Apple iPhone 5s – Good luck getting one today, you’ll need it

Further evidence is emerging this morning following our earlier story on the iPhone 5s stock situation. It all began when we started seeing lots of pre-order offers for the iPhone 5c but absolutely none for the iPhone 5s. Yesterday we then spotted that O2 would not have any …

Three confirm iPhone 5s Pricing

Three have finally revealed to us the pricing for the new iPhone 5s. It comes on the day that the handset goes on sale across the country. Three are the last of the networks here to announce their pricing. It’s perhaps because many are interested to see what …

Google makes Quickoffice free for all

  In a move that we predicted last week, Google have made their Quickoffice suite off apps free for all users. Apple’s decision to provide iWork for free on new iOS devices has more than like tipped Google’s hand. Quickoffice was previously free for premium Google Apps users, …

AntTek Explorer Ex for Android makes file management a pleasure

Ever since I’ve had a mobile phone I’ve always wanted to play about with the file structure, even if it’s for something as menial as deleting some music from off a SD card. File manager apps are an essential part of life, if you’re on Android especially. As …

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing now on Android

One of my little boys favourite games on the iPad, Sonic & SEGA Kart Racing, is now available on Google Play. SEGA has today launched its popular kart-racing game Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing on Android. There’s AiAi of Super Monkey Ball fame, Ulala from Space Channel 5 …

Cheap refurbished Nexus 7 tablets on

Would you like a cheap Nexus 7? No, we’re not talking about the new 2013 model. 🙂 If you want a cheap one, have some manufacturer refurbished 16GB and 32GB 1st gen Nexus 7s for £99 and £120. These are refurbished by ASUS and sold as “like …

BARGAIN ALERT: Bag a Nokia Lumia 920 for cheap as chips……

We are always on the lookout for a bargain here at Coolsmartphone and here for your delectation is an absolute steal. A Nokia Lumia 920 for only £220 with free shipping (and two quids worth of Clubcard points too) from Tesco Direct. Yes, £220.  SIM free, unlocked and …

Facebook for iOS updated following release of iOS 7

  The release of iOS 7 saw a whole new visual style for Apples devices.  This of course means that apps that previously fit in with the design styling now will need an update to fit in with the new styles. One of the first third party apps …

Kindle Fire HD – The winner is..

You know we like compeititons. We love to give stuff away to our dear readers. Just recently we ran a competition to give away a Kindle Fire HD. All we wanted to know was … If you had to watch a single movie on loop for an entire …

A new chapter – Cyanogen Incorporated

If you’ve used Android for any length of time and found the software upgrade path to be either… A) Buy a new phone or.. B) Wait for your manufacturer / network to approve and release the update … then you’ll have probably found an option C, CyanogenMod. The …

Android / iOS BBM release date set for this weekend…

Blackberry were once a major player in the smartphone world. Their devices allegedly played a major part in the orchestration of the London riots via the use of the secure Blackberry messenger platform and now users of iOS and Android can rejoice for finally BBM is coming to …

Angry Birds Star Wars II is now available

Can you bear to play Angry Birds ever again? If yes your next few days are going to be rather busy. Yesterday Rovio released the next installment in the Angry Birds saga. As per the norm with Rovio the gone all puntastic with their explanation of the game, …

Nokia Lumia 1020 – Unboxing

A nice package arrived via DHL this morning, it contained a handset I have been VERY excited about getting hands on time with away from a promotional stand or dark room. That is of course the Lumia 1020 complete with massive 41 megapixel camera! Nokia also posted it …

Old-school cases for your iPhone

If you intend buying a shiny new iPhone 5s and want it to look really old then it’s simple. Just post it to me, I’ll scratch it to flip, crack the screen, install loads of apps and send it back. The best bit? I only charge £400 for …

Rideye – A black box bike recorder

Yes, it’s time for your daily dose of Kickstarter action. This time it’s my beer fund. If you choose to invest, you’ll get no return on your money but you’ll be able to read some really long and rambling news articles. Yay. No, seriously, it’s this – the …

A dock for every device you own

Looking through the crowd funding site Kickstarter I think my prayers have been answered with the Everdock. Well-made and nice-looking, universal docks that work with a variety of devices are hard to come by. The folks at FUZ Designs are hoping to solve that problem with EverDock. The …