If you are looking for a Office editor for your Android or Amazon device today then I recommend you head over to the source link at the end of the article to download this free today. OfficeSuite Professional 7 is a full Office suite with document, spreadsheet and …
OppoStyle, the only European distributor of Oppo phones and accessories, has announced today that the Oppo Find 7a will be coming to Europe “soon”. In a press release today it revealed that there will be a limited quantity of pre-orders of the Find 7a (the lower spec Find …
If you have an iOS device but are craving for an old school Nokia Snake fix then why not try Snake ’97. The app is now free until 28th March on the App store.The app simulates one of 4 old school Nokia handsets, the 5110, 3210, 8210 and …
Tomorrow HTC will be announcing the all-new HTC One in London. We’ll be there live of course but you guys can actually join in the fun and both see buy the handset tomorrow too. If you’re in London then Carphone Warehouse will have the handset available in Westfield …
Continuing very much with what appears to be his personal modus operandum, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales has recently taken a strategic stake in The Peoples Operator mobile virtual network operator business and been appointed to the board of the company as Co-Chair. This should mean he will ignite the fledgling companies …
We’re getting more info coming through our Coolsmartphone Internet Hats (TM) about the Xperia Z2 delay. A number of anonymous tipsters are now telling us that the hot new Sony mobile has been delayed until week commencing April 28th. Now that, if you’re having it delivered, means you …
If you don’t like paying much money then Ovivo were ideal. Some of their plans cost absolutely nothing per month, but just recently Ovivo unexpectedly went pop and their customers were left with no service instantly. So what now? Well, we’ve put some options together for you. They’re …
Yeah, yeah. Cloud storage. Bla bla bla. I’m one of those annoying people who actually prefers having a massive 32GB microSD card in my phone. Sure, if my phone goes missing I’ve lost everything, but I’ve got something physical and heck … I just don’t like change sometimes. …
We know you love technology, we know you love your smartphones, your accessories and everything in between. How’d you like to cover it? To add your opinion and post your thoughts on the latest games, apps and mobile happenings as they occur? Coolsmartphone is on the hunt for …
Remember our wedding photographer story? An entire wedding got captured on a Nokia Lumia handset and the results were pretty good indeed. Centrefold is a “bi-annual A2 folding poster publication” and, for this edition, they’ve taken all their photos with a Nokia Lumia 1020. The magazine was founded …
We’re hearing from a few anonymous sources that the Z2 might be delayed. The handset, which we got our hands on in Barcelona, is going against the likes of the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the new HTC One. We checked into some of the Z2 deals earlier and …
Yesterday, here in the UK, Chromecast arrived. Sure, many people have purchased one via Amazon or eBay already, but this is the first time it’s “officially” been made available here in the UK. What is it? Well, you may be seeing this getting a demo in your local …
We’ve mentioned Ovivo Mobile quite a bit here at Coolsmartphone.com and we were big fans of their business model, even though it didn’t seem to work out in the end. Things seemed to be going pretty well. You pay up-front for the privilege of having an Ovivo SIM, …
You would have thought that Oppo had done enough for the time being, what with announcing the two Find 7 variants, but the engineers have been hard at work shrinking the elephantine N1 into a smaller package. This time it will have the same swivelling camera arrangement that …
Following the signal issues for EE customers last night, it appears that some customers are now getting service again. The classic “turn it off and on again” advice seems to be working for others. Twitter users in particular seem to have been annoyed by the EE response, which …
I could’ve come up with a more eloquent title for this post but hey, it’s a lot better than some of the posts flying around Twitter right now. The EE Twitter crew say that .. There seems to be some Gremlins in the system – we’re aware of …
Ovivo Mobile, the MVNO that offered free minutes, calls, and data for absolutely nothing per month, appears to have closed its doors in the past couple of hours. In a statement posted on its website, the company said: Dear OVIVO Customers, We are very sad to announce that …
Huawei recently revealed plans to release a dual operating system handset running Android and Windows Phone, but in our article about it we suggested that it may be unpopular with the two tech behemoths, and this could cause trouble. Now we don’t like to say that we told …
The Samsung Galaxy Beam is quite a cool phone. It’s got a built-in projector so you can project your favourite football match, TV show or movie onto the wall. However, if you want that functionality you’re going to have to switch phones, and that’s a whole expensive business …
Archos? I know what you’re thinking: the ones who make the weird Gamepads, right? No thanks… But wait, what if I told you Archos make a quad core Android phone with a 5″ Full HD display, a 13MP camera, and costs less than £300? Still dubious? Me too. …