Some rather excellent SIM-only deals to save you money

Saving money. Secretly we all love to do it. Whether it’s a necessity or not, saving a few quid here means that you can have a beer there. Over on HotUKDeals they have a frequently updated thread detailing the latest SIM-only deals. The prices are already low, but …

How to downgrade from an iOS 7 beta to iOS 6

We all know that there is a new version of iOS coming out soon. Some of you have been lucky enough to be able to try it out on your current devices. The first 3 beta releases didn’t depend on your device being registered with an active Apple …

Unlocking your phone for free. Why bother?

If you’ve followed my posts recently then you may have noticed a bit of a theme developing. I’ve written about switching from a contract to a monthly rolling SIM-only plan (which could see your monthly charge go from around £40 to £12) and I’ve had a look at …

Big Things Ahead – HTChange

You may not know it, but HTC actually stands for High Tech Computer… Umm.. Corporation. However, this new video sees the company tweaking the letters to stand for something else. “Here’s To Change” states, as they confidently slap down their huge chopper. The teaser video apparently features …

The Nokia Lumia 1020 goes up for pre-order in the UK

Pre-orders are an odd phenomenon. Estimated prices, estimated delivery dates and vague details about available colours. The device in question this time round is the eagerly awaited Nokia Lumia 1020 and it’s great big 41MP camera. Expansys have opened up pre-orders at £599.99 (TBC) including delivery and VAT. …

Tech21 Impact case for the Nokia Lumia 925 – Review

Now and again in life something makes it way into my hands that just feels amazing. The last time this happened to me was the day I held the HTC One for the first time. This week it was when two phone cases found their way onto my …

Sony Xperia Tablet Z LTE getting Android 4.2.2 update now

In a highly skilled piece of coordination, Sony have released the Android 4.2.2 update for the Sony Xperia Tablet Z on the same day as we’ve given away two cases for said tablet! Owners started reporting the update rolling out earlier today, but as yet it only seems …

Samsung confirm September 4th Unpacked event

We’re all expecting this to be the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and we’ve already heard rumours that the event would be on a September 4th. Now Samsung have confirmed the event via this tweet. We’ve added the text below and I’ve put a small amount …

Acer Iconia A1-810 tablet – Initial Impressions

I do love a good hand sized tablet, which is probably why I use my Nexus 7 every single day and also why I’m probably going to get the new Nexus 7 when it appears in this country. Can an alternative manufacturers offering tempt me away from the Google …

Acer Liquid E2 – Review

Now and again a phone comes along that impresses me. It’s normally when the price, design, specifications, software and something special all combine to make something great. I’ve been using the Acer Liquid E2 for a few weeks now and am I impressed? Yes, but there are a …

Coolsmartphone Challenge – Tracking your phone

We’re going to try something this week, but we hit a problem instantly. It’s the same old problem that we continually bump into on a daily basis. Battery life. It’s just not good enough. It’s not kept up. In recent years I’ve seen really low-tech Nokia featurephones getting …

HTC One Max 5.9 inch monster seen in leaked photos

The HTC One Max has been a rumour for quite a while, but now we have some leaked photos to look at. Unsurprisingly the 5.9 inch iteration looks almost identical to the 4.7 inch One we know and love. The trouble is that we have no point of …

Sony Xperia Tablet Z case competition winners announced!

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been running a competition to win one of two Sony Xperia Tablet Z cases, just by leaving a comment on our articles! Well, all the entries have been printed out and tossed into my exceedingly camp cowboy hat, then two picked …

Get some Xtreme Xplosives in your ears, dirt cheap

Boom! Lets blow those eardrums to …err… heck! These JVC HAFX1X Xtreme Xplosives In Ear Canal Headphones (I know, catchy right?) are normally £24.99 but right now they’re down to just £7.90 via Amazon. Now yes, that Super Saver Delivery has now changed so you’ll need to spend …

Android Device Manager starting to arrive

Just the other day we told you about Android Device Manager. Now it looks to be arriving via a new version of Google Play Services. If you’ve not got that then you can download it here. This is early stuff at the minute, and it may be worth …

Android 4.3 causes big problems on some Nexus 4 phones

Android 4.3 hasn’t been the most well received update ever; some calling it pointless and others claiming no benefits whatsoever. Well, things are just getting worse as more and more users are reporting that it’s causing major problems on their Nexus 4 handsets. Over on the Google support …

Samsung Galaxy Folder snapper sneakily snapped

Clamshell phones used to be the coolest handsets on the block. That “snap” as it closes after the end of a call is still the most emotive way to hang up on someone. However, touchscreens are the the best way to interact with a phone these days. What …

Asus Fonepad now available on Three UK

Happy Saturday people. Meet the silver Asus Fonepad. It’s now available on Three for £12.53 per month for 1GB of data (and a £29.99 up-front charge on a 24 month contract) or a rolling monthly £7.50 deal which gives you the same data with a £179 up-front cost. …

Many don’t intend on upgrading to 4G

Remember how we ran a survey about 4G? Remember how you told us that extra speed really wasn’t a big deal? Well, now Ofcom have done a similar survey and they’ve reached the same conclusion. Just under a quarter have absolutely no intention of going 4G. It seems …