Samsung’s proposed “Kill Switch” killed

Theft of mobile phones is on the increase both here in the UK and across the water in the US.  Those tiny little computers that most of us carry around with us on a daily basis, mostly carrying them in our hands and unprotected are worth a fortune …

Turn your HTC One into an ultrasound scanner?

I’m just going to put this one out there, then stand back and slowly slide out of the room. The story behind this one is as follows… This HTC One has been “hacked” via a firmware tweak to “pursuade the phone to emit ultrasound pulses” from the BoomSound …

Nexus 4 OTA Update rolling out now

Motorola yesterday started rolling out the Android 4.4 Kitkat update to Verizon customers in the US. Whilst this is quite big news in terms of the speed that Motorola have actually implemented the update what is causing more of a stir, particularly amongst the more vociferous Nexus fans, …

Will the Motorola RAZR i get KitKat?

Historically Motorola have been a bit rubbish at updating their devices and since the Google buyout they’ve obviously had to play ball and actually update their devices. Their current generation Moto X & Moto G have both been confirmed to get KitKat (with the Moto X rolling out …

Official Nexus 5 bumper now on sale

Google have just updated the Play store and the different colour bumper cases are now on sale here in the UK and in other countries. At the moment the Black is still ‘coming soon’ but the Grey, Red and Yellow are all in stock and shipping within 1-2 …

Garmin Head Up Display – Accessory Review

Traditional Satellite navigation systems were once upon a time a must have for anyone that regularly undertook long journeys to far away places. With the launch of Google maps, Apple maps and the vast array of other mapping solutions available for mobile phones the demand for Sat-Navs …

Giffgaff phone store is live, come on in

They run off the O2 network and offer easy-to-understand deals like £10 for 500 minutes, unlimited texts and 1GB of data. Giffgaff have also earned a reputation for offering unlimited data for £12 and, if you’ve got an unlocked handset and don’t want to be hooked into a …

Get rugged, get a Cat case

Those of you who are lovely enough, smart enough, handsome enough and intelligent enough to read our site regularly will know about the Cat B15 smartphone. It’s a rough, tough and solid Android smartphone by the people who make those big yellow diggers. Now, if you’re not ready …

More channels added to Sky Go

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been writing several furious letters to those people at Sky TV about the lack of TV channels such as Eden, Alibi and Animal Planet on their mobile TV platform – Sky Go. The system lets you watch a range of channels …

Samsung ad ends up being a bit pants

Samsung don’t appear to share my huge dislike of that media-hungry do-anything-for-fame “artist” called Miley Cyrus. They’ve recently mentioned her in an advert for their Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch. The picture, as you can see below, shows a pair of pants and relates to Miley and her semi-clad …

Qualcomm Toq – Slip it onto your wrist on December 2nd

A device that is light, easy to carry around with you. It’ll tell you the time. It’s thin and has a touch screen that’s bright enough to use in direct sunlight. Not only that, but you can see calls, texts and emails coming in. What is it? Well, …

Problems with Samsung 4.3 updates

We are seeing reports that Samsung and networks are pulling the Android 4.3 update for the Galaxy S3 and S4, due to the update causing severe problems. The S3 seems most affected and that is the update that is has currently been pulled by Samsung, but Sky are …

Electric, water, what could go wrong?

Ahh wait, it’s not real water. However, it is real electric. Sure, you could buy any old charger, but you wouldn’t be getting one that looks like a tap now would you? This, my friends is, well… there’s no other way of saying this.. a charger that looks …

Nokia music heading cross platform [rumour]

Nokia music is a free music streaming service that allows users to either choose a pre-created playlist from a wide range of themes and musical styles. You can also create one of your own by selecting up to 3 artists and letting the app then choose similar artists …

Google Search for Windows Phone gets an update

Google made Windows Phone apps are a little rare, the one that has been around for a while is Google Search, it basically lets you search the web and do a little bit of browsing too. The latest update has basically improved the search functionality. Here is what …

Driverless cars that work with your smartphone

If you drive up the M6 between Junction 11 and 14 you’ll see how this particular stretch of motorway is being converted to a “managed” road. What this means is that cameras will be fitted along the motorway and your speed will be tightly monitored and controlled. It …

Bluetooth speakers, but with a whole lot more

Bluetooth is OK, but you might still want FM radio and that utterly rubbish “DAB” system that sometimes decides to work. Now a British-based developer has released a couple of rather beautiful radio systems. They have Bluetooth connectivity, FM radio, DAB and and dual alarm. Not only that, …

The Brick – Review

I’m old enough to come from a different world. A world before mobile phones. When they did appear, phones like this one were expensive and bulky. Children never had mobile phones. A mobile phone was used by successful professionals in the city. Bankers and traders used to lug …

AirDroid – Manage your Android from a browser

An app I use far too much is AirDroid. It basically offers a friendly and easy web interface into your Android handset. You can transfer files, send and receive texts easily, plus you can even activate and use the camera on your phone without being near it. You …

Google Play Music available for iOS

Yes you read that right! Google have FINALLY released their Google Play Music app for Apple’s iOS! For any iPhone user who doesn’t know, Google recently launched their “All Access” service which allows subscribers to stream music in a similar way to Spotify and Deezer but the free …