Since Google killed off their own RSS service third party apps and services for keeping up on your RSS feeds have been regularly cropping up. The latest being Flyne, it’s by the developer who made the hugely popular Falcon Pro Twitter app. Flyne acts as an aggregator for …
So, you don’t want to go for an ultra-cheap-bargain-basement tablet but, at the same time, you don’t want to get utterly fleeced buying a top-end tablet. What about the Google Nexus 7 we reviewed? Fancy that? How about bagging one for less than £180? How’s that sound to …
The Nexus 5 could almost be compared to the Loch Ness Monster. Several people claim to have seen it, there are pictures and video but it has never been officially confirmed that it exists. That however hasn’t stopped a Dutch site (Belsimpel) from putting it on sale for …
Phablets, or just ‘big phones’ if you prefer, aren’t normally associated with great cameras, but the flagship models from both Samsung and LG both have fairly capably 13mp shooters. Therefore, it would be fairly rude not to compare them. Some stand out specifications are as follows Note3 13mp …
I was never a stickler for official cases. I never understood why I would pay over the odds for something I could buy somewhere else that would probably be just as good and a lot cheaper. When I got the chance to try out the official S4 mini …
The Martian Watch is a very nice looking smartwatch. It’ll connect to your phone via Bluetooth and lets you send voice commands. An app on iOS or Android will let you get full control of your phone and let you configure it too. The watches are, I must …
This is a review of the ThL W8S. You can read my initial impressions post here. I purchased the phone from Pandawill, a China based exporter and it cost $295 (which converted to £185.67 on the day). It is now listed at $279 with only one battery and …
During our Ascend P2 review I wanted to show off the stabilization technology that is build into the camera. It’s a feature that may be build into your phone but I wanted to show just how much it helps to smooth your footage. So, I had a think …
LG have officially announced their latest smartphone with a rather unique design. The LG G Flex features a 6 inch curved screen from top to bottom, unlike the Galaxy Round that has a curve from side to side.. Specs include a 720p display, a 2.26ghz quad-core Snapdragon 800 …
Popular twitter account @evleaks has just posted a press photo of a white Nexus 5 with the words ‘in white 11/1’. Now, if you look at that date in UK format it’ll mean 1st November … With so many leaks of this device, we were hoping to have …
I’ve had a few ideas on how to approach this particular article but, to be honest, I’m just going to jump right in. A few nights ago I found some rather innovative USB keyboards. Here’s a shot of some of them and, if you’ve seen my articles about …
This weekend I’ve finally gotten round to finish off writing up my review of the ThL W8s, you can click here to read my initial impressions and the actual review should go live on Monday. As requested in the comments field of that post I tested the GPS …
As you know, I’m a professional and well regarded blogger / reporter. The people from The Telegraph come to me when they want advice on how to cover the news y’know. However, I do also love things that are a bit bonkers and “out there”. This then, is …
Nearly all the Angry Birds apps (apart from Angry Birds Space and Angry Birds Seasons) are now showing as free on the Windows Phone store. You can now get Angry Birds Star Wars and Angry Birds Star Wars II (although both are confusingly listed as just “Angry Birds …
Are you a student with a penchant for decent smartphones, but you can’t afford one because your loan ran out during freshers week? Well here’s some good news. OPPO Style, the European distributor of all things OPPO, has got a back to school promotion on! The deal is …
After starting in the Far East and US, European HTC One’s are now starting to get the Android 4.3 OTA update. This update includes an update to Sense, including new Blinkfeed options, the ability to disable Blinkfeed, camera and gallery updates and the ability to save articles to …
It’s called the Avoca and usually costs £99, but right now Carphone Warehouse are kicking them out for less than half price – just £49 while stocks last. Don’t get your hopes up, this isn’t exactly going to match up with an iPad, but it could be the …
So, you know how we’ve kinda reached a plateau with mobile phones? Surely you’ve heard people saying that new handsets don’t have the same “wow” factor that they once had? Well there’s something new. Something that’ll replace your flashy iPhone 5s or your Samsung Galaxy S4. You’re going …
Every year Ofcom produce an infrastructure report which details the state of our broadband and mobile infrastructure here in the UK. It’s the first time that the regulator has looked at the mobile coverage provided on UK roads. Motorways appear to have fairly decent coverage, so you can …
Do you often wonder whether you are truly happy? Well now you can get an app to help you find out….. Yes an app will help you work out if you’re happy. Unfortunately it’s an iPhone exclusive for now, so I’m going to have to wait a while …