refresh their app store.

I tell you what Android needs. Another app store. That’s what it needs. Yeah. Never mind the fact that there’s already the Amazon App Store, GetJar, AppsLib, F-Droid and various other ones that appear on those “couldn’t quite get Google certification” handsets. We need more. Luckily Samsung are …

Rumour – Three to return to Carphone Warehouse?

Despite most sales being direct and, despite withdrawing from Carphone Warehouse last year, Three look to be coming back again. There’s no official announcement just yet, but we understand from a trusted source that the Three network will be offered up again by the high street retailer soon …