Last week we mentioned Vectone Mobile who were offering 1GB of data for just £1. If I’m honest we’d not really heard about this particular MVNO but they run on the EE network and they’ve got some additional news to tell us. They have an app. Not just …
If you’re an owner of a Nexus 10, you might want to delve into the settings menu and check for updates, because Android 4.4.1 is coming your way. The Nexus 10 is by far the least popular of the Nexus tablets, however, that doesn’t mean Google aren’t showing …
Want to get an Amazon Kindle this Christmas? Well, you could get the Kindle Fire HD for free. Sure, it’s not quite the new HDX, but the 7″ Kindle Fire HD comes with 16GB storage, WiFi and Dolby Digital sound. Plus, of course, you can download a stack …
According to the Wall Street Journal Spotify is planning free, ad-supported listening for its iOS and Android apps. In the past, Spotify has limited mobile listening to “Premium” paying members. Free, ad-supported listening was only available on desktop and laptop computers. With the policy change, non-paying listeners will …
Federal Trade Commission stated GoldenShores Technologies took ID and location data from the millions using its Brightest Flashlight app. The developer shared the data with ad networks but did not tell users about this practice. To settle the charges, GoldenShores has agreed to give users more control over …
Last year we all wrote up our hopes and dreams for the year to come, I wrote about Windows Phone as it’s something I’m fond of and the other guys will all just want to write about Android. So here we go, here is what I would like …
Asus certainly make some interesting form factors. The FonePad and PadFone being the two that confuse me the most and it seems that the PadFone range is going to continue with what looks like a 7″ tablet with a 4.3″ companion handset attached. I think this really could …
The new version of KitKat brings lots of smaller changes Following the first maintenance release of Android KitKat, the big news is that there are many camera fixes and enhancements for the Nexus 5, but it turns out there are also a lot of smaller changes and improvements …
Are you looking for a tablet for Christmas, but don’t have the funds for a Nexus 7 or iPad Mini? Well this bobby bargain may be up your street… Well, if you have an Aldi up your street that is. This Sunday, for one day only, Aldi are …
The Google Play Music app has received a bit of a refresh this morning. Download it and you’ll get KitKat SD card support, which gives offline music capability. Not only that, but there’s the ability to shuffle songs in the “All Access” feature and Google have made it …
Another precisely produced piece of pristine podcast pie this week, and it’s Ronnie, myself and Dan discussing the last few days of mobile news. This week… – Three Feel at Home Roaming, now expanded and really rather good. – Three launch 4G, but there’s a backlash. – EE …
Improvements to the camera bugs are the focus this time around I’m really impressed with my Nexus 5, apart from one thing, the camera, don’t get me wrong the camera can take some quality photo’s, but it takes thought due to slow or sometimes two lots of focusing. …
I’ve got a secret to confess. I don’t buy music. Sure, I listen to it, but I rarely buy it. Call me weird, but that’s me. Most of the time I listen to one internet radio station, but the app has a bit of a twist – …
Are you wanting to get a mention on Coolsmartphone? Today is definitely a good day to email us, because things are a little quiet on the news front. This new KitKat advert shows the tie-in with Android and is a sign of things to come. How weird. This …
Just a short while ago we had various handsets and roughly four thousand different types of charger. Some of you might still have an old Nokia, and you may be familiar with the, “charger hunt” as you search drawers and desks for “one of those with a small …
Three officially started to roll out 4G today to a select range of customers. They will continue to add more over time until everyone gets 4G enabled and just lives in a 4G area. One step to allow 4G access on an iPhone is a carrier update which …
Vodafone have launched the Nokia 1520 in black today, a full 3 days before Nokia’s initial statement suggested. This monstrous beast is the biggest Windows Phone ever, sporting a massive 6″ full HD display. You think the handset’s too big? You should see the price! If you want …
I like to show my family just how rich and successful I am, so just last week I was making use of a discount voucher in Pizza Hut. After gorging myself on large amounts of “endless salad” and “unlimited soft drinks” I was sadly too fat to walk …
Why haven’t Lenovo cracked the tablet market? After all, we all know that Lenovo make great laptops, so they know about portable computing. We also know that the likes of Acer and HP haven’t had much success either, so perhaps it’s not surprising. The Lenovo IdeaTab S5000 is …
You lot are great, so I’m having a good ‘ole dig around for some bargain deals at the moment. Christmas seems to be the “crazy time” where we spend huge chunks of money, so I’m on a mission to get some cheap deals. Ovivo are an MVNO using …