Chrome stored passwords vulnerability exposed

Aren’t modern browsers great? They have loads of great features, like remembering your passwords and auto-filling them in for you whenever needed. But what if those stored passwords were easily discoverable by anyone with access to your computer?  That’s the situation with Google Chrome. Going through the Settings …

Mobile Bluetooth Keyboard for Nexus 7 Review

The Nexus 7 has been somewhat of a success for Google.  It has become the fastest selling Android tablet and its successor is due to launch here in the UK imminently. In the meantime there are plenty of Nexus 7’s still in circulation and plenty of Nexus 7 …

Google Play Music All Access now available in the UK

    Kiss goodbye to your data allowance and prepare for the listenfest (is that a real word?  Bah – Who cares!) that is Google Play Music All Access. The service that launched at first in the US has made its way across the pond and now takes …

Watch the LG G2 launch, live from New York

Welcome aboard. Take your seats for the live feed. Popcorn and drinks are available from your friendly Coolsmartphone staff. The live coverage is below, but if you want more we’ve managed to grab a big truck-load of videos to show off the new LG G2, so if you …

Three confirmed to stock LG G2

Over in New York, LG have announced the brand new LG G2 (no Optimius name anymore) and Three have come out and confirmed they will be stocking this device here in the UK. And of course as always….. Brendan from Three has put together a ‘sneak peak’ video …

High prices to complain via phone?

The government is to ban the use of the 084X and 087X premium-rate numbers that businesses use for their complaints and inquiry teams. This is good news for us as consumers, especially those of us that use our mobile to call all and sundry. Explained in the draft …

Patent application shows Samsung Smartwatch possibility

The watch.  The humble timekeeper that has mostly been worn on the wrist for centuries. We have gone from the simple watch with two hands to digital watches to watches with calculators built in and now to smartwatches. It has been claimed that the smartwatch will be the …

Update: Google throwing down the gauntlet…

Regular readers will know that I have long time been a proponent of Lookout. The security suite has been providing millions of Android users with protection from malware and viruses for a number of years now and when combined with the fact you can use the app to …

HTC Unveil the Desire 500

One of the problems that HTC have suffered from in the recent past is having too many handsets to choose from and thus the consumer doesn’t know which one is best for them. Well, HTC have clearly learned from the past and decided to release only one handset …

iOS – Guided access, let nippers use your iDevice.

Do you let those little fingers maul over your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch? Let the wee ones watch a video but you need to keep restarting or un pausing it because they pressed the screen? Have no fear, there is a simple solution built into the iOS …

Is your HTC One too big to take out in public?

Many many years ago I had an HTC Advantage as my main phone, within minutes of taking it out of the box I realised it was too big to use as a phone. I had to invest in a little Bluetooth handset by LG called “style i” and …

WhatsApp adds voice messages for Windows Phone

It appears that WhatsApp have been doing a little bit of tinkering with their servers and have enabled voice messaging for Windows Phone, or the new Lumia 1020 at least. WhatsApp is a very popular cross platform instant messaging app that allows users to chat, share pictures, videos and …

Twitter for Android updated

Update your Twitter app baby. Version 4.1.4 on Android has now added two-factor authentication so your account is now a bit more secure than it was before. Other improvements include a new gallery view for photos in the search results and some bug fixes. Twitter have also added …

The upcoming LG G2 images leak out prior the big event

LG are due to unveil their latest device, the G2 is what some expect their next Nexus device to mirror quite closely. The LG G2 is going to be a high end flagship and I’m hoping it makes it to the UK, unlike last years Optimus G and …

HTC One in Blue

They are at it again…. The good folks behind the twitter account @EVleaks has posted a picture of the smash HTC One handset in a rather beautiful blue colour. Thats it.  I could put the word developing here but there really is nothing to develop.  No word on where …

OPPO N1 N-Lens 12MP camera-based phone photos leaked

The OPPO N-Lens camera was confirmed by the Chinese manufacturer late last month after weeks of rumours and speculation. What they didn’t say was that it would be integrated into a phone called the N1. Marketing literature has been leaked on the Chinese social networking Weibo. The N-Lens …

Another HTC One Max leaked image clarifies and confuses

The other day we reported on some images of the HTC One Max that had leaked, but there was doubt about the credibility of them due to a lack of a size reference. Well, the same leaker has now released a photo of it beneath a (4-inch) Motorola …